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I write in the name of the Emperor.

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  • 251 weeks
    One final thump

    Hey guys, once again I owe you all a huge apology for my lack of updates to my current story. A lot has happened these past years it's been neglected and I genuinely feel bad for letting things get this bad. I still love MLP: FiM as a show, and I still very much love writing stories based around that show, but unfortunately my negligence and the passing of some unfortunate events have seen my

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  • 348 weeks

    What's up guys, again, so sorry for my lengthy absence. I would normally blame my chronic laziness, but this time it's actually due to an important job position taking up almost all my time. I've been rattling around with story ideas and character development in my free time and have gotten to a place I'm pretty happy with and plan on re-reigniting Faith and Fire as soon as possible. Thank you

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    Still alive!

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  • 449 weeks
    Spartans of Equestria

    This is a promotional blog entry trying to catch the interest of any soon-to-be Halo 5 players that may be reading. There is now a Halo 5 company with a heavy MLP theme and is currently recruiting, feel free to enlist if you wish and I'm sure your application will be at least considered. See you in the field, Spartans!

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    Story rearrangement and new addition.

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Faith and Fire: Concerning Mortals - Infantry reference · 2:44pm Jul 4th, 2014

A deeper look into the troops that might appear in CM.

The Ranks

Adeptus Astartes

Space marines, the Adeptus Astartes, the ‘Angels of Death’. These ferocious soldiers are known by many names and both worshipped and feared throughout the galaxy. Standing seven and a half feet tall and bred with an array of physical capabilities that grant them an edge in almost any combat scenario, the physique of a space marine is nearly indomitable. No wonder it is commonly believed that space marines cannot actually die, and in certain ways such a belief is true. Along with venom glands, stasis nodes, pigment enhancers and over a dozen other bio-mechanical organs a space marine grows a pair of shell-like organs, one deep within the throat, another at the centre of the chest. These gene seeds carry purified DNA zygotes that record every physical attribute of the space marine, even a majority of their neurological data. This means that as long as these organs survive the space marine they belonged to can be re-grown in a cloning vat, complete with many of the memories of his former self.

This is a somewhat rare occurrence, however, seeing as the firepower needed to kill a space marine ends up utterly destroying him a fair many times. This is largely thanks to his suit of powered armour, a grand and majestically decorated full body plate that grants the user increased strength, agility, senses and tactical capabilities. The firepower needed to penetrate the thick ceramite shell is great indeed, usually nothing short of an anti-tank weapon can damage a space marine enough to remove him from the battlefield. However before a marine can wear such a phenomenal piece of hardware he must live a life of pain, hardship, bloodshed and most importantly brotherhood.

The majority of the internal artistry of a space marine is due to the science of the Emperor of Mankind, a legendary man who forged such advanced bio-tech from his own flesh and blood. In this respect all space marines are genetically linked to the Emperor, and therefore to each other. This has lead to a deep brotherly bond developed between the vast majority of space marines, all willing to fight and die for one another without a doubt. Together they strive through a lifestyle that would kill any other being to attempt it, the future generation of Astartes clambering through a gauntlet of physical, mental and spiritual torments to attain their destiny as space marines. Those that succeed are thrown into the ranks of a chapter, backed by 10,000 of his kin to rage a bloody and unending war against the horrors of a vicious galaxy.

Space marine scouts – Even as novices space marines have already grown to become formidable warriors and excellent survivalists. Space marine scouts may by relatively new to the theatre of war as space marines know it, but their well honed skills, natural capabilities and advanced equipment make them terribly lethal opponents on the battlefield. Using primarily guerrilla tactics and hit-and-run assaults on supply lines, fuel depots and lightly manned outposts, the scouts have built a reputation as being adept saboteurs and reconnaissance teams. These eager young warriors are all to glad to engage up close with combat blades, ready to prove themselves as space marines by soaking their weapons in an ocean of gore.

UTF comment: ‘We waited for over an hour for the convoy to arrive and still nothing came through the thick fog of the lower mountain pass. We decided to wander a click or two towards the direction we knew they’d be coming from to see if they had a breakdown or had gotten lost. What we found instead was a huge rockslide that had crushed two APCs and a battle tank followed by tell-tale signs of small arms fire that must have lasted no longer than ten seconds or so. Every trooper, pilot and crew were all dead...and had been scalped.’

