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Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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  • 189 weeks
    I Came Back To Post One Little Thing, Then I'll Leave Again

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  • 195 weeks
    I Deleted My Last Blog Post... Again

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    Here's some straight truth for you guys.

    And here's a link where I cite my sources about SARS.

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  • 198 weeks
    I Deleted My Most Recent Blog Post

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  • 202 weeks
    I've Got A Book I Want To Discuss With You Guys

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Do you really think I could? · 3:42am Jan 15th, 2015

It was brought to my attention, by someone irl, that I could, in fact, try writing professionally, rather than just, you know, for my own fun and edification. I've been toying with the idea, and I do, in fact, kinda have an idea for a story that isn't MLP:FIM that might be interesting. Thing is, my wonderful, sexy readers, it would mean less time to write for you guys. Then again, since I have such wonderful, understanding, and above all, sexually attractive readers, I think you guys would understand. But do you guys and girls really think I could?

Comments ( 59 )


go for it girl


Everyone can try, it's the finding success part that's hard. Self-Publishing is quite easy to do, what with the advent of e-books a few years ago. I mean, is there money in it? Perhaps. Can you get said money? It's a struggle and will take a fair bit of your free time, if not all of it to do this, but... it's something anyone could consider, truthfully.

#4 · Jan 15th, 2015 · · ·

Yes, I think you could. The game would be bigger and there are things that are different between fanfiction and professional fiction, but I think you could adjust.


Watch all of those. Trust me, they'll help you more than any amount of guesswork possibly could.

This is a wise man. You should listen to him.

Hell yes! Go for it! And then point us towards the book when it's done!

Then again, since I have such wonderful, understanding, and above all, sexually attractive readers,

Guys, do you think I should tell him?

It will be quite a bit more complicated, but nothing that you can't handle. Just make sure to read all the legal stuff first, would hate to see ya hit for copyright on stuff you didn't even know was protected. (not talking about you writing pony stuff, I mean copyrights in general, some of them are odd/encompassing)

Of course you could. No guarantees about whether it'd make you rich or not, but, then again, there never are. If you think you'd enjoy it, go for it!

You will never know if you don't try. Fucking to for it if it is what your heart/soul/spirit animal/hallucinations are telling you.

I have a friend that earns enough selling his eBooks on Amazon to make a living.

He has to give away the first book in the series for free, but he's been able to make money selling the sequels. He lives a pretty spartan lifestyle, but it can be done!

I say go for it. I want to be a writer myself someday and if writing is something you enjoy then write the book my friend.

It's bucking nonsense NOT to consider it. You're a great writer and I know I'd give your book a shot. Go for it. It would definitely be worth it to see from my perspective.

As your beautiful and sexy reader, I would be very happy if you were to make a story "fo realzies" and get it published. Just keep us up to date with it so I know when to order one, okay?

Do whatever you want my friend

Go for it man.

I give to you....

One "positive maybe," one "BUT THE OTHER STORIES," and finally one "well this should be interesting."

Go! Follow your dreams! You can do it! We're here for you! Bon Courage! Other supportive interjections of that nature!

Whilst there's not much I can say that hasn't already been said... Go for it! I'm pretty certain you could be a great professional author!

Probably. I mean you did say "there are like no stories about Lord Tirek, I should fix that."

Then you just wrote a fucking story. 34 thousand words already, just because you could. Think of how well you could do if you tried. Like with your other stories. Give it your all, you wonderful, beautiful, changeling-obsessed motherhumper.

By all means, go for it! Don't let anything hold you back. The only barrier is yourself! Motivation!

In all honesty though, I really do believe you could do it if you set your mind to it.

Good guy Nonsense, feels like people will be mad about lack of updates because he has moved to writing professionally.

I will agree that you are definitely one of the best authors I have found on site and abroad so if you feel like you should try professional go for it.

Give it your all! Cause at the very least, you'll have put yourself out there. Which is pretty daring if you ask me. You've got my support.

That question is a toughy, but I'll try to speak frankly. This is just constructive criticism, so don't take it too harshly.

