• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


Call me Slendy, or Slendermare. I really don't care.

More Blog Posts183

  • 385 weeks
    Writers Block

    hahaha kill me

    2 comments · 441 views
  • 387 weeks
    Asks Required

    My ask fic needs asks to be updated. Well, I could make a chapter without asks but I'd appreciate asks. Note: The Apple Family will be present in this chapter.
    :ajsmug: :eeyup: :applecry:

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 387 weeks
    Returning to the Original

    I'm going back to Slendermare

    0 comments · 352 views
  • 388 weeks
    Slendermare Ask Fic

    I'm writing it because I personally enjoy writing ask fics. For this, I'll need asks. Until it's up, I'd appreciate for any asks to be put in this comment section. I'm also writing this since my Ask Crimson Fang went to hell along with my faith in humanity.

    0 comments · 362 views
  • 388 weeks
    New Stories

    I'm writing a human-turned-pony in equestria fic because I have writers block. Should I write an ask fic about slendermare? Or something else? If it's the ask fic I need asks (Obviously)

    0 comments · 360 views

Flynn the Banana Spider · 6:44pm May 22nd, 2014

This blog post has nothing to do with Banana Spiders or the name Flynn.
Today was the last day of school. Until August. Also, tomorrow I go to McDonalds with Branden, and later that day I go to the doctors office to see if I need to get my tonsils removed. I hope they let me use the I-Pad in the hospital if I need to get them out. Theres a 60% chance I will, seeing how I constantly get soar throats and Tonsillitis. Oh well, at least I'll get strawberry ice cream. :derpytongue2:
Also, my birthday is in 4 days, along with The Color Nine's. Yay! :yay:

Report Slendermare · 110 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Well your day sounds packed my school brakes up tomorrow then I wait for Two weeks till my next exam. And I hope your doctors appointment goes well friend

I have school for about two more weeks :(

2136209 We had a lot of snowdays

2136216 There good at that moment, but when the end of the year comes...

2136221 It's like... Arson. It's beautiful watching that building burn to the ground, but if you do it too, you get caught and have a whole lot of issues.

how old are you turning?:eeyup:

17? 18?

or am I completely wrong and you're much older or younger than I think?

I was close enough:moustache:

2136852 You were right you know :rainbowlaugh: It says so here.

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