• Member Since 9th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2023


I post reviews with astounding irregularity, and a story once in a blue moon. Message me if you need some prereading or the like.

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Fanfic Reviews – Button Mashness Edition · 4:21am Nov 2nd, 2014

This might be a bad idea… But here are reviews for every one of these Button Mash fics. I am going in fully expecting them to be on the troll side of the spectrum, but really, what is the worst that could happen? Presented in the order I read them, I have:

Ⓑⓤⓣⓣⓞⓝ Ⓜⓐⓢⓗ
Button Goulash
Button Ash
Button Splash
Button Thrash
Button Dash
Button Nash
Button Vash
Button Flash
Button Cash
Button Gnash

Scores are on a 0~10 scale, with 3 representing a mediocre fic, and 8 being where I can say I like a story.

Obselescence – Ⓑⓤⓣⓣⓞⓝ Ⓜⓐⓢⓗ – CYOA comedy

Play an exciting adventure as Button Mash, trapped forever in a self-referential video game.

A CYOA! This story had me from the first sentence. It is firmly tongue-in-cheek all through, full of clever references, including a Gamefaqs style FAQ and RPG chat style conversations. There are no real choices in the story, which kinda feels like a waste, but also works as parody somewhat. This is just a funny read on the proper mindset, with a bunch of stuff that works very well, side by side with others that don't quite hit. The death chapters in particular are hysterical. It is thoroughly stupid, it revels on being stupid, but also clearly took effort (check the pictures for links!), and I read it with a smile all the way through.

Why it should be read: For a funny CYOA.
Stand out moment: The “This Game is Stupid” chapter.


PresentPerfect – Button Goulash – Slice of Life

The CMC go camping with three colts

The “Daaaaw” on this story is incredibly strong. The children were written as children, except maybe Truffle, who is like the quirky kid in an 80s kid movie. Characterization and interactions are certainly the strongest points, but otherwise I think the middle part drags a bit. The not-quite-shipping was interesting, but doesn’t go anywhere, and it mostly stays as a fun, cute, yet inconsequential story.

Also, Sweetie Belle getting soup right is too unbelievable.

Why it should be read: If you like to see children being children.
Stand out moment: The way they defeat the "Ghoul" is very nice.


RazgrizS57 – Button Ash – Random

Button Mash mashes a button.

This is the type of story I was expecting when reading these. It is repetitive, kinda obnoxious, and overall pretty ‘meh’. Button Mash causing the apocalypse should have been much more interesting than this. I wished the second chapter did a clever twist, but no.

Why it should be read: For random?
Stand out moment: Can’t think of any.


Shivered Timbers – Button Splash – Sexual Comedy(Mature)

Drunken teenage sex goes hilariously wrong.

Oh god my sides. Never has a story earned 5 different tags quite so well. There isn’t much I can say about this without spoiling the twist, but this goes in the goofiest direction imaginable. Characterization is strong, and there are tons of great scenes. And looking back, even the bizarre twist is well set-up! All the Oedipus complex stuff in the middle also helps keep it interesting. Even if you avoid clop like the plague, go into this with an open mind and enjoy the ride. It is worth it.

Also, I love how it implies that Sweetie has been getting some "practice" while being his girlfriend. It makes Button sound even more oblivious.

Why it should be read: This is so funny.
Stand out moment: ”We are gonna shoobedoo all night until we make little fish babies just like your mom.” I want this sentence framed.


Jake The Army Guy – Button Thrash – Slice of Life

Button Mash discovers The One True Sound.

I liked this, but probably more because I felt pandered to than anything else. The ponified metal titles and lyrics ranged from the groan worthy, to the amazing “Sleigher: Reigns in Blood”. It is one of those stories that knows just how long to stretch a joke, and how to keep things fresh. It doesn’t exactly goes anywhere, but really, this is a solid, well executed premise.

I am just sad/relieved that there weren’t any Manowar-style costumes in that box.

Why it should be read: This is referential humor done right.
Stand out moment: The little back and forth with references at the end.


plumander – Button Dash – Slice of Life

Button Mash runs in the Running of the Leaves

Huh. I went in expecting some kind of “Lol, gamers can’t run” kind of running joke, but instead found a cute fic. The twist at the end is nicely done, as well as how it works as an origin story for Button X Sweetie. However, despite being so short, half of the story feels like filler – probably to reach minimum FicFic length – and I wish that more was done overall. Still, for a short and cute story, it works just fine.

Why it should be read: One thousand words of something cute.
Stand out moment: The interaction with Rainbow Dash was pretty nice.


Hap – Button Nash – Random

Button “Nash” tries cooking a human dish, maybe?