Space marines – Space marines have become living legends far and wide throughout the galaxy, both as liberators and devastators. Standing far taller than the average mortal and built as mountains of muscle, these warriors are almost indomitable in close combat, holding strength and even agility and swiftness as firm allies. Each space marine trains every free day he has tirelessly, becoming a master of both the sword and the firearm. An array of genetically modified internal organs grant the Astarte superior traits in the battlefield such as near instant healing speed, immunity to poisons and even the ability to spit an acidic venom from their mouths. Their power armour grants them further quickness and strength as well as shelter from small arms fire, acting as a second skin in many ways as to not impede the marines movement. Physically indomitable, perfected in the arts of warfare, adorned with the finest armour the galaxy has seen and wielding the mighty boltgun as their tool of death, the space marine is easily worth dozens if not hundreds of mortal soldiers.

UTF comment: ‘Let me give you a shred of enlightenment you little shit-stain! Today, you will be fighting eight feet of pure, overpowered muscle and iron hard bone wrapped up all nice in four inches of ceramic titanium! These space marines have been trained since birth to use your friends spine to choke you to death, to travel for days without so much as a peep of complaint, to survive off of venomous weeds and shit-stew dirt for weeks and to feel no fear or pity for the likes of your skinny ass! When you see one of these things you will not ‘Turn it to Swiss cheese’, you will run, you will hide or you will die!’

Assault marines – Space marines that find their skills rest primarily in close quarters combat choose to be gifted the jump pack; a pair of large rocket jets that allows them increased speed and agility as well as temporary flight. These mighty warriors normally wield chainswords and bolt pistols, suiting them better to cut down the enemy at point blank range. Normally being dropped from gunships, these Astartes drop into the heart of a battle to throw the enemy into panic as they are hewn apart by the lightning speed strikes of the space marines.

UTF comment: ‘We must have been airborne no longer than three minutes before something hit us, came in from above, just between the root of each wing and hit us right between the shoulders. Couldn’t have been a missile, no detonation or incendiary residue came after the impact. However we were shot off course by about twenty meters and entered a tumble that saw us hit the dirt like a fucking meteor. Four guys dead and another two with both legs broke after we scrambled out the dropship, but I head to see what hit us just to find the crafts substructure all bent to shit like we’d just been punched by a damn Jaeger.’

Devastator marines – Wear the Assault marine takes up the fight with gleaming blades, the Devastator wields thunderous firearms of such colossal scale one would expect them to be only seen mounted upon vehicles. Devastators stand apart from the battle, acting as mobile suppression and artillery platforms that can cut gigantic arches through enemy lines with ease. Others can fell mighty battle tanks and even swift aircraft, making Devastators highly valued units, capable of sowing incredible degrees of destruction upon anything lined up in their sights.

UTF comment: ‘Not that I have the right to complain much, but it was downright unfair seeing Earth Front get mowed down like that. Two hundred guys all mashed up and shit in under twenty seconds, by four guns no less. Sure they were baby killing freaks, but...y’know...damn.’

Centurions – Certain battle brothers that truly excel at range or in close quarters combat are granted permission to exploit the vast power of the Centurion combat exoskeleton units. This massive armoured suit fits atop the space marines standard pattern power armour and acts as a walk-in weapons platform. Devastator Centurions wield a heavy bolter under each massive armoured gauntlet along with a hurricane bolter system built into the chest carapace. Assault units instead opt for ferocious siege drills with mounted flamers along with chest mounted grenade launchers. Both units excel brilliantly at their designated trade of battle their thick battle plate utterly impenetrable to all but the fiercest firepower.

UTF comment: ‘You couldn’t have hit it, it’s still standing! I can see it from here! Well hit it again for fuck sake, it’s coming closer! Oh god, no...No! Nooo-‘

Veterans – Space marines are physically immortal, their internal anatomy self-rejuvenating and well sustained by their vast array of biological augments. This means an Astartes can live for hundreds of years, see a hundred worlds and take part in thousands of battles. Marines that prove themselves time and times again as truly exceptional individuals earn their place amongst their chapters elite units as veterans of their trade. Vanguard take the fight to the enemy upon jump packs, wielding fierce power weapons and ancient relic blades while Sternguard push upon the frontlines with frightening firepower provided by the finest firearms of the chapters armoury. Each veteran is a walking god upon the battlefield, his deep experience granting him a keen eye for tactical advantages and knowhow enough for him to easily outsmart the enemy.

UTF comment: ‘I’ve never seen squad cohesion as solid as that before. They were all in perfectly synchronised formations that shifted and flowed as the battle demanded it, barely a handful of shots actually ended up hitting them, all to no effect. We didn’t stand a chance.’

