• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


Hi there! Thank you for checking out my work, and I hope you find something to enjoy. Comments and PMs are always welcome, and I love hearing from readers!

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New Story and Updates This Week, Not Tonight Though! · 8:18pm Jan 11th, 2015

Hey everyone, just wanted to say I'm sorry but I can't update anything tonight like I meant to. Not only am I obligated to do some things in real life, but I am also sick and my head is killing me so writing is not going to be easy.

That being said, expect to see We Remember Everything updated on Tuesday, my new story "Equestria Was Only a Setback!" on Wednesday (World of Warcraft crossover with Trixie), and Meet the Family between Friday and Saturday depending on how the week goes.

Sorry for the delays, and I hope you all enjoy when the time comes!

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