I am sure this is a long drawn out reference to something, I just don’t know what. I am mostly confused. The only thing I can really appreciate here is the worldbuilding, since the whole conflict falls flat. I can't really pinpoint why, but the characterization really bothered me in this Human-turned-pony Button Mash. I am mostly confused.

Why it should be read: So you can tell me what this is about.
Stand out moment: The little spiel about killing chickens at the end.


AppleTank – Button Vash – Random

Button Mash isn’t really a pony.

Damn, I thought this would be about Button being secretly Vash the Stampede. This is mostly random for the sake of random, and full of references. I have seen the “most ponies aren’t really ponies” thing done better before, and overall, this was just dull.

Why it should be read: No idea.
Stand out moment: It manages to be a bit surreal, but not enough.


FloydienSlip – Button Flash – Random

Flash, Ah-ah! Saviour of the universe.

This is little more than a random hodgepodge of references. So far as random fics go, this is perfectly serviceable, but still, certainly not my speed. There are some parts that work, but overall, this felt mostly like background noise.

I also blame it for getting that damn theme song stuck on my head.

Why it should be read: For those that like Random fics.
Stand out moment: The idea that Scootaloo likes to pretend to be an orphan, and that it pisses off her friends.


CouchCrusader – Button Cash – Slice of Life

Button finds a penny on the ground, and Diamond Tiara takes advantage of that.

This is a cute story about bullying. I love how oblivious Button Mash is throughout the fic. It is short, but manages to work in a nice plot all in all. However, I also found it pretty boring, and despite the good characterizations, most of their interactions are just too dull. Overall this is a decent, if not very interesting story.

Why it should be read: For some Button Mash and Diamond Tiara interaction
Stand out moment: The whole unflipped penny thing is perfect playground logic.


Aquaman – Button Gnash – Slice of Life

Sweetie Belle discovers a new side to Button Mash.

This is some high quality friendshipping. Having the story about Button being told from Sweetie’s perspective was a great move, and overall I love their back and forth. You really get the feeling while reading that Sweetie changed her opinion ever so slightly as the fic goes on, and that, somewhere inside her head, something not unlike affection is developing. Only, of course, them both are too young to really understand it.

I guess that the extended Soccer Football talk will annoy some readers, but I have had enough conversations that go exactly like the fic’s for me to be perfectly fine with it. It is clear that Aquaman knows enough about the subject, and isn’t just throwing terms around. It is also a bit long winded, not all of the conversation work, and I guess it could have used some trimming, but still, this is a very cute, precious story.

Why it should be read: For a well written fic about the relationship between those two.
Stand out moment: The reveal that Button had done all the homework already was perfectly handled.


I am skipping SS&E’s entry since it is as long as the rest combined, and I typically don’t care much for his style, so this probably should be all. Overall, this was so much better than I expected. Go check out the entries, there are plenty of quality stories there, so give them some love.

Report Soge · 541 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Ah, thank you! Now I know which ones to filter, at least... :trixieshiftleft:

I'm surprised at the overall quality. I think your reviews might drive me to one or two.

Author Interviewer

How did you get Shivered Timbers's name wrong? XD (That's my clop account, fyi.) I have to thank MaskedFerret for getting me to put the 'shoobedoo' in there; I think it was originally just "jump your bones".

Also, I too was disappointed that Button Vash wasn't a Trigun crossover. :B

2569633 Not only wrong, but wrong in the weirdest possible direction. There are barely letters in common between those two, and I even got the link correctly.

Author Interviewer

Is this one of those cases where the failure flips around to become rousing success? :O

2569727 Pretty much.

Minor typo noticed. Button Trash = Button Thrash

I also was someone disappointed at Button Vash not being a Trigun crossover.

2571465 Wow... This might be even worse than "Shivered Blade". I appear to have been writing this wrong for at least a few years now. Guess I got some relabeling to do...

Skirts's story doesn't even have Button Mash in it. I call shenanigans.

But it is a pretty decent horror story by my estimation. What is it about Skirts that turns you off?

2624637 It's hard to explain exactly. I like his premises, he is certainly a competent writer, and he has a good grip on the characters. Still, I feel that his plots are always too contrived, and he cares little about character motivation, and more about reaching a particular endpoint. Combined with how long winded he is, I always end up feeling cheated when I finish reading his stuff.

That, and I finished reading Background Pony.


Ha! I just now stumbled upon this review.

Yes, Button Nash was bad. It was the result of some drinking, overhearing (or whatever the hell the text version of that is) Jake the Army Guy mention something about a thing that people were doing, then drinking some more, and writing a story in less than 8 hours. Also, I just wanted to be part of a thing and didn't care that much.

Also, I was on a bit of a gourmet fried chicken kick at the time, and had been planning to make some Nashville-style hot chicken. That, and Nash was the only -ash that was left.

If you're ever in Tennessee, you should try some hot chicken.

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