Space marine terminators – Granted training and the use of specialised suits of power armour gifted with improved degrees of protection and strength, these veteran marines are a force never to be taken lightly. Each marine essentially becomes a walking battle tank, armed with a mighty power fist and storm bolter, able to hold his own against hundreds of lesser beings with little trouble. Terminators are commonly deployed into spacecraft interiors via the teleportation capabilities of their suits, their massive size clogging up ship corridors to ensure they can systematically cleanse an enemy ship of occupants, leaving no survivors.

UTF comment: ‘Welder! Get the welder! They’re right outside the door!’

Command squads – A team of exceptional marines who have proved themselves as fine combatants, capable strategists and diverse thinkers. Normally handpicked by a company captain, being or at least soon becoming close friends to the commander, making their team all that more effective on the battlefield as both warriors and commanding officers. Command squads tend to have an Apothecary and company champion within their ranks alongside experienced veterans.

UTF comment: I can only guess at the deep, dark depth the Mega Corps PMCs guts dropped after seeing their fire had done absolute zip as the dust settled. All eight of them were standing, all eight still as ready to get stuck in the fight. Their chainswords roared, their guns barked and hissed and their flag flew high.’

Honour guard – The finest minds and arms the chapter has to offer are most likely to ascend to the rank of honour guard, acting as ever vigilant bodyguard for the chapter master. Honour guard can also easily act as very capable commanding officers as well as being the finest swordsman and marksman the chapter has to offer. Their bond amongst one another is utterly unbreakable, each holding the other in highest esteem as both blood brother and respected military comrade.

UTF comment: ‘What a bunch of retards. Mega Corp’s gonna see that shiny gold shit from a mile away. Tell those freaks to stay the fuck away from our ranks, I don’t want artillery falling on our fucking heads just because they like feeling pretty.

Champion – Most chapters select an individual for each company, and even the chapter as a whole, to fight as the most highly skilled warrior, one who can hold his own with a blade against almost any foe to cross him. Champions commonly wield a power weapon of sorts alongside a combat shield, giving them a solid advantage in close combat situations.

UTF comment: ‘Signs of sporadic small arms fire...I think a grenade went off here...It’s weird though, all these guys have no gunshot wounds, they do look like they messed with the wrong end of a garbage shredder though.’

Apothecary – Individuals who have studied and mastered the trade of biology and medical manipulation. These aspiring medics maintain the chapters health and bring wounded marines back to their feet again. Apothecaries also serve a role as reapers of their brethrens gene seeds, retrieving the vital organs so the fallen marine might be born once more. Finally, they must also be prepared to deliver a quick and honourable death to marines far too badly damaged to be salvaged from the battle.

UTF comment: ‘Shit, James, five meters right of the cinema entrance. What is he doing with that other guy? Oh man, fucking gross! You see, dude, I told you these things were fucking animals!’

Techmarine – As apothecaries have mastered the biological, Techmarines have mastered the artificial, becoming well suited for mechanical work. Having been taught in the arts of technical alteration and forgery by the priesthood of Mars, Techmarines are perfectly capable of performing seemingly impossible field repairs on military hardware. Their trade can commonly go straight to their heads, meaning their attitude and perception on reality becomes colder and more mechanical, this usually leads to them growing apart from their more common brethren to focus their efforts on crafting ever more lethal weapons and vehicles.

UTF comment: ‘I told you, I don’t know what you’Raaarrgh! No! No please not my legs! Please, I swear I don’t know where the archives are, I just run patrols by the ship docks!...No...What are you d-? Oh no! No please stop, n-‘

Librarians – Even the rigid and complex DNA makeup of a space marine is susceptible to the slight imperfections that grant an individual psychic abilities. These marines are taken in by the chapters Librarium, being taught to control and harness their psychic attributes to their fullest potential. With enough training a space marine becomes a chapter librarian, a man tasked with retrieving long lost relics, items of interest and ancient secrets. However they also serve quite well on the battlefield, able to cast a vast array of spells upon the enemy, from dancing fireballs of unreality to illusions of terror and stupor.

UTF comment: ‘Back up! Back up! Four-sixty is down! That fucking thing just threw a fucking tank across a whole fucking street block! How is that fucking possible?!’

