• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


Call me Slendy, or Slendermare. I really don't care.

More Blog Posts183

  • 385 weeks
    Writers Block

    hahaha kill me

    2 comments · 441 views
  • 387 weeks
    Asks Required

    My ask fic needs asks to be updated. Well, I could make a chapter without asks but I'd appreciate asks. Note: The Apple Family will be present in this chapter.
    :ajsmug: :eeyup: :applecry:

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 387 weeks
    Returning to the Original

    I'm going back to Slendermare

    0 comments · 352 views
  • 388 weeks
    Slendermare Ask Fic

    I'm writing it because I personally enjoy writing ask fics. For this, I'll need asks. Until it's up, I'd appreciate for any asks to be put in this comment section. I'm also writing this since my Ask Crimson Fang went to hell along with my faith in humanity.

    0 comments · 362 views
  • 388 weeks
    New Stories

    I'm writing a human-turned-pony in equestria fic because I have writers block. Should I write an ask fic about slendermare? Or something else? If it's the ask fic I need asks (Obviously)

    0 comments · 360 views

Chair · 3:42am May 21st, 2014

Well, my friend is spending the night tonight and tomorrow, and she gets the floor. That leaves me with the chair. Oh well, good thing I like it. :pinkiehappy: Also, I found a new Slendermare story. :rainbowlaugh:
I'm so famous. :trollestia:

Report Slendermare · 146 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

Well then, be sure to show her Do not move! :derpytongue2:

Rule 1 of spending the night.
Don't be the first one asleep.

Rule 2. If you're the last one awake, break out the permanent markers.:trollestia:

whatever you want!:pinkiecrazy:
penises and "I <3 Bieber" always go down well.:moustache:
If she's straight, it never hurts to write lesbian innuendo and implications all over her as well.:moustache:

2131099 God damnit Dementia... THROWBACK FTW.

2131103 Well, she is a whovian... :pinkiecrazy:
2131106 Wait what? :rainbowlaugh:

Do everything I said, and write "Dr Who is for pussies" somewhere on her as well.
COVER THE WHOLE BODY!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Just remember; genetalia is always good, as well as innuendo and implications towards their opposite orientation.:eeyup:

Trust me, you're talking to someone who has drawn on many an early sleeper.:trollestia:

2131118 You see, this is a bitch for me, because I'm ALWAYS, the first asleep.

if you ever stay the night with me, make sure we fall asleep at the same time.:pinkiecrazy:

2131131 you realize I never unintentionally fall asleep, right?
I CHOOSE to sleep motherbucker, and I can pull all-nighters at any time. So you, my friend should fear me.:derpytongue2::pinkiecrazy:

>Implying I can't pull an all nighter if I really need to

2131136 Never said you couldn't but I'm warning you, I do not randomly conk out.


Once I get on my xbox, I could play for 8 hours straight if I had to.:eeyup:

2131146 Only eight? HAH, I've gone a full twenty four hours on my PS3, and then another 12 on my Xbox. :moustache::moustache:

why are we arguing about this?
The fuck is wrong with us?

2131155 I feel like a twelvie now. :raritydespair:

I feel like an eighteener:raritydespair:
cause that's what I am:trollestia:

2131160 The thing is I'm 16, twelvies annoy me!

Nothing wrong with acting 12. It's not a crime to not act your age, growing up is completely optional.

wow, these comments, and you will find any age between 9 and 14 will act like that right? I have yet to meet 2 people that are fourteen that reek of sanity and act their age, I am worried for when this generation takes over

on more blog related notes you get the chair? no fair I have to sleep on my bed, praise the chair. don' forget to make them proofread your current chapter and heavily pony music on full volume ooh and if you do marker draw, remember everybody hates racially incorrect jokes (that may be a little far)

2132032 Got it. And I love this chair. :heart: :rainbowwild:
It's awesome, and my number one writing/reading/drawing spot. A bit hard to draw in it though... :rainbowlaugh:

2132601 and rhyme with proper time

Did ya show your friend Do not move? :applejackconfused::derpytongue2:

2133360 She thought it was awesome.

2133364 :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: I don't know why people like it so much but it is awesome that they do!

2133379 Well, its really good. :pinkiehappy:

2133395 Why does nopony dislike it? it's weird to me that everyone likes it. :applejackconfused:

2133408 I find it totally normal.

2133410 I'm used to people not liking my stories because I'm very creepy. :fluttercry:

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