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I write in the name of the Emperor.

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  • 251 weeks
    One final thump

    Hey guys, once again I owe you all a huge apology for my lack of updates to my current story. A lot has happened these past years it's been neglected and I genuinely feel bad for letting things get this bad. I still love MLP: FiM as a show, and I still very much love writing stories based around that show, but unfortunately my negligence and the passing of some unfortunate events have seen my

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  • 348 weeks

    What's up guys, again, so sorry for my lengthy absence. I would normally blame my chronic laziness, but this time it's actually due to an important job position taking up almost all my time. I've been rattling around with story ideas and character development in my free time and have gotten to a place I'm pretty happy with and plan on re-reigniting Faith and Fire as soon as possible. Thank you

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    Still alive!

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    Spartans of Equestria

    This is a promotional blog entry trying to catch the interest of any soon-to-be Halo 5 players that may be reading. There is now a Halo 5 company with a heavy MLP theme and is currently recruiting, feel free to enlist if you wish and I'm sure your application will be at least considered. See you in the field, Spartans!

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    Story rearrangement and new addition.

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Faith and Fire: Concerning Mortals - Weapon reference · 4:50pm Jun 8th, 2014

Find below a full, detailed list of the weapons to be found in the Faith and fire series, but most specifically Concerning mortals. Infantry, vehicle and starship lists will come soon. Enjoy!

The armoury

Weapons of Mankind

Bolt weapons

Bolt weapons are, and always shall be the backbone of human ranged weaponry. Although initially dismissed as ‘primitive’ or ‘clumsy’ by many other space faring races, the range of projectile arms held by space marines have impressed and outright shocked all who have questioned their effectiveness in battle. Most alien races, especially those who have attained space travel, rely heavily on energy based weapons; favouring their near limitless ammo supplies and the lack of need to develop solid slugs and shells. However what bolt weapons lack in bottomless supplies of shots, they make up for in utterly devastating firepower. From the humble bolt pistol, to the harrowing Vulcan mega-bolter, all such weapons deliver a one-shot-one-kill round at a wide variety of firing rates.

Each ballistic slug fired by a bolt weapon (known as ‘bolts’) is in a sense a miniature rocket. Fed into the weapon using a classical magazine system, each round is sheathed within a decorated shell that holds enough explosives to propel it at supersonic speed down the weapons barrel, however since each round is such a large calibre (.75-1.00) such speed in insufficient for piercing enemy armour. Once clear of the barrel, the bolts ignition triggers are activated as it enters the weapons muzzle, igniting three tiny, angled rocket tubes that propels the round at frightening speed. The rocket ensures the bolt continues spinning for increased accuracy and armour penetration. Once the bolt has hit its target, anything but the thickest infantry armour can hope to halt the round on its deadly journey; the adamantium tip breaks through armour and allows the bolt to speed into the target. As the round hits, a tiny electronic pulse is shot into the target, and once it has bounced back off the targets edge and hit’s the bolt, ignites a small fuse. The larger the target, the less energy is received and therefore the longer the fuse burns for. Once the fuse is spent the primary charge ignites and detonates with a sharp and brutal force. Such a blast is easily enough to turn any common mortal to a pile of broken bones and shattered organs.

All of this takes place in but a tiny fraction of a second, utterly unnoticeable to the eye of any material creature. The simple result is as soon as an enemy is struck by a bolt weapon the swiftly burst into a shower of guts and gore, ensuring its death and heavily demoralizing its comrades.

Bolt Pistol - The most common sidearm used by space marines and the sisters of the ecclesiarchy. This weapons small size (small to a space marine that is) means it is ideal for wielding alongside a close combat weapon. This quality has also proven popular amongst vehicle crews are thankful for the security the weapon provides. Reliable and able to use the same ammunition as its larger brother, the bolter, this weapon is widely respected and has saved millions of lives. Its obvious drawbacks are its small ammunition count and lack of range.

UTF comment: ‘The speed and fluidity that Astarte units can use this weapon with is quite frightening. Multiple reports from the frontline indicate Astartes instinctively drawing upon their sidearms to dispose of nearby enemy units when reloading.’

Boltgun - Also known as the ‘bolter’, this automatic cable carbine is the most common imperial firearm and is the widely feared for its devastating capabilities. Boltguns have a surprising rate of fire, easily emptying a 30 round clip in just under 5 seconds. This means that this weapon is utterly unusable by all but mankinds’ warriors as the recoil from firing even a burst of rounds would shatter the arms of any mortal. Boltguns come in a variety of patterns, yet all share the similar inner workings and deliver the same performance. Newer patterns of bolter incorporate a small collection of useful gadgets such as target painters, neural links, gyro-stabilisers and even folding stocks, but all are built with a palm reader and ammo counter as standard. Initially unreliable and difficult to maintain, decades of tiresome research has helped the bolter evolve into a firearm that can be thrown, struck, run over, buried and submerged with little to no complications in its function. This weapon is also famous for its ability to fire a wide variety of ammunition types, from incendiary rounds to bolts that deliver a potent venom into its target.

UTF comment: ‘Studies indicate Astartes hold a sentimental bond with their wargear that rivals the bonding intensities commonly seen in civil unions. Curious to think how organic creatures can so easily bear warfare and bloodshed as part of their lives with such content.’

Heavy bolter - Deployed as a heavy suppression weapon the heavy bolter can reduce a platoon of enemy troops to a swamp of mashed innards in a few seconds. The heavy bolters firing mechanism doesn’t rely on a hammer pin like its smaller brothers, but instead uses an electric pulse to ignite the shells that are fed into its firing chamber. This allows the heavy bolters 1.00 calibre rounds to be fired at a near impossible rate, rivalling that of most pulse weapons used by other races.

UTF comment: ‘A rocket-launcher-machinegun? That’s unfair. A gatling rocket-launcher-machinegun? That’s unbelievable. It wasn’t even funny seeing those nazi fucks die like that. Not one bit.’