Chaplains – The spiritual leaders of the ranks of the Astartes, these battle-priests are steeped in ancient tradition and hold faith and honour before all else. Chaplains maintain the spiritual health of the chapter, offering advice, distributing both reward and punishment and holding the many sermons that fill a space marines life. In battle, Chaplains rouse a fiery sense of duty and feverish devotion through the ranks, urging their brothers to achieve mighty feats of courage and even madness. Clad in black armour, their skull-shaped death masks leering at the enemy and wielding their Crozius Arcanum power mauls these men are to be feared by all who oppose them.

UTF comment: ‘Someone kill that crazy bastard!’

Captain – Through years of battle experience and having proven themselves against impossible odds, the force commanders of the space marine chapters are living legends throughout the galaxy. Wielding the finest weapons and armour of the chapters armoury, most usually having been personally modified and decorated, these mighty warriors are tactician and champion both. Captains seek out tactical advantages upon the battlefield with their keen eyes whilst sowing devastation to the enemy, a feat impossible to all aside from an Astarte. Captains act much like a father figure to many companies, acting as a firm role model for their lesser brethren to aspire to.

UTF comment: ‘This is my army, Captain. This is my army in my city. I’m not going to divert a whole platoon just to play at a one in a million shot at victory. I thought you things were supposed to be smart.’

Chapter master – Warriors without parallel and strategists beyond compare even within the ranks of the space marines, chapter masters are masters of war in every aspect, with firearm and blade alike they destroy all who dare defy them. Chapter masters are a shining example of Astarte potential and therefore have earned respect enough to see their whole chapter follow them to hell and back without a question or doubt. These commanders also hold utter and unquestionable command over entire star systems, commanding both their brethren and Imperial auxiliary units such as the Imperatori and even Mechanicus forces granted the chapters’ relation with the secretive priesthood is without complication.

UTF comment: ‘Luck, that’s all it is, luck! He got me this time, but I’ll show him! Oh yes...oh yes indeed! Next time we’ll see who is outsmarting who!’

Imperial army

For millennia the forces of mankind spread their inexhaustible armies through space, claiming hundreds of thousands of worlds as their own by unity or force. However since the Cleansing mankind has no longer needed such an expansive domain, their military focusing on surgical operations rather than mass conquest. So it was that the allied and loyal alien races that ended up composing the Imperial common folk, known as Imperatori, were granted use of ancient human technology. Weapons, armour, vehicles, ships and architecture of simple and highly durable design have been gifted to any and all who embrace the Imperial way, seeing population excel technologically by hundreds of years in just a few generations.

Now what is known as the Imperial army is the single largest military the galaxy has ever seen, composed of dozens of different species and numbering in the near infinite. Their technology is extremely diverse as different cultures have manipulated their tech to suit their preferences, however certain patterns of hardware have survived the tens of thousands of years and remain faithfully in active service. So durable and delightfully uncomplicated are the armies technologies that most machines can survive hundreds if not thousands of years of use with ease of repair and function.

However the armies strength is not in their immortal tech, but mostly in the men and women who wield it. An infinitely diverse pool of devout infantry backed by fierce armour stands ready to claim worlds as their own in the name of their Emperor or defend their homes in darker times. Though an individual amongst these billions strong armies would seem an insignificant speck to some, the army takes pride in honouring their soldiers roots, their devotion and their courage as these mere mortal beings of flesh and bone face up against a galaxy with infinite horrors.

Imperial militia – Male, female, young and old. These Imperial citizens are your everyday city folk from a thousand walks of life, bounded for their love of their homeland and society. When an enemy force decides to attack an Imperial citadel they can be sure to find millions of militia soldiers wearing and wielding armour and weapons bought by their own hard work, all willing to lay down their lives to defend their city, families and faith. Most are simple shots and un-savvy in the art of war, yet they provide a firm and steady defence against aggressors, giving their home time enough to see its true defenders take up arms.

UTF comment: ‘You know, I’ve heard Mega Corp can get sloppy every so often, probably as often as we can, but I would have never thought in a million years that a whole company of the capitalist pigs would be royally ass-fucked by a bunch of housewives and street gangs packing pistols and shotties.’

Imperial troops – Hardy, strong, brave, swift and bonded by hardships of warfare, these troopers are the backbone of the army, numbering in the hundreds of trillions galaxy-wide. Wearing flexible Drake-scale beneath titanium armour plate and wielding rapid fire projectile rifles, these soldiers provide an awesome defensive force as well as being able to launch an avalanche of an offensive given time to mobilise. Compared to the soldier of more ‘civilised’ societies, the Imperial trooper is larger, stronger, faster, more fiercely trained and are far more closely bonded to their purpose and fellow soldiers. Led by finely experienced officers and driven with the immortal energy of faith, the Imperial soldier can be considered one of the finest mass infantry units in all the galaxy.

