• Member Since 25th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th

Blue Spark

A brony who no longer has as much time on their hands as they would like/hope for. :/

More Blog Posts26

  • 484 weeks
    The Future of "The Guildmaster of 1,000 Spells!!!"

    So, hey all, it's been a while!
    Despite not having update my story in a while I still see how I get favorites and likes, and seeing as how I haven't been a very good author I think it's about time I did something about it.
    I'll be frank, I'm not the most active person and I haven't made written a lot for this story but I think it could use a rewrite.

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    6 comments · 631 views
  • 517 weeks
    My Everfree NW 2014

    So yeah, I was at Everfree NW 2014!
    I was planning on working while there but instances made it so that I could not bring my laptop so boo-hoo to that...
    Still, doesn't mean I had a bad time, in fact it was just as good, if not better, than last year! :D
    It was a bummer that I didn't get to hang out with AcousticBrony like last year but I hanged out with PikePetey which was hilarious.

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    12 comments · 478 views
  • 528 weeks
    Guess what day it is...


    Yay! :D
    Anyway, update: Yes, the next chapter for my LoHAV is coming!
    In fact, it's pretty close!
    I was hoping to get it to my pre-readers so it'd be out by today but that's not happening though...

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    29 comments · 734 views
  • 534 weeks
    Finals Week is Keeping Me Busy

    I'd hate to say it but I don't have the time to work on writing due to my finals coming up in college.
    I've tried to squeeze in some time but there's not much I can do, I'll see what I can do and write when I can but the next chapter for "The Guildmaster of 1,000 Speels!!!" is going to take a little longer than planned...

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    0 comments · 401 views
  • 538 weeks

    As the grammatically incorrect title says, I need an editor as well as some help.
    As you may have noticed I haven't update BOTH of my stories in a while, why that may be is because there was something wrong with me eating for a while, yadda yadda yadda and so now I'm taking pills so I can eat again, but not as much as I did before.

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    15 comments · 435 views

My Everfree NW 2014 · 12:25am Jul 8th, 2014

So yeah, I was at Everfree NW 2014!
I was planning on working while there but instances made it so that I could not bring my laptop so boo-hoo to that...
Still, doesn't mean I had a bad time, in fact it was just as good, if not better, than last year! :D
It was a bummer that I didn't get to hang out with AcousticBrony like last year but I hanged out with PikePetey which was hilarious.
Made some new friends, met with old ones, got me a shit ton of new posters and shirts too.
But one of the best moments was probably when I went around to get people to sign my shirt, which I did last year.
It was great to see that people remembered me, course I was the guy with the shirt with a lot of words on it and not remembered as Blue Spark, but it was great. :D
Pony 1 Kenobi, Pika Petey, Dustykatt and many others remembered me.
Hell I even got BronyWrighter to sign my shirt and that was just awesome, dude was totally not what I expected (Though I didn't have any idea in the first place).
The scene went something like this:

*Me going down the line for getting into the closing ceremony, grabbing some last moment signatures when I run into BronyWriter who was walking the oposite direction down the hall.*

Not recognizing this guy, I did the most common thing for me while I was there.
I asked him to sign my shirt.

"You there, have you signed my shirt!?" I call out, pointing to him.

He starts for a second, slightly surprised.

"Uh, no, I don't think I haven't..." Slightly unsure he sounded, but I could tell he would sign my shirt.

"Then would you like to sign my shirt?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess." He shrugs and comes over to me holding out several different colored sharpies.

"You can sign whatever you want, wherever you want, in any color you want. The only rule is that it has to be PG. You get a free complementary bro-hoof when you sign my shirt." I say the memorized lines quickly.

He takes a once over of my shirt, commenting off handedly if there was even room to sign. As usual though, to these questions, I respond with how it's okay to overlap as there was no room left as it is.

A quick signature later (Somewhere on my right side but I can't find it...) and he hands back the sharpie (Black I think) and glances at my tag.

"Blue Spark, huh... Do you have a FimFiction account?" He questions.

I blink, slightly surprised. Nobody as of yet has recognized me by name (And it was the final hour too) and I was quite surprised that he might of heard of me. So, trying to learn more.

"Yeah, I have a few stories on there, maybe you've read a few?"

