• Member Since 27th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2022


I'm a Canadian. "Nuff said. I am new to fan fics, and writing in general so be nice, but dont hesitate to critique. And that's it. Also Rainbow is best pony. That is all.

More Blog Posts27

  • 613 weeks
    Updates on stuff- I am still here

    Well, here I am again, making another apologetic blog post for taking so long. After a rather whirlwind summer (during which time I spent a month learning french in Quebec) I finally do believe I shall return to writing. I wish I could go faster, but a creative mood cant be forced I found. Usually I either need a really good idea, to be in a particullarily dark mood (big shock) and most

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  • 622 weeks
    Happy Birthday FiM Fiction!

    Just thought that, as semi-succesful fan fic writer on this site I should wish this site a happy birthday!
    And while I've got your attention...
    Thanks to all my readers, people who have faved my story, and watchers!
    Also thanks to all other authors on the site for making awesome stories that we all can enjoy.

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  • 622 weeks
    Updates on I AM DEATH...or the lack therof

    After my last 2 month hiatus I vowed that I would not let a hiatus that long happen again, but it seems it may well. However this time I have a legitimate excuse! You see, right now I am in Quebec taking a very intensive month long language program. I do not think I will have time to write at all, and I apologize in advance. From talking to many of you I have learned you guys are quite patient

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  • 623 weeks
    Recommendations-Not pony stuff

    Hey, you, ya you! Do you like books? Ever read 'Heart of Darkness?' Of course not, reading is dumb, am I right? Who reads?
    Well then, how 'bout movies, ya like movies? Ever seen 'Apocalypse Now?' Still no? Well, that's understandable. Who wants to watch something that doesn't have vibrantly colored mini-equines prominently featured in it.

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  • 624 weeks
    Hey, guess what?

    Nappa: Vegetta, what does the scouter say about the view count?

    Sorry, but I've been wanting to use that ever since I realized my fic was popular. WOOT!

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By now you must be wondering... · 3:56am Jun 21st, 2012

By now you must be wondering....
When is the next ep of MLP going to come out?
Will Half Life 3 ever be done?
Where can I hide this body?
What in the hell is wrong with Japan?
Will I ever find true love?
No seriously Japan, WTF?
Are my toys sentient, and should I feel horrible for how I've treated them?
When will WoW/Minecraft ever let go of my soul?
Who would win in a fight between Nietzsche's Ubermensche, and Man-droid?
How are babies made?
Why is Joffery such a douche nozzle?

Oh, and also where is the next chap of I AM DEATH?

Well unfortunately I cannot concretely answer the first 11 questions, but as for numba 12....
VERY SOON!!!! (either tonight or tomorrow) I thank you for being so patient and being so understanding (or apathetic) and not sending me angry rants over PM. I also really hope you like the new chap, I was hit with a sudden wave of inspiration and had to write it down. It may be a bit shorter, but I'd rather it be short and sweet, rather than make it overly long.

Also, since I've got your attention, I shall give the first 11 my best shot.

When the world has been converted to bronies.
Never, Valve never graduated kindergarten and can't count to three, but are too embarrassed to admit it.
Behind the couch. No one ever looks there.
I. Don't. Know.
Yes, but they will speak only in German.
Look, I'm sorry but I just don't know.
No, that would be dumb. What are you, five? Do you also watch a show for little girls?
N.E.V.E.R. Bilzzard/Mojang are using your souls to fuel their respective doomsday machines.
The answer is Werewolf Queen! The answer is ALWAYS Werewolf Queen!
Um, I'll let your parents deal with that one. If you don't know...well you're in for a surprise.
Because he is a Lannister. They all suck. ('Cept Tyrion).

Report Ravenwood11 · 441 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

German, eh? Such a beautiful language :rainbowwild:
Also, Tyrion is always the exception. Always.

Ich finde das beschwer uber Deutsch ein grosse beleidigein. I'm not German, but I dislike all the people hating on it. It's a better language than English, because:
-pronouncable things for non-germans (I hate the th in English)
So please, quit your bitchin' on German. Et parle des français plûtot. (No, I'm not french either)

Anyway, yay! A new chapter!

Hey, don't think I'm ragging on German, I love that language and how it sounds. I plan to learn it in the fall if I can get into a class. Also, I just need to write the conclusion (500 words or so) then edit and I'll post

187297 I was not complaining about you, but on 186979.

lol. Fun stuff man. I never said I hate German. I just passed HS German III and currently live in the region around Stuttgart, Germany. I'm immersed in the language a good deal of the time.
Things I would use German for: scolding, yelling, berating, insulting.
Things I wouldn't use German for: Amorous speech, praise, rhyming, rapping.
Let's face it. It's not the most beautiful tongue.
The word construction is clunky (Armbanduhr? really? Also, the word for pirouette. Something like spinning dance.). Compound words are not always the answer. English has a much larger plethora of ways to form thoughts and phrases. Verb construction relies on separable prefixes too much. (einladen - to invite, laden - to send) The genetiv case is dying. The language is degenerating (thanks to the influx of Turks/lack of German youth interest). Three genders. Multiple adjective conjugations and gender conjugations (der, die, das, die, den, die, das, die, dem, der, das, den+n, etc.) are overly complex. Easier pronunciations? lol. Maybe for the Dutch. Sprech Englisch, it's better for you. Grammatical structure is near parallel to English structure anyways. It's not particularly groundbreaking.
De: Subject verb direct object (Er tötet Jim)
En: Subject verb direct object (He [is] killing Jim)
Conversation Past:
De: Subject verb direct object past participle (Er hat Jim getötet)
En: Subject verb past participle direct object (He has killed Jim)
Narrative Past:
De: subject verb direct object (Er tötete Jim) (<-- Probs not right)
En: Subject verb direct object (He killed Jim)
De: Subject [werden] direct object infinitive (Er wird Jim töten)
En: Subject [will] infinitive direct object (He will kill Jim)
Too lazy to list genetiv and present perfect, but you get the idea.
Du, der/die(?) neugierig bist, sollst mich zufrieden lassen.
Also, pardon any German mistakes.

I'm just going to stay out of this. :twilightoops:
Feel free to keep this discussion going with each other over PM though. :pinkiehappy:

Ah yes, you're mostly right. I saw a mistake in my own post. I should have typed "German is a better language than English in things like:"
But that doesn't take away the validness (is that a word?) of your points. But I would point one thing out. German has a system for giving words genders, I know there is one in English too, but it has many inregularities (not sure how to write that, sorry). And now I'm not saying German is easier than English, because English is a language that comes to me very easily, but I wanted to point out that people should not make sarcastic comments about German. Instead they should talk about a language you will never, but will if you train really really hard, be able to speak, like Vietnamic (My English is lacking me, again). For while we can learn those languages if we train really hard, we will always have problems speaking it, because it (ultimately it does, but still) doesn't come from the same original language as the european countries.

So anyway, all I wanted to say was, don't laugh at german, hate the people who builded the bablonic tower.

Also 188533, why should we, I think we are finished here. I misunderstood Oshen, he understood my not correct complaint about him, I understood what he said, and I like to think we are 'k' now.

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