• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
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Inconsistently making my favorite ponies miserable since 2011

More Blog Posts155

  • 32 weeks
    No New Chapter Today

    It's been a long, looooong time since I blogged, so. Hi. I'm still here. Still exist. My lack of activity is not due to lack of interest but lack of things to say.

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  • 250 weeks
    Chapter Two is Up!

    Chapter 2 of the reboot of Not All Who Wander Are Lost is up and active. Unfortunately, I have discovered that publishing an update of an old chapter does not send out notifications that a new chapter has been published--at least as far as popping up in the 'latest updates' and fimfic notifications is concerned. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'll do with the new chapters of the reboot beyond this.

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  • 251 weeks
    Weekly Wander Update (Week One): On Starting Over

    Thank Tayman for this quality meme.

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  • 253 weeks
    On Wander

    I could start this blog with a long, rambling monologue about what lead to the state of Not All Who Wander Are Lost. Its odd birth, its unfortunate comatose state, long detailed explanations why the fic essentially died so long ago. I'm not going to waste all of your time with that. If you have questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments, but that's not the point of this blog. Instead, I'm

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A New—and Hopefully Far Less Controversial—Project · 11:13pm Aug 15th, 2014

After the whole fiasco with Miracles, I've learned two things. The first is that dabbling into philosophy is not something I should do. Character studies have always been more my bread and butter, and I should probably just stick to those.

The second is that it's probably not safe for me to show my face around here anymore. Miracles does not reflect my own moral standing or headcanon or any of that junk; rather I was writing a TwiLuna fic and figured that, since I see "healing magic" brought up all the time in comments, I'd better acknowledge that junk before I get on with the lesbian kisses. Unfortunately, I didn't put nearly enough thought into constructing it, and it wound up blowing up in my face. A mistake, but one that I admit to and would like to get past.

However, a small part of me fears it's too late. That my name is already stained, tarnished beyond saving. That I've been put on the blacklist of various Skype chats and now, whenever I post anything from here on out, it'll be linked there and bombarded by downvotes simply because of this one blemish.

But I also realize that that is probably utter paranoia. At least I hope that's the case. Time will tell. Regardless, I'm gonna keep on keeping on since what else is there to do? Stop writing ponyfic? No, I've left you all waiting long enough. Only dying is gonna stop me now.

So, now we get to the "new project" described in the blog title.

I don't want to give away much until I'm closer to finished, but this is an idea I've had for a long time. Since the season 3 finale, I've been wanting to write this fic. I haven't yet because... I really don't know. It's going to wind up being a long one-shot, but depending on how crazy my mind gets it could span a few chapters. If that's the case, I'll make sure all the chapters are completed before posting. I hate leaving people waiting.

Speaking of waiting...

To Not All Who Wander and Reconstruction Site fans, I'd love to say that I have a new chapter in the works. However, it's been such a long break that I fear I'm going to have to read through what I have so far before I can get started planning future chapters—let along writing them. Expect news on the future of these fics, especially NAWWAL, in the near future.

And while I will probably be blogging more than I used to in the last year, I can assure you that spamming you guys and gals' notificiations with daily blogposts about whatever is not going to become a thing.

Report RazedRainbow · 843 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

Huh, I clearly missed something.

Yes, I'm pretty sure you're just being paranoid, Razed. I for one still love ya and look forward to seeing more horse words from ya.

I never realized you were so emotionally vulnerable, dude.

I wouldn't worry so much. People don't hate you for just one story, most of the time. Frankly, I forget who writes bad stories most of the time anyway. And it wasn't like your story was poorly written; it just was something that people disagreed with. Vehemently.

What the heck happened? Even if you got some static from a story, it's not THAT BAD :applejackconfused:

I keep saying you want about 10/1 or so of your strong reactions. I can only assume you've got enough readers, and you wrote a striking enough fic, that a few readers lost their little pony minds and stampeded on you.

They do that. It's a pony thing. :ajsmug:

That my name is already stained, tarnished beyond saving. That I've been put on the blacklist of various Skype chats and now, whenever I post anything from here on out, it'll be linked there and bombarded by downvotes simply because of this one blemish.

Razed, if people are gonna downvote your future stories because of one mistake, then they have extremely pathetic lives and should be ignored and not pitied. If they don't do this, then hey, better for you! Just relax, bro, the future is nice, bright, and shiny for everyone. :ajsmug:

What in the hay are you talking about? You had a new fic, which I haven't gotten to yet, and which now appears to have been disappeared. And now you're suddenly in some kind of panic. Care to share with the slow kids in the back of the class? :rainbowhuh:

Razed, I think you need a hug more than anything. :twilightsmile:

Calm down, dude. 95% of the people who disliked your story have certainly forgotten about it. People don't care that much about someone having different opinions than their own. There may be one or two people at most (and even one or two is stretching it) who will hold it against you and actually actively seek out your stories and downvote them.

In summary: No one gives a shit anymore. Resume normal activities.

What they said. Calm down Twilight, there's no reason to panic. Celestia's not going to send you back to magical preschool. Probably. :trollestia:

Clearly what you need to do is release a sequel to Mistakes, where Twilight finds out about Luna and Celestia's ability to heal her and deals with their decision, probably taking the form of her stating the better points made against Celestia's stance in the comments of Mistakes. :facehoof:

Or you could just move on to other things. That would be good too. :derpytongue2:


A story about Rarity not being very good with the thundery ones, huh? Cool. I don't believe I've read one of those. Will definitely do so, provided it isn't uber-dark and\or sad.


