• Member Since 6th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2023

Unbridled Dolly

Don't be a soft goat

More Blog Posts190

  • 458 weeks
    So Much Stuff is Happening That Nothing is Happening

    So yes, as the title says, I am somewhat ridiculously busy and am extremely exhausted and so soare moments are spent sleeping, so therefore I'm really not going to be active anytime soon because stuff just keeps taking up more time.

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    15 comments · 435 views
  • 459 weeks
    Rosh Hashana

    So it'll be Rosh Hashana for us soon and we're celebrating in New York with a few family friends, as usual, so I wanted to say happy New Year and שנה טובה to everyone! Enjoy the holidays!

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    8 comments · 364 views
  • 460 weeks
    Dolly and Good News

    I've just gotta say, this is really good news.

    Tomorrow, we're going to see Dolly

    And I'm just kinda like :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: because ohhhhh my gosh, I'm going to see Dolly!

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    10 comments · 936 views
  • 460 weeks
    Updates and Birthday and Things

    So it's my birthday tomorrow and I am currently panicking but hey, my friends are acknowledging it this year, so at least it's better this year. It's also Labor Day on Monday, but I'll be saying my thank you today.

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    22 comments · 418 views
  • 462 weeks
    School (Yayyyyyy)

    Ughhhhhh. That is literally my entire opinion. So school started on Wednesday and then my computer crashed but now it's working and I am so not looking forward to this year but oh well. Just a heads-up, I'm probably only going to be on a couple times a week, because I have a whole lot more to do this year than last year, so... just saying. I'll try to keep up, but no promises. Also, no more

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    10 comments · 383 views

Coocoo Birds... and Chapters · 6:56pm Aug 29th, 2014

So, for those that favorited Cruelty of Reality, you only need to read this paragraph. I'm boarding a plane now, and I'll be writing one (maybe two) chapters on the flight. If all works out, you'll get a chapter tonight. (Maybe two)

Only followers now? As I said above, I'll be boarding a plane in a few minutes. Don't expect any replies for a while, starting in about twenty minutes to half an hour. And there's a crazy kid in my grade. A coocoo bird. He set a cookie on fire during lunch... with a microwave.:facehoof: It took up the whole second half of lunch to deal with it. And then everything stank like smoke... and marshmallows.

Edit: Air conditioning on the plane stopped working. We had to get off. Still haven't reboarded.

Edit for the Edit: AC fixed, reboarding now.

Report Unbridled Dolly · 227 views · Story: The Cruelty of Reality ·
Comments ( 42 )

This kid seems legit! Man, I'm jealous.

2412018 Why am I not surprised?:rainbowlaugh:

:twilightblush:I did do something similar make in fifth grade with ice cream, a pania maker and hot sauce.

Well....I managed to close the school for bout 3 days. You see, no one uses the piña maker and it's in a different room.

I stuffed bout fifteen ice cream sandwiches and sprayed hot sauce on it. Then shut it down for about ten minutes and closed the door.

After that, it smelled like sweety gym shorts and under cooked fish.

(It's best you don't question.) Then I through the machine into a trash can. No one found out.

2412160 You're the only person I can think of that would ever do something like that.:facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

2412242 Well, there is something far worse that I could tell you:scootangel:

2412411 No thanks, I don't want to hear it.:rainbowwild:

Well, where you goin dawg?

Like, what you be doning bro?

:trixieshiftleft:Then why are you going?

2413064 I have no idea. It was my stepmom's idea.

:unsuresweetie:Somethingonna go down.

Something bad is about to happen. Don't say I told you so.

2413155 What, I'll get sick? Oh, wait, I already am.:ajbemused:

:rainbowlaugh:What are you sick with?:trollestia:

:ajsmug:How can you get a cold in the summer?

2413180 A cold is not always caused by being cold.

I know, it's a virus that's airborn/contact. They taught me this in 7th grade bio science.:derpytongue2::coolphoto:

2413214 I learned that in sixth.

2413744 You changed your username.:trixieshiftleft:

So, you did to. And this person is incredibly funny.:eeyup:Is there something wrong with change?:trollestia:

2414101 What's that suppose to mean?

If that meant nothing, you wouldn't have typed it. So....what does it mean?:unsuresweetie:

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