To begin: yes, I do think you could potentially write a good novel. That said, there are still some problems that you will face in your writing if you want to publish a serious story. First off is pacing. In your story, you tend to rush ahead at times. This is a small error, and can be fixed with practice and an honest editor. Besides that, you should focus on a more solid understanding of your own plot (no not that kind, silly brony). Laying out the idea of a story beforehand is a smart practice to get into, and it allows you to add a number of subplots and reoccurring themes/motifs while keeping the story relaxed. I say this because this story seems to be written on the seat of your pants, so to speak. Don't know if this is true or not, just an observation.

So far, you are slightly above average as far as writers go. Improve yourself to great-status before getting serious.:raritywink:

I say that you should do it and what is there to loos if it tern out bad? nothing that I can think of.

I'll give it a definite maybe. You're a good writer and I think you could succeed at this, but don't underestimate the challenge. Above all you'll need a skilled and professional editor to help you. Your stories are great in concept, though you tend to rush and to overdo the exposition at times, a good editor can help you work out your kinks and go from a good writer to a great one. If it's something you really want to do, and something you're willing to put forth the time and effort to do well, then by all means go for it.

sure i think you could very much do it, you got some good idea's , a good ability at using words and grammar, and over all a really entertaining way of writing. If you truly think you can go the distance and think thats writing is what u want, then do it!

Honest answer or "A for effort!" answer? If your real life acquaintance knows exactly as much as we do about your writing chops, which is a few mostly ignored unremarkable pony fanfics and one more that has become runaway successful, then the answer is no. Aspiring authors are a dime a dozen and you aren't a professional until you can live off of it. Fanfic grade literary skills won't even get you a written rejection from any publisher that isn't just a post office box. Some writers manage to attain a degree of commercial success with that level of proficiency - those we call Stephenie Meyer. I wouldn't quit my day job over that, though. If you want to try to for a serious novel, I wish you the best of luck. Be aware that it'll still be first and foremost for fun and edification, though.

Honestly, no. Not yet. But you will never get there if you don't make any attempt at breaking out of writing fan fiction. Try writing some completely original stuff in Google docs and link to it in your blog posts, see where it goes from there

Sure ya can! I believe in you who doesn't believe in me, but the you who believes in yourself.
*puts on massive sunglasses*
Now use your pen to pierce the heavens!

Actually I think we call them Erika Leonard (although that success is mostly because she is damn good at marketing).

As for the topic of the blog post: I certainly think you could try. You could probably make some money if you self-publish on amazon. But the odds are definitely against you getting enough money to live on like that. The odds are also against being professionally published. Side note - take heed of Yog's Law: money flows toward the writer. If you find a "publisher" that wants your money, and it's not an aboveboard self-publishing deal, they're probably a scam. Real publishers don't charge you, they pay you.


Honestly, many people can write good stories but not many make great stories. You I would consider you somewhere close to great but not quite there. To make your work better try to be a little more serious and less random in the story if you do choose to make a book. I say you can but you will need to try making more serious stories before you do so. Get some practice here or run a rough draft and let someone go over it and make sure that they don't like your writing style or if they are a stranger or someone who doesn't like you because you will probably get the most honest results from them. I will gladly support you, if i could, if you write a book, just keep us up to date.

P.S. Honestly, I tired making that the most correct way I could.

P.P.S. Honestly, I put the word honestly at the start of my sentences to much.

Based upon the way you have written thus far, it is quite possible. The big challenge is finding your audience and getting enough recognition to make it worthwhile.

I think you could.
Hell, I'm doing it myself.
I'm writing a fantasy novel.

2723845 I love random <3

yeah, you could probably write a good book... but before you start writing professionally, get a third, fourth and seventh opinion...presumably from someone outside of your fans, maybe try writing a small 4 page story as a test?

If you do, don't expect to have a hit with your first book. What sells a book is one part talent, ten parts popularity. Word of mouth is a books best advertisement, and with it, even a bad book can be a huge success (Twilight Saga). Likewise, a book can be amazing, but not sell very well due to lack of publicity. Don't get discouraged if your first doesn't sell. Write more until one of them makes it, then the others will follow.