UTF comment: ‘Well built, obviously grown on a protein heavy diet. Well trained, both in strategy, personal combat skills and psychological health techniques. Armed with anti-personnel weaponry with a touch of anti-armour. No wonder this fight’s lasting longer than we thought.’

Imperial legionnaire troops – Career soldiers who relinquish their comfy homes and past lives to start a new life in the battlefield. Wearing heavier armour plate and armed with a more diverse array of weapons, this infantry unit is an immediate superior to almost all other mortal infantry. Well trained in warfare tactics and skills, each legionnaire can act as a one man squad, pressing through the enemy were the fighting becomes too fierce for the average trooper to bear. Legionnaires are still an infinitely numerous fighting force, but offer a harder hitting blow to enemy lines, making breaking offensive formations that much easier for the army as a whole.

UTF comment: ‘Giffe, Yorick, Melany and Joseph, all dead. After the gunshots started rattling all around me I just ran, ran as far and as fast as I could. I didn’t even know where we were being hit from.’

Imperial shock troops – At times reported as hot headed and minimally unhinged, shock troops are delivered into combat via single man delivery pods launched from the bellies of spacecraft. These spec ops teams are well known for their hard hitting assault tactics that strike at the heart of the enemy. Though they have a short life expectancy, shock troops have just the right amount of crazy to disregard such impeding calculations and instead just get the job done. Well armed and armoured, these highly trained elite squads know exactly where to hit the enemy where it hurts.

UTF comment: ‘You go right ahead buddy, get yourself killed. Tell you what, you make that run and I’ll give you my sisters phone number...Stupid fuck, hey Tony, you filming this?! Keep the camera on him, the media’ll give us props for exposing good old Imperial stupidity. Wait...no...Oh fuck! Tina’s gonna kill me!’

Imperial tempest troops – The many warzones across the Imperium leave an endless ocean of orphans, orphans that can be raised to be the perfect soldiers. These small, lost, upset children are offered the chance to face the monsters that destroyed their lives and loved ones, an offer many take up in their ignorance. Though leaving the dreaded training camps of the tempest legions is very much an open option for these children, some still choose to remain within the harsh regime that lays before them, a life of pain and warfare that is scarring if not outright lethal to those that fall short in the trails. However should a child grow to an adult under this daily gauntlet of fierce tempering they will be forged into a formidable warrior, becoming the finest infantry the Imperial army has to offer. Each tempest troops is a living weapon, able to best entire platoons with little trouble, using their cold calculation and finely tuned skills to overwhelm their opponent with their advanced weaponry, diversion tactics, survival skills and immunity to pain, fear, moral conflict and the terrible sight they shall no doubt come across.

UTF comment: ‘Sir, it’s Bradley. We have four 23rd here, sir. No sir, all dead. Dismembered, stuck to a wall with wooden stakes, lined up side by side...unmasked...lips have been cut off. They seemed to have been alive when this happened, sir. Wait...there’s something...some word carved into their forehead...It says ‘Heretic’, sir.’

Imperial medic – Considered by most as the hardest working and reliable individuals within the army, these capable soldiers are ever on the move to heal the wounded, saving the lives of hundreds in just a days’ work. Never giving up on a patient even when under enemy fire Imperial medics are well respected as some of the finest examples of the bravery and devotion each trooper should aspire to. Each squad normally has a medic attached, sometimes acting as second in command to a sergeant as corporal.

UTF comment: ‘Why, colonel? Well the thirty eight guys that ‘thing’ saved are still bed ridden, but nonetheless still alive, so I’ve taken it upon myself to thank her on behalf of them. That girl might be alien, she might be Imperial, but she hauled more ass in that firefight than you will your entire life! We’d be so lucky to have medics like her. Fuckin’ 23rd asshole.’

Imperial rifle team – A sniper and spotter team that wields the massive sniper rifle, tasked with remaining patient and mobile at a moments’ notice. Remaining in position for days at a time in certain scenarios, this deadly duo waits for the perfect moment to strike before crippling an enemies efforts with just a single shot. Trained extensively in the use of the sniper rifle and working together in perfect cohesion, the rifle team is a power to be rightly feared on the battlefield, many enemy commanders growing mad with paranoia of having the ever hungry crosshairs hovering upon their fear stricken faces.

