• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
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Shazam 25

I'm a guy who loves Video Games and is a Brony. I get different ideas for the mane six and mostly into game crossovers.

More Blog Posts231

  • 3 weeks
    Someone help me out here

    Okay, I have been playing a new game on Switch called Umbraclaw, and to clear this up, I'm talking about this

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  • 11 weeks
    It's my 34th birthday!

    Another year, another birthday! Today marks my 34th year since I was born. I would up a video in celebration, but I'm not going to go. I know I haven't been on this site as much as I used to, but do know that I do come back every now and then to see what's new. Did have something planned for my birthday as well, but it's going to be done next week. My Step-Sister and Half Sister are low on money,

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  • 21 weeks
    Okay, I need some help.

    For those who might now know, I am a Star Wars fan. I did see Episodes 1 through 6 but haven't seen 7, 8, or 9. I wanted to give the SWTOR online game a shot, but every name I tied doesn't seem to work when making my account. It appears that it's very picking about my username. I'm trying as many as I can think of, but it going to be very unplayable if none of the names go through. And no,

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  • 30 weeks
    There is a Wapeach!

    You read right. Wario and Waluigi had a third partner! And that was Wapeach, the bad version of Princess Peach. However, it was rejected and was never put in any of the games.

    Watch this video to get a somewhat full story,

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  • 32 weeks
    I hate Crash Bandicoot.

    Let me be a little more clear, I don't hate the character. I like Crash. I'm talking about the games. N'Santy and It's About Time. Now, I never played the first three Crash games when they came out on the PS1. And I didn't play It's About Time when it came out. However, I'm really tired of the deaths I keep getting! :twilightangry2:

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Rainbow Dash (Zapp) Villians · 6:19am Jul 31st, 2014

OK, I making blogs about the villains the Power Ponies face. This one will cover the Villains that Rainbow Dash face as Zapp.

First, Collector. Collector is a Pegasus that hunt down rare things and keeps them as a trophy. He has a long line of hunting innocent ponies, but he mostly let them go to enjoy the hunt. He a brown stallion with dark blue eyes, a black mane and tail and a pile of trophies has his cutie mark. He hunts Rainbow after hearing about how she can control the weather and believes that she is the only one of her kind that can get her a good hunt.

Next, Slammer. Slammer is the first unicorn that Rainbow's face and is the toughest villain she had face. Slammer love slamming into things, but it no if the things he knocks down can never be rebuild. He goes to Cloudsdale where ever is fix in no time so he can have more fun. He a grey unicorn with a green eyes, a light red mane and tail. Oddly, he keeps his cutie mark cover and no ones know why.

Third, Poison. Poison once started a suit on Rainbow Dash giving her complete control over her powers with out her necklaces before Rainbow discover that the suit was trying to bond with her against her will. Rainbow able to remove it and it found a new host., Lighting Dust. Lighting Dust is upset with Zapp for stealing hers and Rainbow Dads work and has the suit on herself to stop her. The suit keeps Rainbow's secret from her and Poison is born. When it was on Rainbow, it made her whole suit purple and give her a mask. It also give a white lighting bolt on her chest. When it on Lighting Dust, it way different. It remain somewhat like the time it Rainbow suit, but Lighting Dust wings turn in bat wings and her face becomes more like Venom's from Spider-Man. Poison reappear as the Main Villain in the sequel.

The Main Super Villain, Elec-Stall a.k.a. Dr Elector. Elector was the pony before Rainbow Dash to have powers that control the weather. Unlike Rainbow, he chose a darker path. For the first few times he try's to get Rainbow to join him, but she refused each time. Elector is a yellow pegasus with teal eyes, a white mane and tail and a ball of electricity as his cutie mark. He is the main villain for the first story and help save all of Equestria in the sequel.

That it, the next blog will cover Applejack's (Mistress Mare-velous) villains and she might have the biggest list then the other members, but wait until I get something. Feel free to add anything.

Report Shazam 25 · 450 views · Story: The Mare of Weather, Zapp! ·
Comments ( 30 )

Will you make a blog about the I'm writing for you when I get more done on it?

2331238 I will. Do any of the villains remind of other villains?

2331248 Slammer is based on Marvel's the Rhino, Poison is based on Marvel's Venom, and Elec-Stall is based on DC comic's Weather Wizard.

mind if i give an idea for lightning dust when you finish the zapp sequel

2331248 Are you still online?

2331267 really? i think collector is based off collector from marvel slammer juggernaut from marvel poison venom from marvel and elec-stall electro from marvel

2331386 I forgot about the collector but elec-stall can control the weather not electric.

2331388 yeah but it says

a ball of electricity as his cutie mark.

and his name is elec-stall and he is electro in the Rainbow Dash's Sonic Dimensions story im pretty sure he is based off of electro

2331403 Did you even read Zapp? :rainbowhuh:

2331405 pfft did i read zapp? am i smart? so um no (ive been meaning to ok!)

2331444 So your going to read it soon then right?

2331449 i have 281 stories on my read later list so idk

2331248 I thought of a villain for your CMC story Diamond Tiara.

2331283 And what that?

2331470 You are a bit right about Elec-Stall. He calls himself that because he uses electric over his other weather powers.

2331476 Let me guess, Princess?

2331827 for lightning dust (poison) there can be another villain that has the same powers as zapp and poison in this universe she is a psycho called gilda a navy lightning bolt with red sludge gets on gilda and she starts killing many victims she is called nemesis for a short time poison and nemesis team up for a chapter but nemesis betrays poison leaving her for dead and this more of story where poison becomes an anti-hero

2332007 Sound like your bringing in Carnage from Spider-Man. That does sound like a good idea and before you ask, I have not yet started on Masked Matter-Horn. We are moving out and there a fair next week. Also a chance We might going Camping/Hiking as well.

2331827 Yes I just couldn't think of the name. Oh and the Discord story might have to wait till the third phase of your Power Ponies universe.

2332750 still waiting on the story you know

2332774 I know, I know. Planning out the first chapter is going to be a bit tricky. I remember the things you told me, It how they are going to plan out when I write them down. Also I trying to find the right types of games to use in each story of the Power Ponies. Rainbow Dash (Zapp) will do one of the game of Spider-Man that has Venom. Applejack(Mistress Mare-velous) is doing the only Captain America game. I'm trying to find the right Hulk game for Fluttershy (Saddle Rager). The other three I'm not sure yet. The games are going to take part in the stories which well give them their enemies for some or just be around one villain.

2332831 fili-second can be like the PS3 360 wolverine game masked matter-horn or radiance can be like the arkham games and who ever you do not chose can be like infamous for the PS3

hello there how are things

2335632 Fine I guess, Since I can't think of how the start is going to go, I might skip Twilight's for now and work on one of the five for now. Also, I learn that we are moving out of the house we are in in two weeks.

2335961 how about just making twilight sparkle a Pegasus and she can be interested in magic for a Pegasus she her friend spike and her brother flash sentry are adopted by twilight velevit and night light at a young age there real parents were killed by someone if not then maybe continue with radiance or fili-second

2336121 Well, I'm leaving family the same. I'm thinking about use the way that Twilight tells how she get her cutie mark to the CMC as the start, but add in where Celestia feels it her fault that she lost her last student.

2336170 maybe start off with twilight getting ready to earn her wings in the half begin of the 2nd half royal guards are vanishing

How big is Slammer?

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