• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Ember Q Discordia

"What, you egg?" He stabs him.

More Blog Posts100

  • 305 weeks
    For your own sake, please don't read past this blog post.

    All you'll find back there is several years worth of cringe and some old RP scripts that I thought were funny at the time. I was gonna delete them, but....if you're dead set on looking back at a time in my life when I didn't know how to act properly....I won't stop you.

    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.

    1 comments · 220 views
  • 356 weeks

    .....I have over 10,000 unread Feed messages....and yet somehow....after all this time...Viridi Downtrotting 2 STILL hasn't been made yet.

    4 comments · 314 views
  • 445 weeks
    FaMFuKtion Update 1.2: Funless Mode

    >Removed all fun
    >Removed RP's
    >Removed Blogs
    >Removed Non-Clop Stories
    >Removed "Social-Network like" hashtags.
    >Removed hashtags
    >Removed hashtags again
    >Removed (FUCKING) Notifications
    >Added Intro Document for all members

    Read More

    3 comments · 453 views
  • 461 weeks
    Well... I found my new favorite DS game.

    The controls are simple and intuitive, the abilities and Poké-assists are fun to use and practical, the writing is great (Professor's line before you get to Fall Town is Kid Icarus: Uprising levels of 4th wall humor.), and the selection of Pokemon is great! Pick it up if you see it at gamestop!

    0 comments · 273 views
  • 471 weeks
    I searched "No Offense" and found this.

    4 comments · 358 views

I'm... Bored. SOMEONE TALK TO ME! I'M GOING INSANE! · 6:06am Jun 11th, 2014

Also... TFGTProductions WHOEVER HE WAS! You... dirty... stuck-up... sadistic... shit-eating, cocksucking, buttfucking, penis-smelling, crotch-grabbing, ball-licking, semen-drinking, dog-raping, Nazi-loving, child-touching, cow-humping, perverted, spineless, heartless, mindless, dickless, testicle-choking, urine-gargling, jerk-offing, horse face, sheep-fondling, toilet-kissing, self-centered, feces-puking, dildo-shoving, snot-spitting, crap-gathering, big-nosed, monkey-slapping, bastard-screwing, bean-shitting, fart-knocking, sack-busting, splooge-tasting, bear-blowing, head-swallowing, bitch-snatching, handjobbing, donkey-caressing, mucus-spewing, anal-plugging, ho-grabbing, uncircumcised, sewer-sipping, whore mongering, piss-swimming, midget-munching, douchebag, ho-biting, carnivorous, mail-order prostituting



Report Ember Q Discordia · 275 views ·
Comments ( 67 )

The one thing that calms me down is some calm, relaxing music...

2197815 ... (Huh. I actually forgot this song.)
Did i say that or think that?

Wait insanity is being caused without my consent what is this blaspheme.... YOU WILL BE PUNISHED EVEN GREATER NOW

2197824 Why me? I thought we had something, DOC.

2197837 *bitch slaps you* You know nothing child, you will obey or you will be punished *throws you into a wall* Now get up we are going on a walk

2197847 Walk? I like walks! I guess...

2197852 Yes you do now get off your arse and walk with me *I start to walk away*

2197855 YOU GOT IT, MASTER! *runs up to you on all fours, then slows down, and gets back on two feet* So... PacMan got into smash bros.

2197860 *I hold my hands behind my back and walk casually* Yes I heard that, strange but it will be interesting I guess... Hmmm Mortal we have known each other for only a little while and I class you as a friend, would you agree? *I carry on moving looking around occasionally*

2197872 Yes, i'd say that's pre-

*shoots it with an 18th century revolver 3 seconds in* Pretty damn accurate.

2197880 Excellent, well I think of you as somebody who likes to RP and likes to cause Chaos and spread madness, am I right?


*shoots with scottish resistance 2 sec in*
Damn cutaways.
Yes, you'd be right.