Storm bolter - Essentially two Boltguns welded together, the storm bolter doubles the amount of firepower a Boltgun provides. Firing so that the bolts rate of fire is doubled, this portable variant sacrifices overall accuracy for withering damage output. Such a weapon is common used against swarms of infantry.

‘Those mecha-freaks sure have a funny way of solving tactical issues. “Our guns aren’t killing enough shit? Weld two guns side-by-side!”. How did we ever think it was a good idea fighting these guys?’

Twin linked bolter - In many ways this weapon is a storm bolter, the only difference being the manner in which the rounds are fired. Instead of firing at a heightened rate of fire, this weapon fires bolts in perfect synchronicity. This means that tougher, larger enemies can be felled were a standard bolter would take to long or not deliver enough bolts against to slow them down. Therefore the twin linked bolter bears greatly improved stopping power, but does not hold the infantry crippling capabilities of its twin.

UTF comment: ‘After the Equestria Conflicts a few of the higher-ups in the military started wondering if they should take another shot at retaking the planet of Epona. The feds quickly reminded them they’d be fighting an enemy that found new ways to glue guns together for a way to kill time.’

Combi-bolter - This incredibly rare and difficult to replicate firearm is a basic Boltgun that bears another firearm as a linked attachment (flamer, plasma gun, meltagun). Due to the size of the attached weapon, early models were only able to fire the attachment once before having to reload. Weapon development has improved such a shortcoming greatly, allowing the secondary weapon to be fired several times before being spent of ammunition. However such a development has left the weapon in short supply, and is gifted only to space marines with centuries of battle honours.

UTF comment: ‘Me? I have an underslung grenade launcher, take two or three terrorists out at a time, pretty handing in a cinch. The Marines? They have underslung tank-melters…boy do I hope to never fucking see them ever again.’

Plasma weapons

The use of plasma weapons is an immensely popular trend that has swept through the galaxy, races large and small, advanced and even primitive finding ways to use the hotter-than-fire energy as ammunition for their weapons. However no other weapon quite matches the results the imperial plasma gun delivers. This weapon has undergone many changes through its existence in imperial armouries, starting off as a gun that held more risk to the user than to those it was aimed at. Such a quality has been dulled drastically, advanced cooling coils and heat vents ensure that excess plasma heat is disposed off as safely as possible. Prior to such an event, however, the range of plasma based weapons deliver terrifying results unto those they are used against. White hot bolts of superheated gas strike with enough force to turn even mechanised battle suits to gutted, smouldering husks. Each weapon also bears the ability to charge shots, firing larger shots that are essentially miniature, and highly unstable suns. Each of these charged shots explodes in a spectacular fashion, turning troops to dust and crippling enemy vehicles with ease.

Plasma pistol - This sidearm is widely used by sergeants and veteran space marines. Although it is less common than the bolt pistol, its improved firepower easily makes up for its lack in numbers. Portable and reliable like its less powerful counterpart, this pistol is used with caution along with all other plasma weapons due to its tendency to overheat and burp superheated gas from its cooling vents.

UTF comment: ‘Three Tanks and another three Jeeps. All lost to one gleaming gold asshole with a glowing pistol.’

Plasma gun - Identical in function to its pistol variant, this rifle is blessed with a far greater range and more powerful charged shot. Such a weapon is even rarer than the pistol, being employed as a special weapon used against heavily armoured infantry or support units.

UTF comment: ‘Although initial battlefield analysis revealed the Imperial Type-3 energy weapon was a potentially harmful and inefficient tool to be used, further studies swiftly revealed it to be a more than necessary risk when considering the damage such a weapon can inflict upon Federation and Terrorist units. Vast numbers of reports have come back exposing the Type-3 for the terrifying weapon it is.’

Twin linked plasma gun - Two plasma guns forged side by side to double stopping power. The weapons coil systems is triple layered and bears thick insulation fibres to ensure premature overheat is not an issue.

UTF comment: ‘Earth Front made a push for a tiny Imperial outpost on the moon of Galthin VII not two months ago. Little did they know the moon was a sacred spiritual training area for the Sin Breakers Space Marine chapters 1st company. The ten Terminator marines within spent no longer than a day ridding the moon of the 2,000 invaders. The favoured weapon of the company was the Type-12 energy delivery gun.’
Plasma cannon - The plasma cannon uses plasma at its fullest potential, firing volleys of devastating, explosive plasma shots at superb range. Deployed in much the same way other heavy weapons, this deadly portable cannon is used to defend key strategic points and destroy the most valuable troop assets an enemy force throws at imperial forces.

UTF comment: ‘The ‘Collider’ was a custom tank stolen from the Federation over fifty years ago. The PRM use it as a mobile command post for their primary raid division, and it truly has proven itself to be a formidable war engine to Federation forces. My platoon was ordered with the destruction of the tank when it was sighted in a raid on an automated farming world of little defensive capability. The thing had easily four times the firepower of a regular tanks design and had enough armour and shielding to take a damn air strike. However when we tracked the tank down to the orbital distribution tower, and subsequently got ourselves pinned down by it, we received help unlooked for in the form of a giant fireball the size of a man hurtling through the air above us that turned the Collider into a pile of white-hot goop.’

Melta weapons

Melta weaponry has been the envy of many alien races for centuries, its workings a mystery to all. The ironic fact is that Melta weapons are very easy to forge and replicate, its several STCs held by all current forge worlds in full stock. Melta weapons are purely anti-armour firearms, and work in two common ways. The early patterns use a chemical mixture that is fired from the barrel much like a concentrated flame thrower. This beam of beyond superheated molten liquid can cut through vehicle armour like it is little more than soggy paper, turning troops to vapour even if it’s a near miss. The second, more modern variant works with an energy battery that is conducted in a way to blast hyper-agitated microwaves at a target, creating a heat that is utterly immeasurable. Either method reaches the same result, the utter destruction or at least the disabling enemy vehicles of great size.

Inferno pistol - The pistol variant of Melta based weapons range, this firearm is similar in design to other sidearms’ used by mankind. Although its effective range is under 15 metres, its effects against armoured units is no less devastating compared that that of larger Melta weapons.

