• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2015


Hey all, just another brony looking to post up some fan fiction. Hope everyone enjoys.

More Blog Posts10

  • 599 weeks

    Well, its been a while but I am back. And I do intened to work on writing. First things first, "Mommy's Kisses" will get an update soon. I ahve not forgotten about that. Secondly, "Does the Part End with Motherhood" has been cancelled. I know I did have some followers on it, but I am not happy with it. My friend Zev and I whow ere collaborating on it will be collaborating mroe in the future, and

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    3 comments · 636 views
  • 621 weeks

    (Since I still have no updates yet, due to work and other such things, I would like to let everyone know I'm still alive and will get to updates eventually. However, I've gotta rant right now)

    (This rant is related to the comic series or The Walking Dead).

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    0 comments · 468 views
  • 624 weeks
    Updates as of Late

    So this is probably like the tenth one of these I've posted, but sorry for my lack of updates on everything. Between college finals a few weeks ago and now working 40+ hours a week, writing has just sort of ahd to fall by the wayside for now. I'm not giving up and I don't want to put my stuff on hiatus, but I doubt thing are going to get written any faster than they already are. I am working on

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    2 comments · 411 views
  • 627 weeks
    I've been tagged! (Don't tag back, apaprently not allowed)

    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
    4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. (Sorry I just don't have the time)

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    2 comments · 509 views
  • 634 weeks
    New Chapter Being Worked On

    Alright so the next chapter to "Motherhood" is finally nearing completion. Been too long for everyone I'm sure.

    Also working on a new chapter for "Mommy's Kisses", but that'll probably take a little longer. This one has always sort of been my backseat fic, but I like it no less than my others, so it'll be updated soon too.

    1 comments · 365 views

I've been tagged! (Don't tag back, apaprently not allowed) · 5:03am Jun 4th, 2012

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. (Sorry I just don't have the time)
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them. (Uh hey everyone, you got tagged for reading this. That works, right???.)
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.(Oh god it read my mind before I read this part....just ignore all of rule 7 until the parentheses.)

Five things about me:

1.. I love Star Wars
2. I'm deathly afraid of dying. Mostly because despite certain beliefs I'm afraid of what does or doesn't come after death.
3 My favorite video game series is Silent Hill.
4. Despite my love of Silent Hill, I've never read the Silent Ponyville series.
5. The fics here are my first fics in years. I used to write fics for teen Titans (the cartoon) years ago but dropped them a couple years back.

1. What's your inspiration?

Hm, I guess the concept of romance and romantic movies for the parts dealing with love. Everything else just sort of comes to me when it coems to me, it just depends on whats going on around me at the time.

.2.If you were to become a pony, what type would be your second choice?

Probably a Unicorn. I like earth ponies best, but I think Unicorns get the best deal.

3.You arrive in the ponyverse and change form, but you don't become a pony. You are now a...?


4. What's your favorite tag combo?


5. How about least favorite tag combo?


6. Pinkie is hosting a potluck party. What are you bringing?

Sushi. Probably crunchy rolls (sort of like a Cali roll, with crunchy bits on top and eel sauce) or Yum Yum rolls (fried rolls of spicy crab).

7 Things have gotten busy, and everypony is looking to hire someone to help them with their jobs. Who would you work for?

Fluttershy. Animals might be fun.

8. What item of technology would you introduce to Equestria? It can be reworked to be magic-based as needed.

Modern computers with internet access.

9. If you could make a living at anything, what would it be?

Writing, and not just fan fcition, real writing. ITs just so hard to get real original ideas anymore.

10. Favorite song from the show? Includes remixes.

Either "This Day aria" or "Simle, Smile,Smile"

11. Favorite brony song not from the show? Again, includes remixes

Is it bad if I've never really given many a chance? I honestly am kind of daunted by the sheer amount of brony music, so anyone reading this, give me soem suggestion.

I guess if you guys wanna answer thses, I'm ok with this. If anyone wants to reply to it. I doubt this is very itneresting, but it's all I've got right now :D

Edit: Some of you probably already saw primalcorns blog, but if you didn't, don't tag back, apparently not allowed.)

Report Sith_Dreamer · 509 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Sadly, that's as far as we can really go with tagging. Apparently knighty got rather upset over it, which I can understand. He probably got tagged roughly 40 times a day. No matter, it's all in good fun. I enjoyed it myself, hence why I sent one your way

'I honestly am kind of daunted by the sheer amount of brony music, so anyone reading this, give me some suggestion'


Go listen to everything written by NotACleverPony right this instant :rainbowdetermined2:

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