• Member Since 19th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 14th, 2015

Mister Citadel

I look at MLP a bit differently than the average Brony. I don't usually read into things to come up with ships. I keep in mind that the show was made for families (well, mostly: I do write clop).

More Blog Posts15

  • 489 weeks
    Terrible Idea, abandon ship.

    Indeed it was. This account is once again dead, soz to everyone involved.

    9 comments · 931 views
  • 489 weeks

    Because of the return of the account, I am pleased to announce a Q/A today. Please, post any and all questions you have in the comments below by the end of the day, and I will attempt to answer as many as I can. Thank you, and I look forward to any and all questions.

    19 comments · 444 views
  • 489 weeks
    A statement from the actual Dolphy

    I'm Dolphy Blue Drake. There are now four members of this account, including myself. We were working on a project, but though I insisted that it be published to a different account than this one, we weren't going to get anywhere until I caved and surrendered the use of the account. I regret reopening this account, and I have a bad feeling about this, but I have little choice in the matter. I

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    5 comments · 558 views
  • 489 weeks
    A return

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce Citadel's return. New things are in store, and he does hope you enjoy them (And no, it's not Mystquestria)
    More details to follow. ~GS

    17 comments · 792 views
  • 508 weeks
    End of the line

    Well, after talking things over with my editors, I've come to realize that I've bitten off way more than I can chew with Mystquestria, not to mention the feelings I've hurt. Suffice it to say, I'm done on this account. I'm changing the login info so that Steven won't be able to use it, either. So, this is goodbye. Sorry for all the hurt I've caused. I'm returning to my original

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    51 comments · 1,493 views

Going silent for a few days · 1:32am May 23rd, 2014

I'm pulling away from FIMFiction until either late Sunday or Monday morning with the exception of PMs. I'm staying away from comments until that time. I have to get my Chapter repaired, and no matter what you say, I'm not giving up. I might put the fic on indefinite hiatus and step away from this account for a few months if the new chapter bombs, but even in that event, I'll return when I'm ready. This account will never be closed, and the fic will never be cancelled. I have big plans, and I plan to make them happen.

Now, if you have to blame anyone, remember what I'm about to tel you: I was pressured into posting the fic in the first place. I had originally planned to write it on my computer for myself and never post it. But I brought it up in a Skype call with a friend, and they wouldn't stop telling me to post it for three days straight. I had my doubts, but I didn't resist, because they told me everything would be fine. And now everything isn't fine, but I don't want it to fail. I've invested too much time in Mystquestria to just back out now. I've toiled away for a month and a half almost every waking moment on that fic. I don't want all of that time to have been for nothing, so quitting is not an option. I'm sorry, but it isn't.

However, Dolphy and I had started a collab with virtually no controversy. Sadly, we hit a brick wall in our seventh chapter, and we never posted it. Still, I might just switch to that fic instead and let Mystquestira sit on the shelf for a few months. But that decision hasn't been made yet.

Now, until Sunday evening or Monday morning, I'm going silent except for PMs, and even then, I'll only respond to PMs offering help or from a few certain people I'm already corresponding with.

Until then, thank you.

Mister Citadel

Report Mister Citadel · 905 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

Dolph guy:

but there's one thing to remember about our family: we're stubborn.

Mister C:

I was pressured into posting the fic


I believe I speak for most of us when I say...
I respect and support your decision, even if I don't like it.

You could still write the rest of your story for yourself. Your efforts won't be in vain if you finish the story for your eyes only, AND you won't get bombarded with the words and criticisms of sensible human beings.

Now, if you have to blame anyone, remember what I'm about to tel you: I was pressured into posting the fic in the first place. I had originally planned to write it on my computer for myself and never post it. But I brought it up in a Skype call with a friend, and they wouldn't stop telling me to post it for three days straight. I had my doubts, but I didn't resist, because they told me everything would be fine. And now everything isn't fine, but I don't want it to fail.

I'm pretty sure it was you who typed each stupid fucking bigoted word that oozed out of your thick goddamned skull, I'm pretty sure it was you who had the power to decide whether the fic was ready for submission or not, I'm pretty sure it was you who thought everything was fine when you were getting a mostly positive reception on your story, and I'm damned sure it was you that said that everything was fine when the rest of us told you it was far fucking from it.

If all you got out of this ordeal is that this isn't all your fault, you're an even more delusional fucking dipshit than I could have imagined.

2137121 One thing only. After this, I'm really gone.

I have been friends with this person on skype for a while. I'm less stubborn when I trust someone. What Cousin Dolphy likely meant to say is that it takes a lot of trust to get past our stubbornness. For example: I trust my oldest brother with my life. If he told me I was doing something stupid, I'd listen to him because I'd trust him with my life. My trust isn't easy to earn. Trust is the key to getting through to me. But I don't trust this skype friend as much as I did then, since things didn't turn out the way they said things would. It was my trust that they took advantage of, and that's why I'm leery of most people right now.

