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  • 496 weeks
    NaNoWriMo - Complete

    Gotta say, this was way more stressful than I thought it was gonna be. I set out to write 50000 words in 30 days like that wasn't a thing. But it was, and it was rough. And I backed myself into one hell of a corner by slacking.

    Well, kinda slacking. My stepfather died... I lost some days to that.

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  • 500 weeks
    NaNoWriMo - Three Days In!

    Whelp! I'm three days into NaNoWriMo and things are going pretty good. I'm writing at a solid clip of 2000 words a day for three days straight so far. Lets hope I can keep this up.

    If you're interested in reading what I have thus far, you can follow this link: http://odichastings.deviantart.com/art/The-Other-World-NaNoWriMo-492283751

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NaNoWriMo - Complete · 4:28am Dec 1st, 2014

Gotta say, this was way more stressful than I thought it was gonna be. I set out to write 50000 words in 30 days like that wasn't a thing. But it was, and it was rough. And I backed myself into one hell of a corner by slacking.

Well, kinda slacking. My stepfather died... I lost some days to that.

I'm glad I did this though. Despite the stress from trying so hard to pad that word count out, and even going to far as to do some unbelievably cheap padding to finish it, I'm glad I did this. I feel like I learned a lot about being more diligent in my writing.

Before there were a lot of times I would just go some days without getting anything done for no reason. After this, I think I'm gonna find it much easier to be a self starter about this sort of thing.

I also made some serious mistakes when writing this thing, which I've listed here...

1. Way, way too many characters too early.

When I wrote this, I had four characters planned for sure. Acaceia, Amber, Ari, and Rourke. Already, this was more characters than I typically introduce at one time. But then I had this idea that each of the girls would get a mentor for when they were empowered into champions or whatever, which meant I now had seven characters. Except Deep Fang had some dude tagging along for no reason. So I had eight.

I was completely incapable of handling that many characters. I realized in that moment just how small I usually keep my character pools in other works. I definitely do better working with lighter character loads. It makes it easier to come up with unique characterizations, and lets me actually manage them better. With this story, especially early on when everyone was around everyone else, I couldn't find enough stuff for some people to do.

The biggest victim of this was Deep Fang's companion. That guy basically disappeared five seconds after being introduced.

2. Not having a game plan.

I usually write without proper planning. I just make things up as I go and always pursue whatever idea strikes my fancy. However, it would be a lie to say I typically have no plan whatsoever. I usually have a premise, and a good direction to go with that premise. In other words, I have a game plan.

I didn't have one here. At all. I had a joke in my mind. Kind of. The idea initially was that Rourke would be shaping up to be this very stereotypical teenage boy hero. And then it would be revealed that his teenage girl tag alongs were the real heroes that the magical world needed, and Rourke wasn't even supposed to be there.

That was the joke, but I didn't even really try to go through with it. Had I gotten started on the right foot and tried to work that out. Maybe make Rourke brag about his presumed position of importance, and then start making my way toward the punchline, things would have turned out better.

I'm not saying I would have necessarily stuck with the above plans. My plot ideas regularly go off the rails, but I'm always on track before things change.

Here, I didn't even make an effort. It was like I forgot what my plan was and just started writing. And it really, really didn't work, and ultimately, I got very frustrated with my own writing. I didn't like the direction it had been taken in, I didn't even really like the characters so much.

3. I wasn't ready for the level of world building.

Did I mention that this story takes place in a magical world? Yeah. I don't think I really appreciated how much effort it takes to come up with a new world. Especially one that is very different from the 'normal' one.

I can make up a strange creature easily enough, but trying to build a world that must contain a diverse culture is a little harder. And I'm actually sad that I didn't really put any effort into it.

In hindsight, I wish I had dedicated a chapter or two to a character going out amongst the people and getting to know them better. But I didn't, and the setting was effectively wasted for it. And the entire world the story took place in felt a little more empty for it.

If I'm being honest, I didn't really 'win' NaNoWriMo. They don't really have strict rules. Or even rules. Which is the only reason I got away with such blatant, pathetic padding, but I can fairly say that I was able to reach 40000 legit. Which is still pretty good.

I'm glad to be through with this, and I'm glad I did it. Maybe next year I can do this whole thing legit. Until then, I'm just glad I don't have to push myself quite so much.

To anybody that ends up reading the story... I'm so sorry about that blatant padding at the end. I was facing 19000 words on the last day. I made due.

(It's not actually posted anywhere yet. I'll get on that tomorrow. Tonight. I rest.)

Report OdicHastings · 302 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Hey 50000 words is an accomplishment even with some padding and not so great writing!:rainbowdetermined2: The whole idea is to get something on virtual paper. Nanowrimo has few qualifications for winning for a reason. I hit 50000 and the novels not even close to being finished.
And I'm a big fan of the learning process! Part of What Nanowrimo does is show us what's wrong with our novel. I forgot to invent currency, I have no idea what they eat, and most importantly I have no build up at all for my final hero vs badguy showdown. But now I can fix it. :twilightsmile:
And so can you. I actually love you concept. I'd read that book, and probably be like "What he's not the hero!?:pinkiegasp:" and then like "Girls were better any way:ajsmug:"

And my condolences. I'll be praying for you and your family.



And congrats on completing your own 50000 words. Hopefully the entire thing didn't stress you out too much. I almost gave up on that last day myself.

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