Overstatement much? Everyone makes mistakes, and you're making it sound like the end of the world. Chillax. Seriously.

Yeah I'll agree with all y'all that I'm making a huge overstatement here. I try to avoid posting overdramatic shit like those statements, but sometimes that side of me sneaks through. Apologies.

But I also realize that that is probably utter paranoia.

Yea, it really is. Your story wasn't even "bad", so I'm not sure why you're so worried. Sure, some people may not "agree" with the plot, but since when do people agree on anything? Half the time, you can't even get two people to agree on what to eat, so don't read too much into it. The story was written well, that's all that matters, and there are very few who would judge you on one story. And I don't think you're going to, good lord, be blocked from skype groups and shit from one story you wrote, good lord, that IS paranoia, man.

Don't stress so much. Hitler did nothing wrong. I-I mean YOU did nothing wrong.
:facehoof: That's not really the best way to assuge his paranoia.
:pinkiehappy: I know, but it's just soo much FUN!
No but seriously. You did nothing wrong. This is all just pony fan-fiction anyway. It's not like twilight is real, and you took her out back and shot her, or anything. So keep buggering on. Sometimes that's all you really CAN do.

Wait a minute? You removed it? OK, now there's a problem.
This is why we can't have nice things.

You should NEVER remove a story, FOR ANY REASON, once you've published it, unless you seriously think someone is going to come to your house and kill you if you don't remove it. Seriously. If I had a better server, I'd just constantly archive fimfiction, to fight against this shit. This is what people can't stand. People removing GOOD stories just because they suddenly had a change of heart. If your not certain of your stories' merit, then don't publish them. But for the love of god, once you publish something, you shouldn't remove it. That's just horrible. Despicable. Now what happens when that one person who fanatically loved your story goes back to look for it, only to discover its not there?

Seriously. I think knighty should just remove the "remove story" functionality, as it's effectively the same thing as going to a museum, pulling paintings off the wall, and chucking them in a furnace. I actually was keeping a fimfiction archive for a small little while, just for this reason, but I had to take it down because my servers' couldn't handle it. Damn. But I absolutely hate it when authors remove stories. I'm serious. That's the worst shit. Unless you honestly think your life is in jeopardy, you should never remove the story. Removing the story is a worse crime than writing a controversial piece of shit that everyone hates. I'd RATHER you write a story that got all downvotes, and not a single upvote, than for you to remove ANY story. It's a principle thing. You do not destroy what's been created. Your opportunity to censor yourself occurs before you hit the "publish" button.

Do the right thing, Razed, and re-upload the story. Dislikes or not, you wrote it, you published it, and somebody is bound to be heart-broken that the story they liked was taken down. It's like suicide. You always leave someone behind, heart-broken. Don't commit story-suicide. Make your stories be strong and live through life's oppositions.

Sorry about the wall of text, but I just go off whenever people remove shit. It gives me that "this is why we can't have nice things" feeling, because too much shit I love has been wiped off the face of the internet over the years. I'm becoming one of those crazy people who keeps their own little copy of the internet on their servers, and archives everything, and people think it's ridiculous, and it is, but this is why. This is effing why. Because if you don't archive it, and keep your own little copy, then there's always a chance the original owner can remove it, and if no one else archived it, it can quite literally vanish off the face of the earth.

Seriously, RR - please don't axe it. Miracles wasn't a bad story, even if it got bad press. People might not have liked Celestia's in-story justifications for her decisions, but readers (not the sapient ones, anyway) don't equate the work with the author. And one story doesn't define you. It got featured because it got heat. That means even if it didn't get all love all the time, it got attention; it got people talking. You got people talking. Half the aesthetic theories out there say that's what art is for. DTRT, Raze - let your TwiLuna foray back into the (star)light.

I will be reuploading it on the site (legally, of course. I didn't delete it, just revoked it). And regardless of reception, I'm not stepping off the TwiLuna train anytime soon. The pairing's too much fun to write.


I hear ya. TwiLuna is what landed me whatever tiny measure of eFame I have, and it's still my OTP. Maybe this'll inspire me to get off my butt and actually update for once.

Honestly, I wasn't a fan of TwiLuna in the slightest before writing it. Funny how actually writing a pairing can make your opinion on it do a complete 180.

If it makes you feel better I enjoyed the Twilina fic. :fluttershysad: It really was a great story... But I never understood how people didn't like it. Oh well and your new story looks interesting. Can't wait to check it out. :twilightsmile:

Aww, I missed it. :fluttercry:
I love shipfics! Anyways, looking forward to more! MOAR I SAY! :flutterrage:

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

Oh yes, good to see you returning
I too am going to need to reread NAWWAL from the start
It's been a long time, I can barely remember when the very first few chapters came out, it feels like 3 years ago.

I think it has been nearly three years now. Boy, I'm giving George RR Martin a run for his money in the "Writing with the speed of a slug" contest, eh?

After just finishing with Reconstruction Site, and noticing an update hadn't been posted for more than a year, I was disheartened to think I'd never hear the rest of the story. So it's with an understandable joy that i come to learn you are indeed planning on continuing it.

Please, do keep up the excellent work.

Also, I'm intrigued as to what is so "controversial" in this Miracles story you've written. It'll be interesting to give that a readover once you republish it.

so what's been happening lately?

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