He looks unsure so I begin listing a few stories that I've wrote, wondering if he's maybe a follower of mine, but it comes out negative when he hasn't heard of "The Guildmaster or 1,000 Spells!!!" or "Follow Your Heart".

"I think I have a follower named Blue Spark but there was one or two I think, not sure..." He finally responds, deep in thought.

At this I quirk a brow, as I do not follow very bronies, usually those who I am quite close with, are my editors, or in VERY rare cases, famous.

"What stories have you written, maybe I've heard of a few?" I question, hoping that maybe this could be a friend I made online in pure coincidence.

"Um..." Was all he replied and showed me his badge.

"I'm BronyWriter?"

My eyes go wide at his words and I stare at his badge for a moment, dumbfounded before I realize the situation and start complementing him, or at least saying how exciting it was to meet him.

Thinking back on it, I didn't really want to make him feel uncomfortable, which I probably might have as I don't really read emotions too well.

He chuckles though at my surprise and says "Yeah, well, at least you got BronyWriter's signature on your shirt now!"

So yeah, I compliment on his TD series some, how he won the writer's competition with "Broken Gladiator" (Which I didn't notice until I checked out the small magazine they hand out when they give you your badge), and how great it was meeting him in person.

Eventually, I even inquire about if he's read the "Guildmaster of 1,000 Spells!!!" or heard of LoHAV but he hasn't.

Lastly, and I still wonder if I should've asked this, is if he would take a look at one of my stories.

I was VERY excited when he said yes.

And so, with a good by bro hoof and a quick hug (Spur of the moment there) I let him go and continued down the line to grab signatures.

So, that's how my encounter with him went...
I plan on saving that one story to let him read till later, as I want to re-work most, if not all of them. (Even the LoHAV fic as I noticed there's an error about Ral's power, or a misunderstanding of sorts...)
So know this, there'll most likely a chapter for "The Guildmaster of 1,000 Spells!!!" coming out soon.

And finally, to BronyWriter (Who I doubt will read this) I hope you don't mind waiting a little bit to read a story of mine as I would like to work out some of the kinks in them.

Also, if people are interested, I can post a picture of my shirt with all the signatures on it.

Comments ( 12 )

Glad you had a good time there Blue. Wish I could have gone but life got in the way.

Yeah... Sucks too that the group is also facing problems as well...

Yeah, the power shifts, the in story war. So much has changed....I need to get over this writers block soon to add more Lutece fun into the league.

Lol, truth be told your story is the only reason why mine is still up, Jimmy gave me quite the revelation...
I have a lot of work to do on my story (editing/changing), but hopefully soon we can continue our work. :)

WOW, your's is the reason mine's still up. Anyways my hate is that I have the next chapter all planned out but have no will to write.

Lol, maybe we should skype call sometime and work together, maybe exchange ideas while we write? XD
Can't do that atm though, too tired... :/

Yeah that sounds fun. Looking back over the crossover chapter I see that it was the best work I've done while writing and talking with another person while writing really helped me. Now go get some sleep, there'll be more time to talk later.

Lol, not sleep, I need to relax. XD
Hell, I haven't had dinner yet (Which isn't for another 2 hours usually).
I'll probably chat with some friends and play games to burn some steam.
What do you say we meet up tomorrow though to work? I'll be free then.

I'll be taking an IT class until 4:30 tommorrow but that sounds good. See you then.

Hell I even got BronyWrighter to sign my shirt


Also, I signed your shirt on the right shoulder. I think I used red. Maybe black. As for you making me uncomfortable, you going nuts over seeing little ol' me was one of the highlights of the con for me. So thank you for that!

Also, I'm curious how I was "not what you expected?" Shorter than you and a redhead?

BTW, my fiancee also signed your shirt.

I knew you signed the right of my shirt just not exactly where...
Also, I thought it was black so it could've been red too.
As for what I didn't expect, well, you've always been a mystery. I was quite ecstatic that you seemed to be a great person. I was also happy that you were willing to listen to a fan like me so that made it even more awesome. (And I didn't mind the short or redhead part, I got a friend like that or at least to me anyway. XD)
To me, everyone is short.
I thought that person next to you was your fiancee but I wasn't sure and didn't want to jump to conclusions or make a mistake.
If you'd guys like I could try to look on my shirt for you signatures and send you the image, som people liked to do that it seems.

Also, good luck with the wedding. :)
*Thumbs Up*

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