UTF comment: ‘Looks like a hairdryer, works like a hairdryer. Only it’ll dry the moisture right out of every cell of your body.”

Meltagun - A short ranged support weapon, the meltagun is practically worshipped for its ability to bring low even the largest of enemy war machines. As with other Melta weapons what this gun excels at in power, it falls short in range.
UTF comment: ‘Mega corp goons love to hide inside big, expensive armoured transport so they can deliver their troops directly into a battlefield. Conflicts against Astartes has quickly deterred this habit. It seemed the PMCs got tired of being roasted alive inside their own tanks.’

Multi-melta - The heavy variant of the Meltagun, this supercharged weapon is designed to double the effective range of its shots, granting the wielder the ability to deal with dangerous enemy units at a much greater, and safer range.

UTF comment: ‘Where did that come from?! What do you mean the tracking systems are dry?! Troops, bail out before-‘

Flame weapons

Most alien races have deemed the use of flamethrowers and other flame based weapons as barbaric and utterly cruel to use. Such ‘moral’ concerns barely touch a humans mind, especially the forces of the Adepta Sororitas who greatly favour the usage of heat based weapons. The range of flamer weapons is much a practical way of dealing with massed infantry as it is a symbol of how little imperial forces think of their opponents. Believing such weapons will wash away the sins and filth of those they oppose, a flame weapon can usually be found in the hands of the most fanatic of space marines and battle sisters. Using a fluid that can achieve a burning reaction much like that of prosperous, flame weapons can strip away flesh in a heartbeat, and due to its gel-like qualities, sticks to the target much like napalm. This is, of course, extremely painful for whoever it is used against, at least for the few seconds before the fire eats through their muscles and incinerates their internal organs. This means that after the vicious fires have finally burnt out little is left but a mountain of blackened bones buried amongst the ashes of those they once belonged to.

Hand flamer - A portal flame based pistol, this weapon works as a handy anti-infantry sidearm. Many space marines and battle sisters, however, have commented on how short lived its fuel canisters can be.

UTF comment: ‘Type 2 chemical projectors are few and far between, but extremely effective at clearing trenches

Flamer - This short ranged weapon works in the same way it has done for millennia. Washing enemy units in a tidal wave of angry flames, the flamer is the most feared hand weapon in the imperial arsenal.
UTF comment: ‘There was a reason flamethrowers stopped being used back in the 21st century. Apparently that reason wasn’t good enough for the Imperium.’

Heavy flamer - Rarely seen in devastator units, this weapon can be considered a vehicle mounted gun. However both weapon patterns are identical in functionality and results, throwing highly concentrated bursts of liquid fire over infantry units and bringing even armoured units down with the ferocity of its flames.

UTF comment: ‘Troop recruitment sharply dropped after footage of Federation soldiers being peeled apart by promethium fire leaked onto the web. The leak was suspected to be of PRM origin.’

Las weapons

Laser based weaponry has been tried and tested for centuries. Dozens of alien races make good use of such technology, some even using it in their standard issue firearms. Yet such weaponry holds mediocre results at best, performing no better than ancient projectile weaponry. This has resulted in hundreds of failed attempts at creating a truly effective pistol or rifle that uses laser technology.

Lascannon - The only successful laser weapon to make its way into the imperial armoury is the dreaded Lascannon. Delivering a high powered laser shot down a concentrated light beam, the effects of such a weapon very impressive. Using such extreme energy consumption means that even a devastator with a fully charged ammo pack will have only 10 shots before having to be reloaded. Shots delivered by Lascannons pierce even the thickest armour with frightening ease at incredible range, and tank crews across the galaxy have learnt to keep an ever vigilant, yet pointless eye out for an Astarte wielding a Lascannon.

UTF comment: ‘The inside of the Jeep went bright white and left me blind for a minute and a half. After I stumbled out the vehicle I turned to see a hole the size of a basketball punched clean through both the passenger and driver side windows, and between them the driver and officers’ heads had been vaporized. I turned again to see our escort tank in flames.’

Volkite weapons

Newly introduced to space marine forces by the genius that is the Adeptus Mechanicus, volkite weaponry is the latest in human weapons engineering and advancement. Rarest weapons in all the Imperium, Volkite firearms have been said to take a while before their STCs' are put into circulation and every chapter is able to bear them as special weapons. These advanced weapons incorporating light based technology, agitating light particles until they gain solidity and can be used as energy bolts. When put against a foe, Volkite weapons pepper the target with their impressive rate of fire, burning plasma-like shots into the target, but the weapons brilliance lies in what comes next. The bolts light energy have a particularly devastating effect against organic matter, the light particles exploding out into the body of any creature hit by its rounds. Once the energy is set loose inside a target the particles criss-cross through the targets cells, essentially ’undoing’ the enemy it has hit. To the eye of a mortal the target seems to be infected by a wave of brilliant, brightly coloured light that leaves behind a fine dust as it dematerialises the target. Considering its respectable ammunition count and deadly effect, those chapters that have been granted such weapons hold them with great pride.

Volkite serpenta - The pistol variant of Volkite weapons, the serpenta is held by only a few lucky individuals. Its range is typical of a pistol, but its ability to vaporize organic tissue means it will soon be a greatly favoured sidearm amongst captains and chapter masters.

UTF comment: ‘Type 8 HL carbine – Only two eye witness accounts of such a weapon exist. Both witnesses have had their memories wiped.’

Volkite charger - The charger is the carbine variant of the Volkite weapons range. Although short ranged, its rate of fire and spectacular results mean it has become favoured amongst those partaking in close quarters fire fights.

UTF comment: ‘Hardlight can’t do shit against kinetic barriers, but is pure murder against organic tissue.’

Volkite caliver - More of a long range rifle than heavy cannon, the caliver is used as a long range suppression rifle, forcing even the bravest into hiding in fear of being deflagrated. The rate of fire is also enhanced to ensure nothing living is left standing before this support weapon.

UTF comment: ‘We were going to take the Earth Front camp two miles from here, private. Now we get to go home. Why? Because the Astartes got to them first, and I don’t fancy taking a look to see what they did to them.’

