• Member Since 5th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 10th, 2022


Just a man looking to write. And talk. How do?

More Blog Posts5

  • 488 weeks
    Ideas on a fic

    So I know I've been quiet for a while on future fics, and I apologize. Life has been hectic during the holidays, and I was pulling crazy shifts at my restaurant because of it. But with the holiday season over, I find myself with more free time to work on my stuff. With that in mind, I'd like to talk to all of you.

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  • 508 weeks
    Update on IAHOM

    So, I'm working on Spike's chapter, and I noticed that with what I have planned, it's gonna be longer than the other chapters. Much longer. So what I propose to you, dear readers, is this:

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    1 comments · 379 views
  • 511 weeks
    I Gots a Skype!

    Managed to find a version of Skype for my tablet, so if anybody who follows me wants to add me, the name is the same as here: TiberiusPonificus

    Hope to talk to all of you!

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  • 511 weeks
    Random Thought: Chapter Length

    Sometimes, I think I haven't made my chapters long enough. Then I see most stories have about 1,600 words to them on a complete one-shot, and I average about 3,000 or so words on a single chapter.

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    1 comments · 364 views
  • 512 weeks
    Stories I Want To Do

    Given how everybody's got their attention on the first story I've posted, I might as well bring to your attention other stories I've got planned. Titles and stories are still WIP.

    Golden Rule

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Ideas on a fic · 6:25pm Jan 21st, 2015

So I know I've been quiet for a while on future fics, and I apologize. Life has been hectic during the holidays, and I was pulling crazy shifts at my restaurant because of it. But with the holiday season over, I find myself with more free time to work on my stuff. With that in mind, I'd like to talk to all of you.

I know y'all have been wanting a reverse side of my (so far, only) story, "It All Happened One Morning", which would feature human kids becoming foals. I've been racking my brain in between other story ideas on how to make this work without completely repeating myself, as I hate to do so. So far, however, I can't come up with something that I would be satisfied writing. Save for one, but it's different in the way that it only sparingly involves the cast we know and love. So what I want to do is throw at everyone a little preview of what I have in mind for this story and see if this would be acceptable:

"Ten years ago, a great rift appeared in our sky. Through this tear, another world could be seen, much like ours. When we made contact, we discovered a world out of a fairy tale. Quadrapeds of all sorts of colors calling themselves 'ponies' lived in the world known as 'Equestria'. Their technology was sporadic and almost like ours. Their language was like ours as well, which made communication much easier, and peace was established between the two worlds before long. But that is not all the rift has caused.

Soon after the rift appeared, children born afterward began to show signs of the energy seeping out from Equestria. This didn't affect their appearance, but as the children grew, it was discovered that the effects were more internal. Children who survived horrific falls with barely a scratch, children who were capable of flying, and those who could move objects with only their thoughts. It was clear that Equestria's magic was affecting our world.

9-year-old Michael (or 'Mickey', as his friends call him) was having a normal day. As normal as it could be looking up and seeing a whole other world, but this was always normal for him. What wasn't normal was the car that had driven out of control and struck him. He should've been dead, or at least seriously injured. Instead, Michael gave the car a good dent, while he walked with only a few scratches. Everyone came from that incident confused and shaken.

That night, Michael's family recieved a visit from one of the ponies of Equestria, a unicorn by the name of Lyra. She informed them of how Michael's incident caught their attention and that he might have been born with 'magic' within himself. They have been searching for these children all over Earth, in order to study the effect Equestria's presence has had on humanity. To do that, the Equestrians have finished construction on Canterlot Academy, a school where children from both Earth and Equestria can interact and learn of each other's worlds. Michael would be able to hone his newfound abilities there, so that he does not come to fear them. Michael and his family agree, and Lyra gives the boy a crystal to keep until classes start.

The fated day arrives a week later. A party is thrown for Michael, with his friends and family wishing him luck at his new school. As the party draws to a close, the crystal begins glowing, and he prepares for his trip. A light streams from the crystal straight into Equstria above, and in a flash, he vanishes from sight.

When Michael opens his eyes, he finds his view to be a little different. Looking down at his hands, he finds them replaced with hooves! He can see his nose in front of his face! He even has a tail! Around them seem to be others like him, some with wings and some with a horn on their head. They all stand in front of a grand building, the very academy they'll all be spending the next few months at.

So begins Michael's trials in a new school and in a new body. What awaits him there, and will he have to stay a pony for the rest of his life?"

So that's my idea. I know it's not quite what everyone had in mind, but it still has the same idea (human kids becoming ponies), just in a fresh way.

The only thing I'm unsure of is should I make this a "ten years after current events" thing, or a "rift appears ten years ago". I want to go with the latter, simply because I'd like some interactions with the CMC and other foals in the series, though I'd have to work things out making it an alternate universe. That's where you guys come in! Tell me what you think of the idea, and what I should go with!

EDIT: Tagging this with my story, because it's kinda related, and I'm honestly looking for help and feedback on this one.

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