• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


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I'm on break now · 10:05pm Dec 11th, 2014

Sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, I have been working all day and night for quite some time doing finals and essays. But now I'm done, so expect updates in a couple days. Well, I actually have one last thing to do for school (an essay), but I'm able to do it from home. That's what I'm doing now.

See you all soon with updates!

Report Thunderscourge · 125 views ·
Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by Krosis deleted Dec 11th, 2014

Yay, updates!! :rainbowkiss:

Yay,finally you have time to relax and write or type storys!

See you soon for more of MTF and Winging It! :eeyup:

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