• Member Since 14th Apr, 2012
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The Wizard of Words

Come what may and test what will, I always find peace in some form of writing. Be it famous, hidden, or simply my own, it is and forever will be a sanctuary.

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For Sonnets and Harmony Poll Winners and ANOTHER IMPORTANT QUESTION!! · 6:17am Jan 31st, 2015

Well, I was half surprised, which is fitting considering the winners. For those of you who don't know, I tally the points by those who vote, then by those who up-vote them, because not everyone comments but up-voting is almost synonymous for voting in favor of. In fact, that's exactly what it means. However, if someone says two options, I count points for both favors without extra tallies. Can't have two presidents and all that.

But now for E, the other option. I wanted to include that for a genre I might have missed out on, like doing heavy rap or something. But everyone's E options were just alternate Dubstep, Symphonic Metal, or combinations of the options given. So I just tallied the E votes were they fit best, even if that was two options, like Nightwish going to Luna and Drifter. Obvious example is obvious.

So now... the winners!

Happy to say that Octavia is going to start a Symphony with The Princess of the Night and get crazy with The Master of Chaos!!!

But now for the question. Originally, my plan for ties was to do the obvious combination, which is easier than all hell with Discord in the mix. But I'm sure there are people who voted for Discord due to what I promised. That is, bringing in characters from beyond the Ponyverse to help Octavia. These were planned on being one chapter appearances before being sent back to whatever void Discord pulled them from. But, a pre-reader I trust for opinions said that it would detract from the feeling of the story, and cheapen the effect. That is NOT what I want.

So to fix that, I'm asking another question, this one giving you even MORE control of the next chapter, but only in the sense of the song being played. That's right, I'm going to list the song options with a few details. Few as in you only know whose involved, not the where, why, or how. That's the fun of the story.

Any who, please let me know which option(s) are the best to you. In the event of a tie here, I will decide the winner. Please feel free to be as critical as possible!

1) Libera Me From Hell!
Involved: Discord, Celestia, Luna, Canterlot Orchestra
Guest Character: Who the hell do you think I am?!

2) Tears From The Sky (Song of Storms Remix)
Involved: Twilight, Vinyl, Fiddlesticks
Guest Character: Its a secret to everyone...

3) Lost on the Moon
Involved: Luna, Vinyl, Discord
Guest Character: Remix Specialists of the Bronydom!

4) Carol of the Bells: Trans-Siberian Orchestra Version
Involved: Luna, Discord, Drifter, Canterlot Symphony
Guest Character: None. This is just Discord making them do a Rock-n-Roll Christmas Song in Spring!


I'm counting on you.

Comments ( 23 )

Hands down 4. Its a purely personal preference, and one that knowing family that had a tie in to TSO. And whom they were before they were TSO. Its a nice mix of new and old, and certainly something involved for all folks.

Hmm I think I'd have to go with number 2.

I was trying to decide between that and 1 but I think Twilight won me out there. Would like to see Celestia get in on the action but I love the piece in option 2 and I think Twilight could be an interesting addition to the mix.

I think I'd go with 2 (although 4 was a close second). :twilightsmile:

You're putting Trans-Siberian Orchestra as an option and thinking I might possibly vote for anything else?

Yeah. #4.

The only thing better would be anything featuring an electric hammered dulcimer. :derpytongue2:

EDIT: I can't take #1 seriously... I'm assuming Celestia would be on vocals, but then the vocals from the actual song are just so... :rainbowhuh:

#4, hands down.

#1 and #3 seem totally out of place for Octavia, and while #2 would work I don't feel that it's quite epic enough for this.

Number Two, as I feel that it would give Octavia a real Link to the other princesses.

Nr 2 for sure, easy choice with those 3 involved.

Aww, no option with Luna and without Discord? Oh well, let's go with 2).

Quite frankly, I think the only one that qualifies here is #4.

Don't get me wrong. I love #3, but it simply doesn't fit. #2 is nice, but not worthy to be THE FINAL SONG (please correct me, if this isn't the grand finale). And #1... really? Erm, how should I say this?.. It's just not very good. I mean, come on. The rapping isn't good, the connection between the two singers is barely there and the theme is questionable at best. And you'd take that as the big song of your story? No. Just no.

To me this wasn't a decision of which song I found most fitting. As I stated at the beginning #4 is the only one that qualifies.

Quite frankly Lunar Pirate would be thematcally more fitting. It has Luna as a pirate, so Discord would certainly enjoy himself. Sadly, it's not quite epic enough.
Octavia by Evening Star would be nice, but doesn't fit with Discord... Moonrise is not really apropriate, unless Celestia and Luna are convinced... Man this really isn't easy... Ascension by Carbon Maestro would be extremely funny. And requires Celestia again... When the stars have claws... doesn't fit in with the story... A rework of Gato Paint's Balance would work perfectly... Sadly the original doesn't have the right style or singer...

I admit it's not easy, but those are the ones I found simply by going through my lists (And only the pony ones at that). So you should be able to do better than the list you provided.


You asked for it...

#4 It requires that Octavia explain to the Canterlot Symphony that she is now a Princess, and is suitably epic.

I'm going to go with 4.

4 would be a good choice but ya'll are forgetting something.