UTF comment: ‘Sergeant, we’ve run out of food and only have water for another day. We can’t hide in here forever; we have to take our chances and bail. That sniper can’t kill all of us if we bolt at the same time.’

Imperial priest – When it can, the Imperial church of the Adeptus Ministorum send one of its many priests to be attached to a platoon. Priests can be any species, and even work through differing perspectives and practices of faith, yet all share a love for their God Emperor and the Imperial way. In times of war priests offer a firm moral ground for commanders to stand upon, ensuring an officers actions and orders are just and compassionate. However when faced with the soulless and hateful enemies the galaxy has to offer one can expect the war priest to rouse a righteous fury within the Imperial ranks, urging the troops on with words filled with divine truth whilst delivering death upon the enemy themselves with holy firearms and mystic curses.

UTF comment: ‘Someone shut that retard up! There’s no gods, no divine masters and no fucking salvation!’

Command crew – Lead by a capable field officer and composed of the finest set of skills and minds the Imperial ranks has to offer, these teams lead from the front, commanding their forces through deafening bellows and leading by example. From this perspective these officers and their comrades are fully able to assess the battlefield from a fresh view and offer the troops an ever present moral lift to see their commander at their level.

UTF comment: ‘Commander on the field! I repeat, they have a commander on the field! High priority target located!’

Tactical cohort – Standing apart from the battle, far behind artillery and within the safety of a temple-like bunker, this team of Imperial android serfs and masterful geniuses provide the frontlines with a wider view of the battlefield. Their orchestration helps the flow of battle and grants their defences an edge against aggressors, artillery more precise firing intel and armour a solid destination to spread the most efficient devastation.

UTF comment: ‘Every airstrike, intercepted. Every flank, outmanoeuvred. Every armour deployment, bombed out. It’s like they have eyes everywhere.’

Gathering – A gathering is a group of warlocks, mystics, scribes and prophets sent from the Imperial church to aid the battle that has come to the doorsteps of their home. Gatherings may even be sent off world to act as pilgrimages in the aid of other star systems and foreign armies. These normally placid and peaceful individuals act as advisors for most Imperial commanders, offering wise words in dire situations. They can also summon supernatural powers to aid in their forces victory, from throwing volleys of vicious lightning bolts upon enemy ranks or cursing the unbelievers with false fortune and illusions.

UTF comment: ‘The short answer is, we don’t know. Medically these mercs are fine, yet the symptons remain consistent. Insomnia, muscle spasm and paralysis, hallucinations, seizures and violent spouts of vomiting and violent thrashing. They keep mumbling stuff, some language I don’t recognise.’

PMCs – The galaxy is a vast place, and with it comes a bottomless supply of mercenaries in it for the pay. The Imperium is not beyond sharing its wealth in trade for firepower and battlefield skills. Though somewhat unpredictable and reckless, these unorthodox fighters offer an advantage over an unwary opponent. Sometimes the sights seen by PMCs is enough alone to see them converted to join the Imperial cause, however this is an occurrence the Imperium does not solely count upon, and therefore indoctrination is not an implemented action when concerning these wild cards.

UTF comment: ‘This is why I hate the Imperium. They hire the same types of people we have fought for years. Just another form capitalist exploitation.’

Void pirates – Although they wear the Imperial Aquila and many even hold the faiths and ideals of the Imperium, these rag-tag crews of scallywags and castaways are as free from Imperial regulations as they are unpredictable. Their services can be bought, however more often than not the captains of these pirate ships chose their battles themselves, driven by promise of treasures, glory, vengeance or even just for the sake of adventure itself. This unorganised yet surprisingly effective force has proven to give armies a vital edge over an opponent as pirate craft run rings around their navy while the armies own ships deliver fatal blows to the distracted craft. On the ground, much the same tactics apply.

UTF comment: ‘First we started laughing at how campy they all looked. Then we started screaming at how fast we were being killed off.’


Stretched through a small patch of space, far from the ever nearing reach of the Imperium, lays the UTF, a federation that has solidly tasked itself with technological, social and economical progress. Built upon a time of fear and regression this federation vowed to never again let their race slip back to darker ways of life no matter the cost. This has lead to the creation of a secure, sturdy society that guarantees an enlightened way of life with wealthy technology for all. However, as much as such a ‘eutopia’ has been achieved by the federation, it has been done so at a steep cost of life and freedoms, for to live safe many barriers must be erected. So it has become that the UTF citizens have grown within the safe confines of their societies, ignorant of the cost that has been paid for their luxury, sometimes by choice.