Volkite culverin - The heavy cannon of its breed of weapon, the culverin is used to vaporise the largest creatures. Creatures the size of tanks find themselves being turned to ash at the hands of this weapons withering rate of fire, as well as entire battalions running for solid cover after seeing their friend shrivel into piles of dust.

UTF comment: ‘Those that poke fun at how ‘primitive’ Imperial tech is obviously haven’t seen such tech in live combat before.’

Other projectile weapons

Shotgun - Used for as long as imperial records can tell the shotgun is ancient is design and function, yet is one of the most reliable firearm ever made. Manually loaded via a pump located underneath the barrel, there is little to no chance of the shotgun becoming jammed or broken. Each shell loaded can fire a small collection of ammunition types, some fire a shower of metal pellets that are preferably used against un-armoured infantry, others fire a large solid slug that can leave even the largest foes fallen in a puddle in their own gore and others fire a burst of incendiary liquid and shards of crystalline shrapnel. Either way, the shotgun is solely used by space marine scouts when deployed in close quarters city fights of dense jungle.

UTF comment: ‘Hey, did you hear that? Yuri, was that you? Yuri, where are you?! Yuri! YURI!!!’

Sniper rifle - Boasting impressive range and brilliant accuracy the sniper rifle is used by scouts who are tasked with covering their brothers from afar or eliminating opposing heavy infantry and leader units. Firing a toxic, crystal shards at near mach 10 speeds and boasting a telescopic scope this long ranged rifle is the bane of commanders brave enough to venture beyond the confines of a bunker or command vehicle.

UTF comment: ‘Took the sergeant a full two minutes to check on why the transport had stopped. Two whole minutes that driver had sat dead in his seat with a smoking hole in his head.’

Grenade launcher - An incredibly rare weapon due to its impracticality in space marine hands, the grenade launcher has a few uses amongst the ranks of space marines. Lobbing explosive shells at moderate range the weapon is useful in breaking enemy formations and forcing a squad into cover. However its ammo count and inaccuracy makes it the least preferred firearm in the armoury.

UTF comment: ‘Similar build to our own launchers, only real difference being ours aren’t gold plated with skulls and wings on them.’

Missile launcher - The big brother of the grenade launcher and vastly preferred over its smaller counterpart the missile launcher guarantees a devastator or tactical marine is never ill prepared to face any enemy. Firing either infantry crippling fragmentation shells that send white hot shrapnel busting amongst the ranks of terrified soldiers, or armour piercing krak missiles feared by tank crews on many worlds. Such a capability ensures that anti-infantry and anti-armour roles can be covered by just one battle brother.

UTF comment: ‘Has a much heavier payload than our own rocket launchers, not to mention each pattern of missile is much more adept at its designated purpose.’

Autocannon - This heavy weapon fires round similar to those used by battle tanks. But where vehicles would use a single shot, or at best a semi-automatic firing mode, the imperial autocannon fires its heavy calibre shells at an impressive rate of fire. Barking loud as it pummels its target with fully automatic fire, the autocannon has become the bane of light vehicles as well as infantry of all kinds. A devastator squad armed with such weapons is a living nightmare for any general looking to break through a frontline, finding themselves bombarded with panicked radio transmissions as his forces are brutally torn apart by a shower of vehicle gutting rounds.

UTF comment: ‘Just one of those guns tore through half the Mega Corp strike force sent to take out our entire base. I heard the other four were too busy held up evacuating civilians from the nearby auto-farms. Waste of military resources if you ask me.’

Assault cannon - Using the age-old gatling barrel design, this automatic, high-calibre machinegun can deliver one of the fastest rates of fire known in the galaxy. Against infantry it can be used to full potential, mowing down units into a rent and broken mass.

UTF comment: ‘6000 RPM isn’t fair. 6000 .60 calibre RPM is time to go home. So we went home.’

Close combat weapons

Space marines are both feared and respected for their ability to bring such unmatchable firepower to a war zone, yet their true profession is not behind the trigger of a firearm. Generals of many worlds and species have fallen into hysterics at the news that their superhuman allies will be meeting the enemy with swords, shields and hammers, dismissing such claims as ridiculous or utterly insane. Such individuals are left gob smacked by the news that shortly follows. Infantry shredded by growling chain blades, elite units left in steaming heaps of neatly dismembered corpses and tanks reduced to crumpled piles of twisted metal. The blades of the astartes have gained a formidable reputation and have left enemy generals gaping in horror before being swiftly beheaded by the weapons they had laughed at hours ago.

Combat blade - Having more of a ceremonial use than a practical one the combat blade has been born into space marine hands in an endless variety of designs. Most space marines choose to keep their combat blades throughout their lives, honouring it as the first weapon they were granted and used. Sharpened at a molecular level and sheathed in a layer of adamantium or even purified diamond. However, when such a weapon is used in combat many foes are horrified to find their mouths dripping gore, a razor sharp blade bursting out their back.

UTF comment: ‘Getting stuck by an Astartes combat blade is like being stabbed by Shakespeares’ pen. You’re basically being killed by a work of art.’

Chainsword - This single edged weapon is the most widely used close combat weapon and finds itself in the hands of many space marines and battle sisters happy to wield it. Bearing an edge lined with rotating, razor sharp adamantium teeth the Chainsword is famous for the fear factor it presents to enemy forces, as well as its visceral results when used. Once the handles trigger is pulled the blade activated, spinning up the weapons teeth at a frightening pace, leaving troops scrambling away in terror at its deafening roar. The blade can chew clean through a mortal in a blink of an eye, wrecking armour and sending innards flying about the battlefield in a spectacular display of carnage. Primarily used whilst wielding a pistol in the free hand this weapon is ideal for using against dense infantry, its STC is one of the most common in any forge world.

UTF comment: ‘There was blood everywhere. I’ve never seen so much blood in all my life. So much blood.’

Chain axe - Using the same chain blade technique as the Chainsword, the chain axe is the heavier alternative, preferred by marines who specialise in assault and siege warfare. The chain axe is truly frightening, but due to a lack of STCs’ is not commonly seen. The weapons origins are highly debated, remaining a complex mystery to all but one marine chapter in particular.

