• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 24th, 2018


97% of people quit chasing their dreams. Who hires them? The 3% who didn't.

More Blog Posts74

  • 407 weeks
    My DeviantArt

    Hey guys.

    So recently I set up a DeviantArt account for myself (linky link). So far I've only posted Sonic the Hedgehog art, but it would still mean a lot to me if y'all could take a look at it and comment what you think.

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    3 comments · 563 views
  • 415 weeks
    Happy Birthday to me!

    Yep, today's my birthday. Not gonna say how old I am (security and stuff), but this is the first year I haven't gotten really excited about my birthday.

    Last night my Dad took me to a Kiss concert. It was my first rock concert ever, and it was EPIC.

    But anyway, happy birthday to me.

    7 comments · 401 views
  • 416 weeks
    I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown or something

    So I've gone all week on a backpacking trip. That is way out of my comfort zone for me, and when I came home today, all I wanted to do was just kick back and unwind after a week of being uncomfortable. But I come home and my mom is crying, my dad is trying to comfort her, my baby sister is screaming her head off and my three brothers have barricaded themselves in their rooms. I have no clue what

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    2 comments · 447 views
  • 419 weeks

    Okay, so funny story.

    We just got our yearbooks yesterday, and today was supposed to be the day that we're allowed to get everyone to sign them. Around the middle of first period, though, I remembered that I had forgotten mine at home.

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    0 comments · 420 views
  • 425 weeks
    I have fallen in love with Sonic the Hedgehog

    Nothing romantic, ker-duh. My friend and co-writer on a Sonic-Tails brother story introduced me about nine months ago, along with an amazing website that carries every Sonic comic EVER (sonicscanf.org, if you were wondering). I'm currently in the middle of tracking down and binge-reading every comic featuring Scourge the

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    0 comments · 625 views

New story- Fluttershy's Parents! · 10:41pm Dec 26th, 2014

Hello my fans and followers:twilightsmile:

I have begun writing a new story. It is a headcanon of mine that explains Fluttershy's parents and past. Expect it by at least next week!

Some cute Fluttershy filly pics for you:

Happy Holidays!

Report HaloEssence111 · 285 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

D'awwww! I can't wait to read it! :yay: Yay!

2680707 No. No "d'awwws'. The only tag this story has is 'Sad'.

Still can't wait to read it, though. :yay:

2680722 THERE'S NO 'awwwws' EITHER!! THIS IS NOT A CUTE STORY!!!!:twilightangry2:

2680726 I said "awwww" out of saddness... :twilightoops: ... like a sigh.

Fluttershy's parents... interesting. I realize that there's a sad tag. Will it at least have a happy ending? Please?

2680732 If by 'happy ending', you mean fluttershy escapes her parents, then yes.

2680740 It's that kind of story... intriguing.

He is having a heart attack (HNG) while making snow angels (ANGELS)

This sounds like an awesome idea for a story! Oh and speaking of ideas... Could u do me a favor? I'm having an idea overload!! Too many ideas at once and not enough time to write! I'm gonna make a blog post about this but I need to make sure I get comments from ppl to help me choose between ideas. Like which ones I should do now and which can wait. Either way I need to write them down. I just need help...

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