So, if you want to convince me of something, you need to gain my trust most of the time. And it's much easier to do that if you talk to me one-on-one, which is why I'm sticking to PMs until the time I stated in the blog post.

Don't bother replying to this comment, since I won't acknowledge any comments anywhere until the time I come back.

Eagle #6 · May 23rd, 2014 · · 1 ·

You know what? This is probably the most sensible thing you've done so far, and it's still not enough. This story is entirely your fault, and no one else's. Weather or not you were pressured you still wrote it. And you'll never admit you screwed up honestly, so there's no point in continuing it as you're too stubborn to get better. Getting a new account is probably the best thing you could do, but even then you'd probably ruin it with stubbornness and bigotry too. I'm tired of this, I'm just outright sick of it now.

Get out of here, man; before any more harm comes to your rep.

Just admit you fucked up and acted like a total baby already. Seriously, you're "forced" to do nothing, there mere fact you say that is just more proof you can't take responsibility for your actions.

My largely unedited thoughts.

What has been made here?

Not novels, or glorious epics, or critically acclaimed best sellers, or graded assignments whose approval ultimately decides whether or not the author will succeed in life: Fanfiction.

Don't get me wrong; I would love to see that level of quality. But that's just the thing: I don't expect literary gold. I expect the worst and I become overjoyed when the author proves me wrong. I expect a story that entertains me to the point I can forgive its faults, the sins of the writer, and enjoy them for what they are.

If the writer can improve and shows a willingness to do so, I offer advice as to how they may do so. When they feel like giving up because they think too little of their work I try my best to make them see how wrong they are.

What I don't do is belittle an author without just cause. I don't insult him to the point where he becomes convinced that there is no hope for him and his vision. That goes beyond criticism. That goes beyond the censor. It's something that disgusts me to no end.

So I say, burn out instead of fading away. Struggle to your last breath to show every single person who's looked down on you and and your work just how wrong they were. Prove just how wrong those assholes who tried to brainwash you into thinking that you and the things you've made are trash just how wrong they are.

Writers: Man the fuck up and see your vision through to the end. Always seek to improve yourself and use criticism to guide you on that path, but never compromise just because the jeering masses outweigh the adoring fans.

Critics: Grow the fuck up. This is fanfiction people, live with it. Your views and opinions must have weight behind them. Murderers have weight behind what they do because the death of others eases the greater burden of society: less people, more to go around. When you have reached a point where you and your opinions contribute less to society than the whims of a deranged madman then you know you are truly useless.

Christ Alive, I am a corny bastard.

2137768 So, in other words, I'll do more good in the world by murdering Mister Citadel than just criticizing his work, thus, and I quote in your own words, "easing the greater burden of society."

brb, taking a trip to White Pages.

Still waiting on another apology post. I'll bring the popcorn. :moustache:


Don't forget the butter! For what's the point of eating popcorn without butter.

2138365 I'm saying that negative actions with no benefit whatsoever are useless and that they disgust me with their uselessness.

I view life as extremely precious, so by that token I view murder as a terrible thing that I would prefer to never see happen, but I must begrudgingly face reality and admit that there is a benefit to it: The resources that person would have taken up had they continued to live now become available to others. It becomes even more of a positive if the victim had contributed little to society and would have have continued that trend had they continued to live.
That is the reality of the world we live in. No good, no evil; just nature running its course and the postive and negative aspects of said reality, which are themselves inherently based on perspective and are thus subjective and largely irrelevant.

Belittling someone instead of encouraging them to improve when they have shown a desire to do so is an action fundamentally similar to the concept of aborting a child that is a result of rape: Something that has great potential is lost simply on the grounds that it was not wanted in its infancy, resulting in a terrible loss that cannot be undone.

The positives of that action do not outweigh the negatives because the positives that could have resulted from that something developing to maturity may have outweighed the negatives of it continuing to exist: The child that was aborted may have lived to develop the technology that would ensure the happiness of the entire human race, but was unable to do so due to the whims of another.

That is what I see here: People ultimately contributing less to society than a murderer due to their own selfish whims.

If I am to be ostracized in any way, shape or form for stating my perspective on reality then so be it, because in the end that is simply disgusting people doing digusting things because of their disgusting whims and ultimately making the world a more disgusting place to live in, and I take heart in knowing with all certainty that I have tried to be better than them.


tl;dr "stop disagreeing with me guys!!!"

2138660 But you failed, because you're a fucktarded dipshit defending an even bigger fucktarded dipshit.

So many children, so many headaches.

2138893 Because claiming that non-sugar-coated criticism is worse than taking another person's life is clearly something a functioning adult would say.

Don't breed, you fucking retarded, whipped bitch.

2138630 I do not endorse murder; the same way I don't endorse burglary, rape, or any form of unjust persecution. It bothers me when a wrong can be protected or justified in the name of free speech, free will, or some kind of divine right.