To maintain a strong grip on order and security within the cities of the federation, thousands of troops wander the streets in patrols, rarely leaving an alley or corner unchecked. Beyond the federation marches legions of faceless ranks of black clad soldiers that crush the life from terrorist movements and alien creatures that make a habitable world hazardous to live upon. The finely crafted war machine that is the UTF military is a cool, calculative machine that is built strong upon the foundations of science, logic, precision, assessment and order. Rarely is a soldier found out of step or a gun misplaced, making their military a well crafted engine of destruction.

Though the people they defend have grown to admire them as brave soldiers, the enemies of the UTF simply see them as faceless, easily killable goons. Some have gone so far as to claim that they are all clone troops, even automatons. Yet, whether machine or flesh, these soldiers still fight with a cold indifference to their enemy, fiercely advanced technology and powerful weapons.

Security troopers – Trained as strict and even brutal enforcers of federation population centres, these troopers are not to be opposed, not even verbally. They are tasked with a simple thing; maintain order, and detain anyone who disobeys the federations’ law. Though fierce and imposing to any citizen who dares challenge them, against true soldiers these law enforcers are less than adequate. However their knowledge of their city and patrol routes can provide them an edge against those who are easily confused to foreign urban environments. Some are granted improved armour and thick riot shields for crowd control.

Imperial comment: ‘Well, you can try and confiscate it, but I’m guessing that won’t end too well for you.’

Federation troopers – Clad in the black and red of the UTF and wearing frightening gas masks, these troopers have the appearance enough to discourage terrorists foolish enough to face them. Far better armoured and trained than their security counterparts, these troopers know how to handle combat situations far better. The signature gas masks of these troopers act also as chemical distribution rebreathers, filling a troopers lungs with chemical compounds that dull their perception of pain, tire, thirst, hunger and ever excessive emotions. As fearsome and surgical these troops are, they are susceptible to lack of intel and rely heavily on foresight from their command to operate effectively, seeing them lost against certain shock assault tactics launched by Imperial adversaries.

Imperial comment: ‘All the shiny technology in the galaxy can’t match up to good old fashion flesh and bone. Take their guns, armour, gadgets and gas masks away and what are they? Little more than scrawny, pale little shits with bad attitudes.’

Assault trooper – Comparable in skill and marksmanship to the Imperial trooper, yet having a cooler head and more mechanical mindset. These soldiers act as a frontline guard for advancing military movements as well as effective guardians of locations and items that have gained federation interest. Wearing finely crafted plate armour much sturdier than that of the common trooper and having more complex digital systems assisting them, assault troopers are prized units in the military and most officers seek out their ranks to act as the firm pillar on which to mount their field operations. This breed of soldier also includes a light kinetic barrier shield to soak upon a handful of rounds before buckling.

Imperial comment: ‘Not that I don’t appreciate their help, but I don’t appreciate their fuckin’ help. Formations are too rigid, they won’t follow common sense due to stubbornness and avoid close combat like a plague.’

Heavy trooper – Given muscle enhancement drugs and joint reinforcement surgery, heavy troops wield missile launchers, machineguns and coil guns with all the manoeuvrability of a regular trooper. Heavy troops are normally the most aggressive soldiers in the UTF military, finding glee in mowing down squads of enemy soldiers that would dare be so ignorant as to oppose the invincible federation. Wearing nano-tube weave padding and augmented shock absorbing plate armour these soldiers can survive momentary enemy fire without as much as a stumble.

Imperial comment: ‘Initiate rapid firing suppression! They might be tough, but they can still die!’

Snipers – Lightly armoured one-man units armed with long ranged rifles to pick out vital enemy targets. Using cloaking technology to gain a vantage point yet remain unseen by the enemy, this individual can strike from anywhere before being spotted, and even then only if the opponent has a keen eye. Normally the quiet type to stick to themselves, snipers can be considered recluses by some. However this can prove useful, as silence is a useful tool to a soldier who needs to become but a ghost. Though keen shots and having the gift of invisibility, snipers have limited field supplies to remain light on their feet, and rely just as heavily as the rest of the UTF on intel, meaning a sniper can become a useless tool if in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Imperial comment: ‘Come out, come out, wherever you are.’