Every time Tavi played with someone it was a spontaneous song that in its essence was a true reflection of those playing. It's one thing for two to four players to be able to successfully play a spontaneous piece that doesn't sound exactly like an existing piece but and original. The problem I see is getting an entire orchestra to do it plus it's the fact it's the Royal Canterlot Orchestra that would fill that slot so that only makes the problem bigger.

So my vote is gonna be number 2

Seems to me if you really want input, you should ask people to just suggest songs instead of having them pick from a list. Like 2759545 said, only #4 really seems appropriate, but not that appropriate.

Anyways, in an alternate universe somewhere, Princes of the Universe is the one you want to pick, but in this universe there's a little bit less dueling to the death. I still recommend some kind of Rock Opera though.

Also, I gotta say that counting upvotes really skews things since every single person can make multiple upvotes, but with comments you know who's voted for what. Still your choice though.

I'm going to go with #2.

Yeah, this is not the final song. Maybe the final three, but NOT the Grand Finale. I got sings picked out for those already depending on the "Big Bang" Question

2759792 Hm, okay. But, if Discords hints were correct, this is supposed to be a - more or less - public performance. Or did I read too much into that? Well, if it isn't the grand finale and not a public performance, I think Lunar Pirate would be quite apropriate. If it is a public performance... I'd still go with #4. It has more potential, in the sense of being a piece much more reflective of Discord, if not Luna, and considering the involvment of the Orchestra... That should be quite interesting.

EDIT: Also, the organisation required would be reflective of a public performance and what use is Octavia's talent, if she can't prepare a performance in advance? 2759630?

I'd love the second, not because of the song but the characters. Vinyl has to be in the song cause she is her best friend and also she grew up very close to Fiddlesticks in the few time they were together. The only thing that ruin it for me is Link... Is not that I don't like him, but I'm not a big fan of crossovers. In fact, if the first or the second one win it could ruin that part of the story for me. That would be sad because I love this story.

For that reason I'll go with 3. They're at least ponies and we need Vinyl back.

But If I'm honest, I'm not happy with any of the options. I know it isn't easy and is your story, this is just my opinion, but I'd rather a song with all the characters that help Octavia. All those who were important in this hard moment for her. I'm talking about Luna, Vinyl, Fiddlesticks, even Discord and Derpy. We don't need a random character to come in just because Discord could break the 4th wall. We need the ones that were important to the story, the ones important to Octavia. I don't even think you have to look for a song for that. If you are good with description, which you are, you should be able to describe a beautiful song that include all those ponies important to Octavia. It isn't something easy, but I trust in your abilities.

I look forward to this because you're a good writer and I love this story, but I'm a bit scared because this could be the best moment in the story or the worst.

Edit: I read in one comment that this isn't the final song. Well, in that case I'll go with 2, but only if there isn't any crossover. But if there is, that I'm sure it would be, I'll go with 3.
But I really mean when I said my honest thought about a song with all those ponies important to Octavia. That have to be a great moment that wrap all those feelings of the story in one single moment.

2759847 the degree of preparation to play from the times she played with Vinyl, Luna and Fiddle to what would be needed for an entire orchestra is vastly different. The first 3 was simply playing with instinct and emotions fueling their performances. The only thing close to preparation she's had up to now is that she knew that she was going to play with Vinyl and Fiddle before hand. Luna was spontaneous.

She was trained to play classically (in the sence you follow a prearranged score with no variation from how it's written). Playing with Vinyl forced her out of that 'comfort zone' to actually play based on instinct and emotions, essentially creating from scratch on the spot. That style works with a small group but when you get to the scale of an orchestra it gets exponentially harder to do.

2759988 You are correct. She IS trained to play music in the classical sense. Meaning, that she is aware of the effort required and has some idea as to how to put together a classical performance. But until recently she always was a part of the orchestra. I daresay that if she performs in her current state, even as a member of an orchestra, she would stand out, putting her in the spotlight. Since her ascension she hasn't really played in any public performance. (I would guess that this will be the grand finale, though.) Something that should force her out of her comfort zone.

Her talent is to build bridges. Finding common denominators and enabling interactions on their basis. If she can't do that by planning on a common factor in her potential audience before the actual performance, Octavia would never be able to arrange any performance involving more than a handfull of musicians.
Those factors are used throughout music, anyway. Orchestral pieces tend to require a minimal understanding of the theme, while most modern music relies on a mix of various factors. Cultural awareness in various fields (references to films, paintings and other music; Famous people, events or phenomena), emotional states, personal experience and sometimes even personal preferences.
The point of music is not just to forge a connection between the artists, but also towards and between the audience. Something that Octavia has experienced (in an exagerated manner) at Fiddlesticks farm and with Discord.

However until now, Octavia has always acted on spur-of-the-moment ideas. While she had a vague idea of what she tried to achieve in her most recent performances, she appears to have limited experience in consciously infusing intent into her playing before the actual performance. Creating a piece of music, which she is capable of, as demonstrated, and doing so by writing it down and having it perform by an Orchestra and in front of an audience would be the next step.
You are correct in everything you say about who Octavia was and is and what she has done. And I simply feel that she has to move beyond that.

I'm going to go with #2. :twilightsmile:

I like to read/hear #4. I really like that song.

Being the LoZ fan I am, and being a lover of Song of Storms, I cannot vote anything other than #2 :pinkiehappy:

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