• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2017

Danger Beans

I was once an ordinary Lima Bean. One day I got bitten by a radioactive fanfiction writer and my life was changed forever.

More Blog Posts72

  • 403 weeks
    Matthew Says Hi

    Pictured: My House.

    So I'm currently being rained on by a Hurricane. I'm expecting the power to go out soon, but other than that, it's mostly an inconvenience. :ajbemused:

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    1 comments · 428 views
  • 409 weeks
    I Wrote a Thing + Generic Update

    Hey All.

    So Real Life has been kicking my ass pretty well of late, and I actually stopped writing completely.

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    2 comments · 410 views
  • 420 weeks
    Safe in Orlando

    I'm sure by this point you're all aware of the shooting which took place in Orlando during the early hours of this morning, what most of you probably don't know is that I actually live in Orlando. The tension here is palpable. This morning everyone was terrified, my sister and I were bombarded with phone calls from various friends and relatives, looking to make sure that we were okay. Even

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    4 comments · 462 views
  • 426 weeks
    Under A Silver Moon Update

    Hello all!

    The next two chapters of Under A Silver Moon are done. Kind of.

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    1 comments · 460 views
  • 427 weeks
    Amoongus! I Choose You!

    So I don't know how many of my followers are pokemon fans, but every once in a while, when I need something mindless to do, I open up Pokemon Showdown and play a few rounds.

    I don't even know how to explain what happened today, so I'll show you.

    This poor bastard got his shit pushed in by an Amoongus.

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    2 comments · 421 views

When it Rains it Pours · 11:47pm Dec 7th, 2014

Well I'm having a hell of a week. Last Sunday I lost my job, this Sunday my dog gets attacked by a German Shepard.

This morning was pretty uneventful: I filled out a few online applications, and finished editing the most recent chapter of my current editing project, after I finished these tasks I decided to take my dog to the Dog Park, because it was a nice day, and those are going to be in very short supply soon with winter on the horizion. About a half an hour after we arrived, another Dog came in--a retired service dog. At first they got along fine, and then all of a sudden they were at eachother's throats.

So after we managed to separate them, the owner of the other dog got right out of there, and I tried to comfort mine. It was maybe five minutes after this that I realized that my dog was bleeding. Badly. He has a lot of fur and was covered in dirt and sand so I didn't see the blood until I grabbed the water hose and started rinsing him off. The Shepard left seven superficial and three serious wounds. I immediately called my veterinarian. She doesn't work on Sunday, but after I described the wounds to her, she agreed to come in.

He had to have surgery, stitches, and a cone put on his head for the next two weeks. :ajsleepy:

Report Danger Beans · 129 views ·
Comments ( 2 )
Site Blogger

Dude, where the fuck did you luck go?

No freaking idea. When I woke up this morning, I'd set my alarm to display the text: "get up and do stuff!" This was going to be the day that I got some shit done! That's why I went about filling out applications and finishing Reddux, because I wanted to feel like I'd accomplished something. It worked too. I filled out a half dozen E-Apps before I opened up Gdocs, and I decided to take the dogs to the park because it was the first nice day we've had in awhile. What a mistake that turned out to be.:applejackunsure:

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