• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Ember Q Discordia

"What, you egg?" He stabs him.

More Blog Posts100

  • 305 weeks
    For your own sake, please don't read past this blog post.

    All you'll find back there is several years worth of cringe and some old RP scripts that I thought were funny at the time. I was gonna delete them, but....if you're dead set on looking back at a time in my life when I didn't know how to act properly....I won't stop you.

    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.

    1 comments · 220 views
  • 356 weeks

    .....I have over 10,000 unread Feed messages....and yet somehow....after all this time...Viridi Downtrotting 2 STILL hasn't been made yet.

    4 comments · 314 views
  • 445 weeks
    FaMFuKtion Update 1.2: Funless Mode

    >Removed all fun
    >Removed RP's
    >Removed Blogs
    >Removed Non-Clop Stories
    >Removed "Social-Network like" hashtags.
    >Removed hashtags
    >Removed hashtags again
    >Removed (FUCKING) Notifications
    >Added Intro Document for all members

    Read More

    3 comments · 452 views
  • 461 weeks
    Well... I found my new favorite DS game.

    The controls are simple and intuitive, the abilities and Poké-assists are fun to use and practical, the writing is great (Professor's line before you get to Fall Town is Kid Icarus: Uprising levels of 4th wall humor.), and the selection of Pokemon is great! Pick it up if you see it at gamestop!

    0 comments · 273 views
  • 471 weeks
    I searched "No Offense" and found this.

    4 comments · 358 views

/a cool game you should ALL check out. · 7:31pm Jun 15th, 2014

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