• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


Call me Slendy, or Slendermare. I really don't care.

More Blog Posts183

  • 385 weeks
    Writers Block

    hahaha kill me

    2 comments · 442 views
  • 387 weeks
    Asks Required

    My ask fic needs asks to be updated. Well, I could make a chapter without asks but I'd appreciate asks. Note: The Apple Family will be present in this chapter.
    :ajsmug: :eeyup: :applecry:

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 388 weeks
    Returning to the Original

    I'm going back to Slendermare

    0 comments · 352 views
  • 388 weeks
    Slendermare Ask Fic

    I'm writing it because I personally enjoy writing ask fics. For this, I'll need asks. Until it's up, I'd appreciate for any asks to be put in this comment section. I'm also writing this since my Ask Crimson Fang went to hell along with my faith in humanity.

    0 comments · 362 views
  • 388 weeks
    New Stories

    I'm writing a human-turned-pony in equestria fic because I have writers block. Should I write an ask fic about slendermare? Or something else? If it's the ask fic I need asks (Obviously)

    0 comments · 360 views

That Cursed Number · 4:18pm May 17th, 2014

63 is a cursed number, or it's just a horrible virus. I RULE 63'd MY OC'S!
May Celestia help you all... And not all of them, just a few.

Name: Arsonya
Age: 14
Race: Pegasus
Gender: FeMale
Mane/Tail: Spiky, red, yellow streaks.
Coat: Light orange
Eyes: fiery orange
Accessories: none
Cutie Mark: a black book with a ghost on it.
Mini Bio: Parents died when she was younger, doesn't talk much about it, older sister brother to Crimson Maroon Fang Flame, has split personality referred to as Arrow.

Name: Crimson Fang Maroon Flame
Age: 9
Race: bat pony/Thestral
Gender: FeMale
Mane/Tail: Medium, spiky, Blood red
Coat: orange
Eyes: blood red
Accessories: green glasses
Cutie Mark: none
Mini Bio: Parents died when she was young, doesn't remember it, younger sister brother to Arsonya.

Yep, Crimson Fang and Arsonya were rule 63'd. :ajsleepy:
Oh, and for those who don't know, Maroon is like this:

I used to think it was blue... :rainbowlaugh:

Report Slendermare · 135 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

you have succumbed to the dreaded Rule 63-itis. There is no cure. There is no escape.
Soon, you will find yourself genderswapping EVERYTHING!

Celestia bless their poor souls

2119699 Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :raritydespair:
Well, it's gotta be better than ponifying your enemies and watch Pinkie turn them into cupcakes. Mentally.
You never read that last part.
2119702 Agreed.

When people piss me off just the little bit too much, I start looking around the room and mentally picturing all the different ways I could kill them with the items in that room.:eeyup:


*chanting* 63... 63...

I still have yet to rule 63 my oc. can't find a female version of the name lance

2119709 You don't wanna know how I imagine my enemies when I'm pissed. It's a bit NSFW.

you. me pm's. now:pinkiecrazy:

2120557 I'm back! And ok, although it's a bit gruesome.

I like gruesome.:moustache:

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