• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2017

Danger Beans

I was once an ordinary Lima Bean. One day I got bitten by a radioactive fanfiction writer and my life was changed forever.

More Blog Posts72

  • 403 weeks
    Matthew Says Hi

    Pictured: My House.

    So I'm currently being rained on by a Hurricane. I'm expecting the power to go out soon, but other than that, it's mostly an inconvenience. :ajbemused:

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    1 comments · 428 views
  • 409 weeks
    I Wrote a Thing + Generic Update

    Hey All.

    So Real Life has been kicking my ass pretty well of late, and I actually stopped writing completely.

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    2 comments · 410 views
  • 420 weeks
    Safe in Orlando

    I'm sure by this point you're all aware of the shooting which took place in Orlando during the early hours of this morning, what most of you probably don't know is that I actually live in Orlando. The tension here is palpable. This morning everyone was terrified, my sister and I were bombarded with phone calls from various friends and relatives, looking to make sure that we were okay. Even

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    4 comments · 462 views
  • 426 weeks
    Under A Silver Moon Update

    Hello all!

    The next two chapters of Under A Silver Moon are done. Kind of.

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    1 comments · 460 views
  • 427 weeks
    Amoongus! I Choose You!

    So I don't know how many of my followers are pokemon fans, but every once in a while, when I need something mindless to do, I open up Pokemon Showdown and play a few rounds.

    I don't even know how to explain what happened today, so I'll show you.

    This poor bastard got his shit pushed in by an Amoongus.

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    2 comments · 421 views

The Bookshelf Update · 2:34pm Oct 8th, 2014

So I logged into fimfic this morning to find the sight has been updated! I immediately wasted about an hour experimenting like a preteen at summer camp. How are you all liking the new updates? I like being able to add a story to my read later list without actually clicking on it. (Would have been a godsend BEFORE I got super-speedy internet, but oh well. . . ) and we CAN MAKE GROUP POSTS AGAIN! Although I am kind of peeved off at this whole "color algorithm" that knighty put in to gussy up our avatars. I mean, Brown! BROWN!? That's my color! WTF!

Report Danger Beans · 110 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
Site Blogger

Uh, yeah, that's your color. Look at your avatar, beany-boy. Fits perfectly.

I like being able to sort my stories in my RiL and that I now have places to put the stories I've read without being obligated to favorite them for that purpose. Now I can take every story I read and assign it to a location based on my overall opinion, and I like that.

Seriously!? I have forty followers and only ONE of them can be bothered to respond to my posts!?

But I digress. I'll probably add a "read" shelf for stories that I've read but not favorited and maybe a currently reading shelf or maybe a featured fiction shelf. Anything more than that would be too much work.

Site Blogger

And let's not forget that I'm at work right now. :moustache:

But don't let it get to you I have 280+ followers and am lucky if I get more than 4 to respond to any of my blogs.

I thought about adding a 'Reading' bookshelf too. It would never have more than one story in it at a time, but I notice that the site alerts people when one of their stories goes into a public-access bookshelf, so I could use this as a means of letting people know that their story is on my chopping block.



Hey now, you don't post stuff outside of fic spotlight's and the like very often. :raritywink:

But on a serious note, I still need to warm up to the changes myself. I did notice that I can see some people place my stories in bookshelves, however I'm not entirely sure how that works.

I've been too busy writing the past day to really sit down and take a look at just how these flashy new features work. So far the general opinion has been pretty positive from what I see though.

So I guess Knighty did something actually useful this time? :trollestia:


Well I was able to find a way to change my color to black, so l feel better.


Yep. I was online when this whole thing went live. It was a nightmare. 502 Hell. I couldn't even log in until up about an hour ago. But yeah, apparently there's still some things that are going to be addressed throughout the coming week, so fingers crossed. :unsuresweetie:

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