Engineers – Trained to use a cutter just as often as a rifle, engineers are well schooled in both hardware and software. Carrying superior hacking devices alongside plasma cutters and welding probes engineers can perform field repairs to vehicles with great efficiency. They can also retrieve and store crucial data on their multi-docs, helping them further fuel the military’s tactical capabilities. Engineers tend to use shotguns and PDRs for personal defence, but commonly require an escort to remain well enough defended to operate to their fullest.

Imperial comment: ‘Sure, they can change a wheel or weld an axle, but give me a Techpriest any day. Those guys know machinery like I know booze and women.’

Commissars – These patriotic field officers act as both commanding units and moral resolution for the military. They are judge, jury and executioner to any and all who defy the order of the federation. They despise enemies of logic, use science as a form of gospel and remain utterly devote to the federations cause. Wearing symbolic armour with strong kinetic barriers and wielding advanced weaponry these commanders are not easily disposed of. Commissars represent the most steely resolve and coldest conclusions that the UTF dishes out, executing both terrorist and child alike if the greater good demands it.

Imperial comment: ‘Pull yourself together lad, ain’t gonna be the last time you’re gonna see dead kids. All we can do now is look for the fuck who did this, and I think I know what we’re looking for.’

Officers – Absolute and thorough in their logical assessments of the battlefield, there is little a UTF officer cannot prepare for given time enough. Officers tend to stand far behind the frontlines to orchestrate their troops efforts, coordinating ground operations with their assembly of high tech communication equipment. It is every officer’s ultimate objective to achieve the greater good, to salvage the best possible and finest logical conclusion of any battle, no matter the cost.

Imperial comment: ‘I don’t care how carefully you analysed the situation! I once analysed an apple chewy and found a sand bug baked into the pastry! Analysis leads to disappointment, we’re doing this my way!’

23rd troops – Unknown to the public, the UTF has created its fair share of monsters, and some of the most grotesque are the shadowy members of the 23rd division. Though they appear as little more than dark, hooded citizens, each member is medically incapable of feeling remorse in any sense. Wearing light recon armour, heavy kinetic shielding and cloaking devices, these soldiers are tactically superior in every sense to the average soldier, able to easily eliminate dozens of terrorists at a time without being seen and remaining unharmed when under fire. As much as their technology is superior and their minds generally as cold as ice, 23rd can be susceptible to overanalyses, overconfidence and overreliance on their technology. Yet, as much as even a standard pattern Imperial troop could tear one of these cold killers in two in close combat, such a chance is remotely slim as the 23rd are all but shadows on the battlefield.

Imperial comment: ‘We found Jayl a half a mile down the road. We rushed on over to see what state she was in just to find her corpse had been rigged with enough explosives to gut a Cobra tank. Fifteen guys went sky high and only two managed to survive the blast. Took me a sec to realise weapons fire was raining down on us from the tall grass to the east, taking out another five men. The rest of us made a charge and hit the grassland like freight trains. After twelve hours of searching we decided to pack up and drag the dead back home. I’ll find those slippery fuckers if it’s the last thing I do.

Olympians – Contrary to the dark and brooding 23rd are the overt and proud Olympians, giant super soldiers of immense strength and speed. Wearing titanium plate power armour and wielding heavy weaponry with little trouble these soldiers are indomitable to the average terrorist rabble. Olympians also act as living propaganda to be exploited by federation media, a symbol of the UTFs greatness and accomplishment. Though not quite up to the standards of the Adeptus Astartes, these individuals are still the fiercest fighters in all the federations’ military.

Imperial comment: ‘Five, eight, twenty, forty two. Troops fell like flies as we made the push against those three glorified tin-men. They were well trained, quick and had hardware enough to soak up whatever bursts of fire we could lay down on them. Thank the Emperor the Astartes showed up when they did, or I sure as hell wouldn’t be here now.’

Comments ( 4 )

‘Someone shut that retard up! There’s no gods, no divine masters and no fucking salvation!’

This is 40k, he has no idea how wrong he is.

2257105 Not 40k exactly, but the makeup of the universe is roughly the same. And don't forget, this is what the Emperor was saying at the beginning of the crusade :rainbowlaugh:

The 40k thing, yeah just meant the guys with the UTF i knew it was a little different, then the Emps thing was he tried to starve the Dark Gods (didn't understand it fully so he royally effed up). But he tried so that what matters:pinkiehappy:... RIGHT???:pinkiecrazy:

2257603 Really, we don't know what he was trying to do, probably never will. In my fics I'm keeping his intentions clean for the most part. He still denies being a god but doesn't bring the ban-hammer down on churches anymore.

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