UTF comment: ‘Type 18 close quarters weapon – No eye witness accounts of this weapon exist. Military officials believe what little info on this weapon exists remains withheld from infantry ranks.’

Power sword - A blade that usually bears intricate design and aesthetics, the power sword is commonly used by veteran sergeants and captain. The blade of this single hand weapon is sheathed in an energy field that disrupts physical matter, softening even heavy armour to a jelly like state before slicing through it with ridiculous ease. Such a weapon can be used effectively against infantry and even small vehicles, slicing red hot arches through their hulls as if they were built from Styrofoam.

UTF comment: ‘I remember when me and my aunt dug through the web and found some ancient video logs and found this movie called Star Wars. I remember loving the lightsaber fight scenes, and now I can’t stand to remember them. Reminds me too much of what happened to Tenrino squad.’

Power axe - Incorporating the same energy technology as the power sword the power axe is to the power sword like what the chain axe is to the Chainsword. Bearing a heavier weight at the blade the weapon can be put against heavily armoured foes of colossal size, burying its glowing blade deep into even the toughest foes.

UTF comment: ‘I was there dickwad! The propaganda is bullshit! The Equestria conflict was a planetary disaster. We should have just nuked that whole damned planet.’

Power maul - Unpopular due to other weapons delivering better results in more specific fields, the power maul is not seen often. Utilising the anti-material technology of all other power weapons, only instead of coating a blade in the energy each strike is followed by a bone shattering blast of anti-material energy that sends troops flying through the air, usually in multiple pieces.

UTF comment: ‘Power cores of ‘Power weapons’ are something of a mystery to us for now. It’s easy enough analysing the process where the energy is transferred and displaced. Yet we have no idea exactly where half the energy comes from.’

Relic blade - An axe, sword or spear that was made many centuries ago by the finest minds the Imperium had to offer. These weapons are normally recovered from abandoned or wrecked manufactorumns, the secretive Adeptus Mechanicus no longer present to tend to the security of such a weapon. These blades are revered greatly as ancient relics, bearing forbidden technologies that provide a wide variety of qualities from incendiary to cryogenic.

UTF comment: ‘How exactly can something so old be so lethal?’

Power fist - A giant gauntlet enveloped in crackling energies, able to smash and crush anything in its wielders way. Bearing a full resemblance of a human hand and built with servos and hydraulics capable of pulling apart a tank with little effort the power fist is commonly used by terminator squads, using the gauntlet as a means to dismantle the interior of an enemy base or star ship. Each mechanical glove is made with an inbuilt auspex scanner, and power regulators that allow the user to use the weapon as a manipulative tool capable of handling objects with all the care and gentleness of a child.

UTF comment: ‘I’ve played back the video log a thousand times and I get the same result. One minute the Earth Front bitch is standing, and then in the next frame, as the weapon hits him, he’s a bloody smear in the floor. I still remember the taste of his blood as his remains splashed all up me.’

Lightning claw - A power fist that has been modified to bear a collection of power field sheathed blades instead of fingers or mounted on its knuckles. The lightning claw is greatly respected for its ability to ensure a definite hit due to the width the blades cover. Normally used in a pair, a marine with a set of lightning claws are ideal for dealing with infantry of any size or number.

UTF comment: ‘Kid, think swords, think four of them lined up with giant robot knuckles, think them covered in lightning-fire. Think it’s funny now?’

Thunder hammer - A mighty war hammer whose head is alight with a shimmering power field that detonates with each strike it makes, shattering apart infantry as easy as vehicles. Such a weapon is considered a rare and venerated weapon, carried only by the finest and most capable space marines. Seeing such a heavy instrument swung by an Astarte as if it were weightless is enough to freeze enemies with fright before reducing their forms to a bloody mist.
UTF comment: ‘Tank must have gone end-over-end ten times before eating dirt.Scary stuff seeing Astartes play lacrosse with APCs.’

Force weapon - Used by Librarians, the space marines psykers, this weapon comes in a variety of forms and designs and holds strange qualities. Force weapons have the ability to harvest the death energy from those it has slain, the event of a foes death fuelling the weapon with ever increasing power. Such weapons are also able to channel a psykers supernatural energy, working as a potent relay to conjure godly sorcery.

UTF comment: ‘I didn’t believe in magic, none of us did. How the hell do you explain a soul-eating staff with science? And I swear...it was like...it was like the thing was looking at me.’

Weapons of the Army

Standard issue weaponry

The Adeptus Mechanicus busies itself with technological miracles daily, accomplishing the impossible through acts of desperate madness and unhinged fanaticism. Yet a portion of their work is devoted to humble forgery, the creation of simple, sturdy equipment that can be given over to the mortal races of the Imperium. Such shipments are innumerably vast, millions of ships delivering billions of crates both vast and tiny, many containing the precious military resources needed for these loyal subjects to defend their worlds from the horrors the galaxy around them might muster against them.

So it has been that the Imperial Army, vast beyond the hundreds of trillions and comprised of dozens of different alien races, should be graced with not the finest, but the most numerous and easily maintainable tools the mad forges of the machine priests can provide. Mostly comprised of slug-based, shell-propelled weaponry, the arms of the Army may not hit the hardest, but are assured to last as long as the ages and require little to no tending to.

PD Sidearm - The Personal Defence (AKA: Power Drill) sidearm is seen within and outside of the Army in vast quantities. Pirates, militias and common citizen alike are likely to come across or purchase this chunky sidearm pistol. Firing .50 high-ex rounds it is hard to dull on this weapons brute power, the tool having seen enemies of varying shape and size fall dead with a large portion of their skull missing. Many millions owe their lives to the last resort this pistol offer in the field, granting them power and precision enough to save their souls a while longer.

UTF comment: ‘Overcompensation if you ask me. Why would anyone need a .50 handgun? The thing looks like a power tool too, seriously shitty engineering there.’

