• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


Call me Slendy, or Slendermare. I really don't care.

More Blog Posts183

  • 385 weeks
    Writers Block

    hahaha kill me

    2 comments · 442 views
  • 387 weeks
    Asks Required

    My ask fic needs asks to be updated. Well, I could make a chapter without asks but I'd appreciate asks. Note: The Apple Family will be present in this chapter.
    :ajsmug: :eeyup: :applecry:

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 388 weeks
    Returning to the Original

    I'm going back to Slendermare

    0 comments · 352 views
  • 388 weeks
    Slendermare Ask Fic

    I'm writing it because I personally enjoy writing ask fics. For this, I'll need asks. Until it's up, I'd appreciate for any asks to be put in this comment section. I'm also writing this since my Ask Crimson Fang went to hell along with my faith in humanity.

    0 comments · 362 views
  • 388 weeks
    New Stories

    I'm writing a human-turned-pony in equestria fic because I have writers block. Should I write an ask fic about slendermare? Or something else? If it's the ask fic I need asks (Obviously)

    0 comments · 360 views

2 AM Rant · 7:19am May 19th, 2014

Well, I admit I like Branden. Umm, yay? Well, he doesn't know I like him. I will tell him on Friday, when we go to McDonalds. I'm not sure if I'm more worried about him liking me back, or if he says no. If he says no, I'll live..
Probably heartbroken, but living.
If he agrees, then we might become a couple. And if we're a couple, we might start kissing.
Also, we'd never hear the end of it, considering we make it through the summer.
Stupid girl problems. :derpytongue2: Someone shoot me before I put on a dress. :rainbowlaugh:

Report Slendermare · 197 views ·
Comments ( 36 )

If he agrees, then we might become a couple. And if we're a couple, we might start kissing.

Embrace your girly side!:trollestia:

Someone shoot me before I put on a dress. :rainbowlaugh:

put the dress on!:trollestia:

you know you wanna. Your inner chick is calling for you.:pinkiecrazy:

2124841 She died the day the day my soul vanished and what little remained of my innocence was vanquished.

Hope for the best:pinkiehappy:

2124862 It was a truly horrific incident that my inner girl had nothing to do with, it was just that weird.

I'm curious, but scared to ask. :I

2124867 Go on, ask. Ask and be most likely creeped out. :derpytongue2:

what was it that killed your inner chick?:unsuresweetie:

2124877 No, no, the inner chick was just killed out of horror of it. Well, it started in an assembly. To say the least the wresteling coach, Mr. Jorzak ripped off him clothes to reveal a wresteling uniform, and started twerking to bad pop music. *Shudders*

why didn't you join him in the twerking? ._.

2124888 I was to busy recoiling in horrorr.

so you would have joined in if you weren't recoiling in horror?:trollestia:

why not?
You should have run up and stood next to him, ripped off your uniform, and started twerking with him. Just to fuck with everyone and see how they react.

2124899 It was bad enough when the night before my mom asks me about it, and then twerks. Oh god the horror...

Trust me, he won't make you wear a dress if you don't want to.

Hey, if you do something, then you obviously want to. So why stop yourself?


2125542 Like hell he wont. :rainbowlaugh:

Indeed. :rainbowlaugh:
Don't you think it might be a bit... OVERKILL?

Wait, never mind. There's no such thing as overkill. :pinkiecrazy:

Do you want another note from my fortune cookie? OK heres the latest.... And also the one I nearly ate....
"Love is not about the pleasure you gain from that person but the sacrifice you can do for that being... If he or she can return that feeling only then when a relationship be formed...."
OK I was about to buy another but I ran out of money...he he ..
But still if you do want him you'll have to risk something and believe me fortune favors the bold if you want how I get my girlfriend feel free to ask believe me she took me in by surprise and well she was the proactive one in our relationship....

2125152 LOL!!!(dies from the funny)

2128814 I strive for that...

2129485 Doctor is best Brit. Rose is next best.

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