2197897 Good, good... By the way how do you put videos in your comment I press the button but it does not work? *shakes head* But that is off topic, now you most likely know about what I'm doing on Friday it is clear on my page that we are close to that... so I need someone to take over the reins for a while, or indefinitely... I do not know yet but still the point is there

2197905 (you click the thing that says youtube and put in the link.)
Yes... *internally cries*

2197914 Well I think you would be the perfect person to take up those reins while I'm gone, your mind is close to how mine is maybe not IRL but surly here so I ask of you this.... Take up the name Haskill and be my voice eye and ears while I am gone and if I leave indefinitely you may become the new Sheogorath The Mad God... Then the shivering isles are yours to do with as you please, does that sound promising? *I stop walking and turn to you*

2197932 Good, good.. Oh and that YouTube button doesn't work for me for some reason I told you that silly boy *starts to walk again* So will you do it? Or do you wish to let my legacy fall to the sands of time? It is your choice my friend I do not wish to force anything Upon you

2197936 I will accept this heavy responsibility, to carry on the legacy of the Shivering Isles.

2197941 Well now that is out of the way what do you wish to do?

2197959 Hahaha oh Richard you do make me laugh.... You are just putting up videos like that to rub it in my face that you can aren't you?

2197961 Not trying to. :twilightblush: I try not to insult comrades of mine. *cough* Asians drive as well as germans are at being sober *cough*

2197966 Well I'm British so that doesn't really matter tome Hahahaha and it's slightly true as well

2197974 *shoots clip before it comes up*

2197975 Good we don't want you to annoy me now do we?

2198671 Wait who are you calling brother?

2198846 Oh my pup, and it's a she actually so stop looking at my bitch

2198873 Ah. (great... Isabelle's gonna be pissed)

2198886 Yes quite (Who's Isabelle and why will she be pissed?)

2198890 (That CatBug with the yellow shell with purple spots, THAT Isabelle, She's my girlfriend...)

2198894 (Oh yeah her, I did her when you went to the bathroom, good times, good times.... Anyhow why would she be pissed?)

2198905 *eye twitch*
*combos you into wall, holds you up by neck* YOU WILL NEVER LAY ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR SCOTCH SMUGGLING MONKEY HANDS ON MY GIRLFRIEND YOU... dirty... stuck-up... sadistic... shit-eating, cocksucking, buttfucking, penis-smelling, crotch-grabbing, ball-licking, semen-drinking, dog-raping, Nazi-loving, child-touching, cow-humping, perverted, spineless, heartless, mindless, dickless, testicle-choking, urine-gargling, jerk-offing, horse face, sheep-fondling, toilet-kissing, self-centered, feces-puking, dildo-shoving, snot-spitting, crap-gathering, big-nosed, monkey-slapping, bastard-screwing, bean-shitting, fart-knocking, sack-busting, splooge-tasting, bear-blowing, head-swallowing, bitch-snatching, handjobbing, donkey-caressing, mucus-spewing, anal-plugging, ho-grabbing, uncircumsized, sewer-sipping, whore mongering, piss-swimming, midget-munching, douchebag, ho-biting, carnivorous, mail-order prostituting asshole!

2198926 Who ever said I touched her with my hands? what actually happened is that she rode me like a good little cowgirl moaning all the way, I never once touched her with my hands... I had gloves on at the time so the spanking was better

2198964 *catches on fire* FIGHT! HADUKEN!

2198975 *The attack phases through me* You do realise I'm meta physical right... Unless I don't want to be, so technically you can't hurt me... But if you'd excuse me I have a date with a naughty little bug that we have in common *I start to teleport smirking* I do hope you like sloppy seconds HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2198997 WAIT! This might not be a bad thing... I don't like sex that much... so... You could fill in for me! IT'S A WINWINWIN!

2199925 Why do you think she jumped on me? I was the only male that would actually do it and she was in heat.... Which I find strange as I thought bugs or cats couldn't do that but meh.... She still felt fantastic, and the way she purred made the experience even better.

2200870 You know... i need to tell you something. *leans in* I don't have any genits. She was the only one accepting of me... An out-of-place Asexual in a sex-based world...

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