It's sickening to think that the same laws and beliefs that protect my rights can be abused by others to justify their own hateful whims, especially so when they serve no greater purpose.

Death is part of the natural equilibrium, and murder is but a perverse extension of that.

To steal is to ensure your own well being, be it for survival or for comfort. There is only so much to go around, so it is only natural that some would seek to take from others what they cannot acquire themselves.

We are all driven by instinct on some level, and chief among those instincts is the drive to survive; to breed. Rape is breeding taken to a perverse and desperate level, but it stems from the same primal urges we all share.

The Nazis persecuted others unjustly and deemed those they saw as unfit deserving only of slavery and death and in turn they were persecuted in the name of what was right and what was wrong. Persecution, in any form, serves no purpose but to breed conflict, so I view it even lower regard than any other sin because it can lead to so much suffering and has done so since before recorded history.

I see it all too often, and I see it here as well, and it sickens me to no end.

2138906 It's good to know that when you have the moral high ground the ones who are against you just because they think it's fun to argue make themselves look like fools.

2138995 You compared criticism to murder and said murder was better.

You have no moral ground of any kind.

The only fool here is you, you psychopathic shithead.

2139000 Yes, I said murder was better and I said persecution, even through criticism, is worse, because that is the plain truth. Persecution leads to conflict, to murder, to slavery, to rape, to theft, and any other conceivable sin. This is something that has been accepted for so long it is almost accepted.

The root of evil is far worse than any of its branches.

2139000 regrettably i have to agree here but the last line is uncalled for...

however i do see the point 2138978 is trying to make but you are going about explaining it entirely wrong and i think you should rethink what you said and maybe edit your comments to sound better :/ i hope my comment helps resolve this


Yes, I said murder was better and I said persecution, even through criticism, is worse, because that is the plain truth.

The only plain truth is that you're a complete motherfucking psychopath, therefore you are insane, therefore you are 100% wrong.

2139025 I am glad to see some reason here.

My persecution is directed towards those who are here to hate and won't even give the guy a chance to better himself and his work.

"You're bad! What you write is terrible! We don't want you here! Get out!"

That mentality disgusts me.

Opinion is all well and good, but there are lines one should be expected not to cross in the name of common decency, and people play Hopscotch over that line and use freedom of speech as an excuse to shut out those who try to chastise them.

If you murder someone nearly everyone would consider it to be wrong, but if you say something for no other reason than to mentally harm another person it's alright because of freedom of speech?

No. That is called bullying. It's wrong, in some places it is flat-out against the law, and I. Don't. Like. It.

I may disagree with you on some points, but you have stayed within the boundaries of what I view to be acceptable behavior and so I bear you no grudge and I applaud you for being so civil where others make themselves out to be brats who have nothing better to do with their lives to pick on others. I daresay you may be more in the right than I am because I've let myself get worked up and let my emotions get in the way, but I stand by the notion that my intentions, if not my words, are more justified than those that my anger and preaching is directed towards, and those individuals are present here and have been since the very first incarnation of "The Mare Who Wants a Human Child".

2139035 Articulating my thoughts has never been my strong suit and I thank you attempting to understand my intent where some only wish to rouse my anger.
If my meaning cannot be understood then let me be dismissed as a madman. If my meaning can be understood then it is enough to know I'm getting my point across to the people that really matter.

2139042 Even the rantings of a madman can hold great wisdom, but those who are too ignorant to understand just hear gibberish.


Even the rantings of a madman can hold great wisdom,

But yours doesn't, because you're an antisocial, psychopathic fuckwit who thinks murder is better than criticism.

It is enough to know I'm getting my point across to the people that really matter.

Namely, the people that are somehow more batshit insane than you are.

Hey, you know what you'd call the ponies if they were gay?
You'd call them faggots!

Now let's sing about Jesus and how queers are rapists!

2139222 Alright, I concede. I'm going to play my last card before I walk away from this post and let your reaction do the talking for me. Pay a visit to this user's blog. Whatever thoughts you bring back here are yours to keep. I won't interfere any more.

I was pressured into posting the fic in the first place.

Right, I can imagine someone putting a gun to your head and order you to start typing until your fingers fall off. :ajbemused:

Nobody is forcing you to write anything. You don't need to write anything if you don't want to. The only one who's forcing you to do anything is yourself.

I don't want all of that time to have been for nothing, so quitting is not an option. I'm sorry, but it isn't.


As far as mistakes are concerned, the only real ones are you adding your religious beliefs by stating that homosexuality is an evil thing that needs to be purged and your political beliefs, second amendment mostly, by stating civilians can acquire military grade hardware directly from the military and that its okay to use said hardware in a crowded area.


It's important to remember to keep your religious and political beliefs out of your stories unless politics or religion is the key plot point behind it. In the case of Mystquestria, they aren't, so leave them out.

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