• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


Call me Slendy, or Slendermare. I really don't care.

More Blog Posts183

  • 385 weeks
    Writers Block

    hahaha kill me

    2 comments · 443 views
  • 388 weeks
    Asks Required

    My ask fic needs asks to be updated. Well, I could make a chapter without asks but I'd appreciate asks. Note: The Apple Family will be present in this chapter.
    :ajsmug: :eeyup: :applecry:

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 388 weeks
    Returning to the Original

    I'm going back to Slendermare

    0 comments · 352 views
  • 388 weeks
    Slendermare Ask Fic

    I'm writing it because I personally enjoy writing ask fics. For this, I'll need asks. Until it's up, I'd appreciate for any asks to be put in this comment section. I'm also writing this since my Ask Crimson Fang went to hell along with my faith in humanity.

    0 comments · 363 views
  • 388 weeks
    New Stories

    I'm writing a human-turned-pony in equestria fic because I have writers block. Should I write an ask fic about slendermare? Or something else? If it's the ask fic I need asks (Obviously)

    0 comments · 360 views

A Guide to Writing Series · 4:03am May 12th, 2014

Yes, I'm totally gonna rip off this idea. Totally.
Did I just type that? Oh well. Aaaand, we are on to introduction!

Ok, so you want to write? Awesome. Don't want bad feedback? Ask me about that later, because now I'm going to start teaching about punctuation.

Yes, the greatest foe to any author on an iPad. Yet, I type this on an iPad, yet I have no issues. I mean, it's right by the M and the ?. Well, can't keep worrying. Let me know if you have any questions.
How to use them
Look at the following sentence:
Joe come here I need to tell you something really important it's important enough to be an emergency so come quick and I mean it.
It sucks balls. But, now look at it:
Joe come here, I need to tell you something really important, it's important enough to be an emergency, so come quick, and I mean it.
Yes, a bit runoff-y, but it has commas! See how important it is? Here, fix the following sentences in the comments.

1) Jill went to her friends house where she told her about her new puppy card game and dress.
2) Mikey had to come up with some cash and quickly unless he wants to spend the night in jail.
3) I shall totally obliterate my enemies because if not they have a chance of capturing me and torturing me my friends and murdering me.

Go! Do your homework! :trollestia:

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