Auto-rifle - The bread and butter of the Imperial Army, a design that has survived over twenty thousand years due to its raw durability and ease of use in the field, armour piercing rounds making a mess of anything wearing less than full-plate armour. Compatible with an ocean of attachments and alterations, this .30 rifle is the most common weapon in the galaxy, being seen well beyond the boundaries of the Imperium on thousands of foreign worlds. As for within the Army, the Auto-rifle is the most recognised tool, weapon and symbol, to the troops that wield it it has become almost as vital as the men and women that stand beside them.

UTF comment: ‘Recoil put me flat on my ass. How the hell do those alien fucks aim with that lump of crap?’

Precision rifle - The younger and more finely tuned brother of the Auto-rifle, the Precision rifle fires smaller rounds, dealing less damage but being infinitely more accurate. Commonly bearing a humble pattern of holographic sight or scope attachment and granting the user not only semi-auto and full-auto settings, but also three round and four round burst fire modes. Though not able to take the absurd amount of punishment and harsh usage the Auto-rifle can, the PR is still operation friendly, able to withstand most environment conditions and only requires monthly system cleansing.

UTF comment: ‘Three rounds in the skull. Not much of the corporal after that hit.’

Specialised weapons

Some combat situations demand a certain weapon for a certain task or adversary, and so the cult of machines has developed numerous weapon designs, some ancient, some newly born, to counter such needs. Whether for long ranged sniping, close range clearance or anti-armour missions, the Mechanicus has forged a weapon for the task at hand.

Marksman rifle - Firing match-grade .30 rounds with outstanding precision the MR is a snipers best friend when facing a mobile campaign that requires equipment that grants a healthy degree of manoeuvrability. Having a healthy clip size and simple firing functions guarantees the rifleman need not be distracted by unwanted maintenance issues.

UTF comment: ‘Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fu-‘

Shotgun - An 8 gauge, pump action firearm that has been noted for its impressive recoil and even more impressive effect on organic matter. The shotgun forgoes smaller and more traditional shotgun ammo, favouring instead more brutal shells that see infantry turned to chum. Infantry handbooks advise against smaller infantryman using this weapon to ensure their safety.

UTF comment: ‘There’s a reason 8 gauge is illegal in the federation, and that’s because it turns anything it hits into a smoothie and the shoulder of the user into jelly.’

Mag-launcher - A small pneumatic projectile launcher than fires a small grenade-like missile with a magnetic locking head. Used almost exclusively for the silent delivery of explosive ordinance, granting the user the ability to quickly and subtly apply explosives to an armoured target and eliminate it. Many enemy commander has had to bare the aggravation of seeing a tank squad engulfed in flames, unaware from where it had been hit from, or when.

UTF comment: ‘Hey, Captain! Stop the jeep! There’s something stuck on the side of the wheel!’

Suppressor - This rather large SMG is used primarily in urban combat situations and is well respected for its impressive rate of fire and generous clip size. One of the few weapons not compatible with armour piercing ammo, it is used mostly against enemies with little to no protective armour. Instead this firearm uses small, caseless ammo, the rounds instead encased in a combustible chemical sheath that propels the slug. Though lacking in raw power, it is well suited for lightly armoured Orcs or Heretic forces.

UTF comment: ‘There’s something charming about a weapon that skins its opponents with such an overwhelming rate of fire.’

Support weapons

When a tidal wave of bullets fails the task, the fiery fist of the Imperium must take action. The Army has been granted such high powered tools to deal with overwhelming enemy units, from super soldiers, to tanks, to aircraft, there is one way or another an enemy units can be disposed of by Imperial ranks. Though rare in number when compared to other weapons, these destructive instruments grant power unmatchable to all the most elite enemy formations.

Repeater rifle - A large machinegun with a large, auto-cock, drum pattern magazine designed for use against numerous enemy units. Using the same ammo as the AR, the Repeater is an insult to any and all infantry, chewing clean through anything not completely concealed in thick armour. For something with such a high rate of fire and lengthy firing system, many have quickly grown to appreciate its surprisingly healthy accuracy.

UTF comment: ‘Good thing the thing has such a high rate of fire. Between the deafening sound and blinding muzzle flare you won’t be able to aim at much for very long.’

Sniper rifle - A massive firearm not to be used by anyone who doesn’t plan on sitting in one place for a very long time. This five and a half foot long anti-materiel rifle fires rounds more akin to anti-armour rounds fired by tanks, but on a much smaller scale. Anyone hit by the massive .51 round is instantly turned inside out, any vehicle hit suffers from crippling systems damage, potentially rendered unsaveable. Though it removes the gift of manoeuvrability, this large gun offers a massive range, pinpoint precision and frightening power to the battlefield.

UTF comment: ‘Type 51 sniper rifle – No available countermeasure currently available.’

Charge caster - A high powered magnet array firearm that charges a small missile to be delivered at hyper-sonic speeds. Designed to eliminate light vehicles from afar, this weapon has a narrow field of use, but gives a squad a new degree of power that could see them best a more heavily armoured adversary.

UTF comment: ‘You need proof the Imperium is a backwards bunch of god-loving dumbasses? Just take a look at their coil guns. Pathetic.’

Twin launcher - A two round missile delivery system designed for easy use and great precision. Ideal for use against armoured vehicles and airborne flyers alike and offering a second missile ready for use immediately after the first is fired, it is no wonder this weapon is in such high demand across the ranks of the Army. Its large projectiles offer both a degree of armour piercing quality as well as a large fragmentation dispersion coupled with a titanic detonation.

UTF comment: ‘Affirmative, sir. Company 8, completely wiped out. Nothing worth salvaging left at the wreckage site.’

Las-caster - A throw-away laser canon that incorporates rudimentary laser energy fuel cells. Good for only four shots per firearm, as the weapons charging chamber is simply too flimsy to withstand the containment of such energy. This problem would be solvable, but the size and weight of the optimal containment chamber would create a weapon only useable by the largest and strongest Imperial military troops. However this relatively compact energy delivery weapon is quite suitable for mortal hands, and each shot guarantees an armoured target is crippled beyond repair or utterly destroyed by the intense laser beam.

