• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen February 2nd


Writer, Gamer, Dreamer, RV Salesman.

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Being Productive · 5:12pm May 8th, 2014

So I've had a slow morning at work (still am to be honest) and I was about to remote in to my computer at home and try and work on some editing or writing when I remembered something I've been meaning to do for a while.

"Her Sword, Shield, and Friend" is now all one chapter (which is why it's tagged). It reads better that way and was sliced too thin to begin with. Also all of my stories have been reformatted to be double spaced between paragraphs. I was reading over "Of Wubs and Words" trying to pick up the train of thought when it hit me that needed to do it.

Other than that, not much else to report honestly. ShyYoungBrony is coming back Sunday after next for another two months. That's gonna be awesome. I'm still doing the Let's Play thing, along with the weekly Minecraft rambles. The invitation to join is still open. Yeah, that's all I got.

See Ya Around,
Monky Out

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