• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2022


Just a (From what I hear) slightly better than average writer here on fimfic. Writing comes naturally to me, if I can get my lazy ass to do it.

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friggen chainmail · 7:23pm Jun 2nd, 2012

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

5 Things About ME

1. My spine is curved

2. I am a gamer

3. I prefer PC

4. I am 16

5. I hope to join the army

11 things to answer

1. Who is your favorite filly/colt? (e.g. Scootaloo, Featherweight)

It was hard enough to pick a fav pony once, I'm not doing it again

2. First three musicians/bands that come to your mind as you read this message, GO!
Trent Reznor, Queen, Pink Floyd

3. If you were in Equestria, and you were offered a job by each of the Mane 6, who would you go with?
Twilight, I'm too scrawny for AJ, I'm not all that great with animals so Fluttershy is a no, I don't really like fashion so Rarity is a "Dear god no", not a great cook so sugarcube corner is out, and I can't fly so I can't work with Rainbow Dash

4. Which pony would you marry?

5. Do you have a PS3, Wii and/or Xbox 360? If so, which game is your favorite for each system?
Wii, Skyward sword

6. If you were to say something random right now, what would you say?

7. What's your favorite meme?
Do not want, has so many practical uses

8. Am I awesome? (Say the question out loud to yourself)
no I am not

9. What is your favorite story on FIMFiction? Who is your favorite author?
Background pony, Jakeheritagu

10. Who are you best friends with on the website? (Can be people you know personally, or people you've earned friendship with just by talking to them)
I would say Phoenixfire92

11. Who best pony?

tagged (Sorry)
1. Phoenixfire92
2. Arthtrott
3. Blaze Burn Crash
4. Scully
5. Lazypoisonfl
6. uT.TerAbsurdity
7. Milesosborn
8. Darkman_224
9. cherrycustard
10. Timpeni
11. Harrisonkenwood

Questions for teh peoplz
1. Do you hate me for doing this?
2. Have you heard of this before I tagged you?
3. What is your favorite book?
4. What is your eye color?
5. What country do you live in?
6. What is your favorite movie?
7. What is your favorite video game? (console doesn't matter)
8. What is your favorite song?
9. What is your favorite Tv show? (Not mlp)
10. (To my followers) how many of my stories have you read? (If you don't follow me then put whatever you like here)
11. How old are you?

Sorry about all of this

Report Ferote · 834 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

I don't hate you for doing this to me, i just hate thats types of chain mails:ajbemused:

I'm answering your questions on here so that I don't piss off my friends by continuing this chain mail.

1. Do you hate me for doing this?

2. Have you heard of this before I tagged you?
Yes, like 5 times already arghghg but u didnt tag me, thankfully (probably in fear that I would rip your heart out.)

3. What is your favorite book?
It's a close call between Gary Paulsen's "Brian's Winter", "Hatchet", or a book written by someone else "My Side of the Mountain".

4. What is your eye color?

5. What country do you live in?
Unfortunately, the U.S.

6. What is your favorite book?
But... you just asked this :facehoof::facehoof:

7. What is your favorite video game? (console doesn't matter)
I have none.

8. What is your favorite song?
I don't feel like listing off 1000 songs because I have no true fav.

9. What is your favorite Tv show? (Not mlp)
MLP :trollestia:
That or Top Gear or Doctor Who

10. (To my followers) how many of my stories have you read? (If you don't follow me then put whatever you like here)

11. How old are you?
19 in 19 days. Ha, coincidence like a baws

149289 what do you mean I just asked this?

149291 Oh... musta mis-read it. I thought you asked what my favorite book was twice. Waiiitt.... you changed it!! Stop making me look like a fool!

But my favorite movie is uhmm....
Ogawd I'll just list a few of my favorites:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Tron (The old one. This was my favorite movie like 16+ years ago.)
Monty Python's The Quest for the Holy Grail
Monty Python's The Life of Brian
MLP Season 2 Two Part Finale (It sure felt like a movie to me)
Full Metal Jacket
Saving Private Ryan
Kelly's Heroes
Fullmetal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shamballa
...there are a lot more that I can't think of right now... sorry.

Sorry, man.
#8 - you don't have much of a self-ego, do you?

149329 nope, I am a crappy writer and most likely I will never amount to anything
My best quality is my wit and that doesn't outweigh the negatives

I'll just pretend that your self-ego improves when the music story takes place.
I hope 5 years of fame and fortune can actually do that.

149353 just don't make me full of myself

It won't happen.

Well, looks like I have to do this. *sigh*
1. Do you hate me for doing this.
No. I only hate and ignore the trolls and my brother.
2. Have you heard of this before I tagged you?
This was here before?
3. What is your favorite book?
Hmm... what is this "book" you speak of?
4. What is your eye color?
Hitler's favorite
5. What country do you live in?
I don't care if you will stalk me. 5815 Oakland Rd. in Baltimore, Maryland. In Halethorpe.
6. What is your favorite movie?
Scary Movie 1- the rest.
7. What is your favorite game?
Chutes and Ladders
8. What is your favorite song?
Wake Up by Awolnation. They're good.
9. What is your favorite T.V. show?
Doctor Who(oves). I wish it was still On Demand.
10. How many of my (your) stories have you read?
Two 2 Dos
11. How old are you?
Let's do some math class here. It's 4x=(104÷2) Solve for x.

Now, for the comment. I loved the novel "Hatchet", have you read "The Cay"? - 149289

I am also fav'd to Background Pony, but my favorite writer would be TheOnly. He writes alot of parodies and such. Oh! And Dark-Castle, too. I helped him out of some depression and love issues. He's cool.

153284 according to your math you are 25.5
and according to the internet, hitler may have been colorblind

153330 Now you tell me this. What is 104 ÷ 2?
Also, Hitler killed all people except for people with what certain traits?

Who's smart now, Ferote?:trollestia:

153284 Uhm.... I don't think that I have. Is it another Gary Paulsen book?

153350 woops
thats 106, unless thats a division sign. you should have used / to represent a fraction
when you said "Hitler's favorite" I thought you were refering to color in general
P.S. Hitler only killed jews. He didnt give a fuck about the non ayrian non jews (ayrian was the name of hitler's supposed "super race" which consisted of people over 5'10" with blond hair blue eyes)

153555 Guess that means I'm an Ayrian.
Also, you typed 106. It's 104.
Also also, I've never used a / to represent division in my life. It's always ÷
Also also also, that's not a fraction.

155671 104+2=106
10th grade education beats whatever grade your in education

153409 No, it's not Gary Paulson, but it's alot like Hatchet. With the addition that they're on an island and that one black guy from Dolphin Tale. The boy's also blind. NO MORE SPOILERS

155679 that "One black guy" is morgan fucking freeman
How the hell do you not know who he is?

155674 That's a division sign.:facehoof:

155684 looks like addition on my screen
and the education comment was about Hitler not math, because I have an 11th grade education in math

155682 Never watched the movie yet.

155694I've seen the commercials, hell I could have heard his voice and known it was him

155679 Ohhhh yah we read that in one of my classes back like 6 years ago. I sorta liked it...

155923 Which teacher? I go to Arbutus. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you don't have to reply:derpytongue2:

156575 No we didn't go to the same school. lol. The chances that we would are like sooooo slim.

156884 Oh well. But if you were at my school, we would be best friends. I like ponies, you like ponies. I like Miku, you like Miku. I like whatever else I like that you like, you like whatever else you like that I like. We'd go hoof in hoof.

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