• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


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The sign of a good show... · 4:48am Jan 23rd, 2015

...when you are mourning the death of a character to the point of tears and you feel hollow.

Damnit Legend of the Galactic Heroes...

Killing off a main character who is likable and a good person is an awful thing to do to one's audience...but if it creates a better story, one shouldn't hold a grudge.

So I'm sad right now, but I can appreciate it despite the sense of loss the show instilled in me on purpose.

Goodbye Admiral Yang "Magician" Wen-li. You were too good for the world you lived in, just like many others in that 110 episode OVA series.

I guess I can't complain though. The writers for it aren't the only ones who build a character up only to take them down.

Updates will be slow. In addition to the mentioned mourning, I am starting my semester and need to focus on schoolwork for a bit. We Remember Everything and Equestria Was Merely a Setback will be the only things updated for a week or two, my apologies.

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