• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Ember Q Discordia

"What, you egg?" He stabs him.

More Blog Posts100

  • 305 weeks
    For your own sake, please don't read past this blog post.

    All you'll find back there is several years worth of cringe and some old RP scripts that I thought were funny at the time. I was gonna delete them, but....if you're dead set on looking back at a time in my life when I didn't know how to act properly....I won't stop you.

    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.

    1 comments · 220 views
  • 356 weeks

    .....I have over 10,000 unread Feed messages....and yet somehow....after all this time...Viridi Downtrotting 2 STILL hasn't been made yet.

    4 comments · 314 views
  • 445 weeks
    FaMFuKtion Update 1.2: Funless Mode

    >Removed all fun
    >Removed RP's
    >Removed Blogs
    >Removed Non-Clop Stories
    >Removed "Social-Network like" hashtags.
    >Removed hashtags
    >Removed hashtags again
    >Removed (FUCKING) Notifications
    >Added Intro Document for all members

    Read More

    3 comments · 453 views
  • 461 weeks
    Well... I found my new favorite DS game.

    The controls are simple and intuitive, the abilities and Poké-assists are fun to use and practical, the writing is great (Professor's line before you get to Fall Town is Kid Icarus: Uprising levels of 4th wall humor.), and the selection of Pokemon is great! Pick it up if you see it at gamestop!

    0 comments · 273 views
  • 471 weeks
    I searched "No Offense" and found this.

    4 comments · 358 views

Beer song. (BY YOUR FAVORITE MARTIAN) · 12:27am May 21st, 2014

I was chilling with my BUD, SAM ADAMS.
We get a call from MILLER. The man was having spasms.
And he said, "dude get dressed. There's not a chance in hell
That we could miss this keg party up in SAN MIGUEL."

"Do I have to go out, dude?"
"No but that Mexican chick CORONA'S there,
And she's been asking about you."
I hung up the phone. It's time to get dressed, I
Put on my MAGIC HAT and my shirt with the RED STRIPE.

We hit a BUSCH dodging traffic as we passed by 'em
In that KILLIAN'S RED charger with the FAT TIRE(s).
We drove around for like half the night.
Luckily the BLUE MOON provided NATURAL LIGHT.

We rolled up to the party, errybody was rockin',
Playing BECK'S old single on that iPod dock and
That's where it's at. My ears were all ringing.
The party crowd was getting loud, and everyone was all singing:

Nana bottles of beer on the wall
Nana bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got nana bottles of beer on the wall.

Now everyone was crammed in the basement, wasted
Even ASAHI, that foreign exchange kid.
He was just in KINGFISHER, wreckin' his Vette
Like "automobile, big leck!"

I poured myself a brew and drank half the glass
This ugly MOOSEHEAD chick kept grabbing my ass.
I told that ugly HARP that she could go to hella
And then I saw CORONA, and she was looking STE-STE-STELLA.

And down to have some fun, she
Was still a freshman, a YUENGLING with a tongue-ring.
The alcohol was all clouding my thinking,
So I slapped her on the HEINY can I get you a drink? And

She said, "ha! You're totally cute.
"If you fetch me a beer, I'll let you touch my boob."
Hell yeah, I went to get her a drink, then
The party started moving, and everybody started singing:

Nana bottles of beer on the wall.
Nana bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

CORONA'S ex-boyfriend started talking to me
His FOSTERS parents nicknamed him MILWAUKEE'S BEaST.
'Cause dude was big enough that he could tackle the world.
He was like "Hey Broski, you're jacking my girl.
I should bust your SKULL. You look like a queer, I'm
Gonna challenge you to a game of beer pong."

"Of COORS! Challenge accepted."
You can call me GUINNESS, 'cause I'm touting the record."
Beer pong's my game, and with my shoulder cocked
I bounced that ball in the cup like a ROLLING ROCK.

We played for a while, and I was wooing them when
I showed everyone who'd win the BLUE RIBBON... PABST
And CORONA was like, "wow!
You can totally touch my boob now."

Or maybe a king with my CORONA
In my NEW CASTLE, and everybody started singing:

99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down, you pass it around,
You got 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

Report Ember Q Discordia · 112 views ·
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