UTF comment: ‘Fuck if I know! Doesn’t make sense. Hole’s cut clean through the hull from beneath and incinerated everything inside the craft. Came tumbling down and hit here. We sure as hell didn’t hit it, so who did?’

Mounted weapons

Some weapons are well and truly too large to be wielded by many troops, and must be mounted upon a surface support device or a vehicle of some design. As much as the following are commonly seen mounted upon the rear of a Komodo ATV or Cobra MBT, certain troop races such as Berlock or Verluthiens can wield them as though they were small arms, making them formidable ranged units in the field.

Heavy Repeater - Mostly seen mounted on a tripod, the Heavy Repeater is a gigantic machinegun capable of outrageous degrees of devastation. The .50 rounds make a mockery of infantry units and can deeply punish vehicles foolish enough to wander within range.

UTF comment: ‘Can’t move! Need ordnance now, twenty meters west of our position!’

Rotator cannon - A large ‘minigun’ commonly mounted on ATVs, this weapon is much like its lesser HR brethren, only its rate of fire is significantly extended. Favoured greatly for rapid insertion and shock assault mission, this large calibre weapon has literally carved its legacy across the stars.

UTF comment: ‘Bird 4 is down! Bird 9 is down! All wings, pull up! Pull up!’

Accelerator cannon - This lengthy weapon fires a 1.00 calibre caseless slug as hyper-sonic speeds via magnetic charges ignited through the weapons barrel. Much like the Coil weapons found in the UTFs armoury, however this support cannon bears greatly increased stopping power and a relatively decent rate of fire. Though difficult to master in a combat situation, from a great range this weapon proves its worth as a lethal asset as its supercharged rounds can be seen cutting white-hot scars through the air as its shots ignite the atmosphere it touches.

UTF comment: ‘We were just in it for the dough, that’s it. I have four kids and a pregnant wife to feed back home, so don’t for a second think you can judge me you fed-head shit! All I know is that we were hit by what looked like a lightning bolt right before the jeep was thrown into a ditch.’

Rocket pod - Normally found in a twin linked pattern of turret this support platform is well known for delivery wild and brutal blows to enemy defensive lines in the form of a volley of high-speed, tac-track rockets. Each projectile packs a mild punch, but seeing as how a cluster of such shots are fired at once it’s safe to assume whatever is hit by the Rocket pod is doomed a fiery and very audible end.

UTF comment: ‘If one hits you, the other five will hit you. Here’s a tip; Don’t get hit.’

Close combat weapons

The extravagant and powerful tools of melee combat offered to the Adeptus Astartes is not for the lesser hands of the Army, and therefore close combat weaponry is limited at best within there ranks. Yet the dangers of the galaxy come at both range and face-to-face in an instant, and all must be prepared to fight with both blade and bullet with equal skill.

Tactical screwdriver - To the ranks of the Imperial Army, the Tactical screwdriver is little more than a handy tool that may or may not double as a last-resort combat blade. Seeing as how better tools remain available to them, this knife draws little blood. Still, it remains curious as how what would appear to be a sizeable and razor sharp combat knife to other, is little more than a common tool to Imperial troops.

UTF comment: ‘Screwdriver...right. What, are they trying to poke fun at us or something?’

Combat blade - Doubling as a bayonet, this 11’ long blade is frightening to many adversaries of the Imperial Army. Considered vastly excessive by forces like the UTF, considered ideal by Imperial troops, this blade has proudly split oceans of blood over thousands of years.
UTF comment: ‘Imperials are way, way too good with a knife. Do yourself a favour pal, don’t tangle with these guys in CQB.’

Machete - Used almost exclusively by jungle fighters the Machete blade had bitten into dense foliage as much as it has the flesh and bone of the Imperiums’ enemies.

UTF comment: ‘I don’t care that he’s a damned Nazi, he’s nailed to a tree like some damned trophy! Fucking Imperials, there just a bunch of fucking animals.’

Frequency blade - A blade that tremors with high frequency impulses that vibrate through multiple spectrums of energy, giving it the power to glide easily through flesh, bone and even thick plate armour. A short sword forged in an endless array of patterns, this blade is well respected and feared equally so.

UTF comment: ‘So, their commanders get a pretty, shiny sword. What do I get? I get a holo-badge...how is that fair?’
UTF weapons list

Where the Imperium forges power and brutality into their weapons, the federation assemble their own with cold calculation and lengthy study. Nearly every weapon available to the UTF utilises magnetic rails to project their deadly payload. As much as Federation weapons are very dangerous and can easily kill infantry, their specialisation is not in the disassembly of organic matter like the guns of the Imperium, but instead direct and sharp kinetic energy application, a method used to break through the kinetic barriers of enemy terrorists. So it has come to be well known by Imperial troops that armour is rendered significantly less useful against such weapons, yet as long as the hardy flesh of Imperials remains as tough as ever, a couple of rounds can be withstood. This is not so easy, however, as the magnetic propulsion offers little recoil to the user, granting them great accuracy with even the largest of firearms. However, such magnetic power requires a very intense battery built into the weapon, meaning that if the gun suffer significant damage the weapon could overload and detonate with frightening force in an instant. This coupled with the high maintenance needed to ensure its proper function mean these weapons are not suitable for lengthy ‘turbulent environment’ use.

PDRs - Stocky, compact auto-guns used by urban warfare operatives and snipers. Offer a healthy rate of fire alongside a decent clip size and moderate accuracy. Due to a shorter barrel and more vulnerable build, firearm manuals state that this weapon needs stripping and thorough maintenance once every two days. As long as this proves tolerable to the user, they can be guaranteed a solid firearm that can be used in a wide variety of battlefield situations.

Imperial comment: ‘Stocky, lightweight, tetchy to maintain, no machine spirit. Nah, I’ll stick to my rattler.’