You're certainly good enough to! If you have ideas you could work on expanding them, and dedicating more time to them, even if you have to post fanfiction less often. Besides, you already post much more often than most writers I've noticed, including myself :twilightsheepish:

It depends. If you start writing horribly professionally because of some reason (I don't know why you would) you should stick to writing for fun. Even when you arnt writing professionally you still manage to get chapters out extremely fast! Good luck on your decision! Here's random meme for your pleasure and the fact that I'm bored.



And to not be sexist,


I've been told the same thing. Doesn't mean anything, just that some people are impressed enough by your writing to want to pay you for it.

Whether or not there are enough of such people in the markets you can actually reach to make it a worthwhile endeavor is the big question. You won't know until you try.

But don't quit your day job.

I'll use these simple words that I have learned from /b/. DO IT FAGET. Seriously though do it.

Black Jesus already said you should, so the answer is DOY! Do eet, filly! >:[

Go for it! only one stopping you is you!

My advice is this:
Do it, but part-time. Don't quit your day job yet.

The first bit is because I love your work. I don't yet know how good you are at world-building, and I don't know much about the book industry, but I suspect you are capable of writing a reasonably popular novel.
The second is generally good advice when considering a choice like this. A book is a massive effort, taking months if not years, and has no guaranteed return. Of course, if your first work lands a contract, then full-time writing would be worthwhile.

Why not? I write more than pony fiction, so why couldn't you? I'm no professional, but I think with a little editing you could be. Give it a shot:yay:! What do you have to lose?:moustache:

You definitely don’t know me, and I sure as hell don’t know you, but because I like how you write I have something to say that I firmly believe to be worthwhile.

Writing, in my opinion, I quite a lot like entrepreneurship. The later in which I am more familiar with. The odds are never in your favor, and you are probably going to fail. At least on the first pass or three. This is true no matter how experienced you are, or how well you are prepared to actually get things done. So do not be surprised that you put 100-200+ hours into your first publication only to earn enough pocket money to drink yourself to sleep for a while. After all that was said, one may still find it surprising that I tentatively say that you should try to write for cash, at some point. After all, crap like Air Jordan’s are still being peddled and the Twilight Saga managed to do well. Not saying your stuff is even near the ‘quality’ of Twilight *Shudders* it’s that things infinitely superior sometimes flop. It’s a crapshoot.

On a slight tangent, as it stands if all you have is an idea than simply sit on it for a while. Mull it over and try to work it out in your head. Truly great stories take time to plan, and a time to write. My favorite book The Count of Monte Cristo was written in parts and published between August 28, 1844 to January 15, 1846. With an unknown amount of planning added to it. Perhaps it is not true in all cases but people can take up to ten years working and reworking an idea. If you are unwilling to put your heart, soul, and 110% of everything else into something I would have to pay good money for. Well, needless to say there might be an issue. (Unless you want to get rich via something like Twilight. Then there is no issues. You merely need to be hanged in the town square for all to see, plain and simple.) Right now with fimfiction you have a good deal going on in the sense of feedback. You can experiment and innovate all you want, and especially in your case get a lot of points in feedback. Feedback in this case is effectively ‘free’ which is a marketer’s wet dream. If you are truly worried about money start a patron account. Someone might throw a couple of dollars your way.

TLDR: Sit the hell down, grab some booze, and relax. You are most likely going to fail, but there is still ample room to succeed. Take your time, and keep experimenting here on fimfiction. When you finally have an idea that simply won’t leave you alone, jot it down. If it’s still an idea not doing much toy with it. You can scrap it later. If you start writing the idea and keep writing, don’t look back.

I could write something deep and insightful about how much we believe in you and all that... But everyone else's got that covered so I'll just say YES! DO IT FOR THE HONOUR AND GLORY OF YOUR FANS, CRUSH THE OPPOSITION BENEATH YOUR MIGHTY LITERARY CONSTRUCTIONS, OBLITERATE THEM WITH YOUR RAZOR-SHARP WIT, LEAVE NONE ALIVE... um, if you want to that is. heh heh oatmeal?

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