Carbines - The bridge built between PDRs and Assault rifles, these are perfect for urban and ‘friendly environment’ combat. A moderate barrel length ensures improved firepower along with greater accuracy and less need for maintenance caused by barrel debris. Favoured by many and most troops seeing as how vastly common urban warfare has become for Federation forces. Extremely compatible with dozens of attachments that can be fixed to several tactical rails, this weapon is ideal for a soldier that requires diversity.

Imperial comment: ‘Damn it, damn it, damn it! Stings like a sonofabitch! Is it a clean wound? Fuck!’

Assault rifles - As common as the Carbine, offers higher accuracy but is less compact. Assault rifles are commonly used in the open field and require the least maintenance of the mainstay firearms of the Federation. Though un-ideal to be used in confined spaces these rifles are more at home when given breathing space, and perform with admirable accuracy and firepower. Preferred with holographic sights and stabilisation handles.

Imperial comment: ‘I dunno, man! I think I hit his gun! Sent the skinny shit sky-high though, ha!

Designated Marksman rifle - Similar to Imperial Marksman rifles, yet sacrifices their raw stopping power for superior accuracy and range. Used by snipers who wish to remain on the fly and are relatively well behaved when concerning maintenance. Well suited for use out in the open or for building-to-building engagements.

Imperial comment: ‘Where’s the bayonet lock? What, why wouldn’t you? Heh, pussay.’

Sniper rifle - Holds less stopping power than the Imperial equivalent but offers greater accuracy over greater range and is much more compact and mobile. Bolt action variants hold the same level of power as the Imperial sniper, but hold a much slower rate of fire.

Imperial comment: ‘Cover! Janex! Jany, can you hear me?! Where are you hit?! Can anyone see where Jany got hit?!’

Coil gun - Vastly superior to the Imperial charge caster, but slightly chunkier in design. This proves less than problematic seeing as how the weapons range, accuracy and firepower are all greatly superior. However its one notable drawback is the noise it makes, making it solely a weapon to be used at great range or where stealth is not a vital necessity.

Imperial comment: ‘Money-monger hit my Hound from behind, shot cut clean through the engine block right after it took my left arm off.’

Shotguns - Where the Coil gun supersedes the Charge caster in almost every way, so does the Imperial shotgun to the lesser UTF equivalent. Mostly used against lightly armoured infantry at extremely short range, this weapon is about as useful as harsh language against any trooper wearing more than a rusty bin lid. The magnetic propulsion system sees the pellet ammunition spread across a wide area, almost complete missing the centre-point of the acquired target. Rounds are thrown unevenly and at less than optimal velocity due to the massive interference occurring within the barrel upon firing. However these factors have never seen rectification seeing as how targets encountered in such confined spaces in busy urban areas are normally enamoured anarchists, for these targets the Shotgun is very optimal.

Imperial comment: ‘About as accurate and powerful as a stale fart. Nothing to worry about if you have a flesh-wound savvy doc about.’

SMGs - Vastly more ideal to be used against armoured targets in close quarters battle and bear a very generous magazine size in most patterns. However these weapons have a ferocious rate of fire, seeing clips emptied frighteningly quickly. The short barrels ensure great mobility but makes maintenance a serious issue, seeing SMGs last no longer than a day of considerable use in a combat field before becoming complicated to use. This also makes rounds not as powerful as other automatic weapons, but the rate of fire and accuracy of the weapon means that a target is drowned in firepower enough to be bested in most cases.

Imperial comment: ‘Well...closed casket it is then. Poor lad.’

Pulse carbines - Compact, accurate, powerful and incorporated with complex energy circuit locks to ensure maintenance is not an issue as with other weapons. Bearing explosive tipped rounds and an underslung grenade launcher commonly loaded with EMP charges, this weapon is exclusively used by the Eagle Ranger troops of the Federation. It is more than ideal for their fights against enemy armour in hazardous environments, however such technology is fiercely difficult to replicate and is devastatingly volatile when its core is breached, no doubt killing the user if his or her shield is anything less than fully charged.

Imperial comment: ‘Raider 5, this is Silverback 12! Some fucker is chewing through my hull, get him off me would’ja?!’

LMGs - Used by heavier infantry units. This breed of machineguns have a respectable stopping power, decent accuracy but most notably a vast clip size. Making up for its slightly lesser firepower than the Repeater, the LMGs have over double the rounds per magazine and chew through them at a more sensible rate.

Imperial comment: ‘When the bloody hell is this little shit going to reload?!’

Chain rail gun - Commonly mounted on vehicles or secure emplacements this larger machinegun has an absurd rate of fire and impressive accuracy, putting its overall damage output slightly above its Imperial equivalents. However such a weapon needs regular supervision from a battlefield engineer, without such care the weapon has been known to have a lethal reaction to its own power output, either combusting or detonating if overheated. Overheat can be avoided if the core is ejected and replaced by a qualified individual.

Imperial comment: ‘No win! No win! Half my squad is in two hundred different pieces, we need outta here now!’

Revolver - Revolvers are much like they were hundreds of years ago, though now their design offers a useful function. When the chambered round is aligned with the weapons barrel the round enters a magnetic pre-spin, readying it for propulsion. The intense spin allows it to enter a more tightly wound magnet coil that leads it through the barrel with vastly greater velocity than other pistols. Rounds fired from Revolvers are fiercely powerful and have excellent range, rivalling the PDS.

Imperial comment: ‘Mine’s bigger, dickhead!’

Pistols - Federation Pistols are compact and very concealable and easy to wield, but are very much last-resort firearms, needing great amounts of maintenance if used too often and having a considerable risk of detonation should it become damaged in certain patterns, others sacrificing a powerful energy core for better personal safety but offering less firepower.

Imperial comment: ‘That’s not a gun, that’s a can opener. Guns don’t get made that small, boy.’

Rocket launcher - Terribly dangerous to vehicle crews as the rockets delivered by this weapon are propelled by magnetic force, keeping rockets silent and impossible to track. Small adjustment jets ensure the missiles have a degree of steering ability when locking onto targets. The rockets payload is intense but focused primarily on fragmentation results, leaving vehicle disposal to tank crews and ordnance.

Imperial comment: ‘By the Throne, not again! Light up thermals, find that sneaky bastard!’

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