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  • 447 weeks

    Oh man I've been buuuuuuuuuuuusy. Like, so much so. Just moved town and had to get everything situated in a new house. Plus, I've finally adopted a kiddo, so I got that going for me, which is great. More difficult than I ever thought it would, but the wife and I managed to get everything down pat (for now at least).

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  • 455 weeks
    Update And Junk

    Hey, it's that time of year again. With the colder weather and changing leaves. Or more along the lines of Florida terms, absolutely no difference whatsoever! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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  • 460 weeks
    I Believe A Proper Explanation Is In Order


    Oh yeah, right. My bad.

    Well, uh, people... yeah, it's been rough. On me at least. You guys on the other hand could still be having a rad time. Or something. I'm not trying to put you down here. Just trying to be... real? I guess.

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  • 461 weeks
    Dear God

    I forgot to mention it was my birthday like two days ago. Damn, I've been busier than I thought.

    Oh, also, writing a novel. Because I'm a neeeeeeerd.

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  • 466 weeks
    Whelp I Guess I Should Mention My Vacation Thingy

    Lemme tells ya, trying to find a decent internet reception in Miami sucks balls. But on the bright side they have incredibly fruity drinks over here, which is rad.

    Also holy fuck so much shit in my feed message. Haven't checked Skype in a long time. So many things. So little time.


    Eh. So how are you guys doing?

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Oh The Possibilities · 4:37am Feb 5th, 2015

Dash, you're so silly.

For the longest time I've had this picture, just waiting for a story idea to come to mind. Just... anything, really. But nope, nothing, nadda, zero, zilch. Not a thing. Which is a shame, too, because the picture is just so great.

So... I guess the point of this blog is to see how some of you would approach a story based on this pic. Or what you'd do with it. Or even what you think I could do with it. Pick and choose your fancy, folks. Or whatever, man. It's a free country. Except fimfic. That's a dictatorship. Or in better words, a knightyatorshipping.

Report RainbowBob · 871 views ·
Comments ( 37 )

Honestly I see a lot of stories being written for this.


Simple, Rainbow wakes up chained up like that. She tries everything possible to get it off, but nothing works. Then, right at the end (when all hope is lost) Spike walks up and uses his opposable thumbs to unlatch her.

Scootaloo playing with a Rainbow Dash plushy and fantasizing about having a stronger relationship with Rainbow and Rainbow spending more time with her, only to have a nightmare about Dash struggling to break free of the leash of her expectations.

Alternatively, Dash wakes up as Scootaloo's Rainbow plushy, which Scootaloo apparently plays with by putting on a leash and tugging around behind her. This results as Rainbow tries to pull away.

I'd write a story about how Twilight teaches Dash to be her "pet". Dash fights back, making Twilight discipline her further. Awesomeness ensues.

2771087 Well I got one: Applejack chained Dash's leash to a tree as a prank after a long night of drinking, then she starts to hallucinate from a long hangover. Ta-da!

I always love those pictures were ponies behave like dogs :rainbowkiss:

Dash chokes herself to death trying to escape her imprisonment?

Yeah. I'm a violent and morbid person. Thankfully, the US government trained me to kill enemy combatants!

And all the beer I just consumed makes me want to kill some terrorists. Go figure.

Also "Except fimfic. That's a dictatorship." this.

So... I guess the point of this blog is to see how some of you would approach a story based on this pic. Or what you'd do with it.

Twilight Sparkle accidentally switches Rainbow dashes mind with a __________ and so naturally they now need to keep her on a lish so that she doesn't cause havoc while twilight finds a reversing spell.
(and she escapes of course)

Ether that or you could make it a dark story by making it an irreversible damage, by frying her brain or something and so she ends up becoming a full grown mare with the intelligence of a mouse, she obviously can't take care of herself so she is technically a pet now...
(So sad):trollestia:


Dash is a pet.
role play.
AJ ties her there.
a prank.
a dare.

Title: Leash'd
Rating: T
Tags: Slice of Life, Comedy, Random
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash is under house-arrest for crashing into one too many Ponyville buildings. The mare is legally "tied" to a metal peg hammered by the Ponyville Justice Bureau into the center foundation of her home for the duration of three weeks. Stuck in her house with months between now and the next Daring Do book, Rainbow Dash languishes about, bored out of her skull. But the proud pegasus isn't about to let her best friends know that she's so dayum lonely she could french kiss a porcupine, even if she stays up late at night crying into her pillow over it.

2771113 Wait, if she's stuck in her house for three weeks, what if she runs out of food and needs to go the store? That could get really freaking dark real quick.

Awww man, don't do NOTHIN' with that horse!

Rainbow makes a bet with _________ (doesn't really matter who), and loses as expected, with the premise of being led around on a leash for the duration of a day in public; a duration which extends if she's being a brat about it. Plus the collar is quite girly. It would be quite amusing in my opinion, but who cares about my opinion, right?

Hmmm, I'd probably approach it something like this:

RD keeps on having a recurring dream (based on the images). Unsure of what to make of it, as it's remarkably different from her usual dreams, RD approaches Princess Luna for advice. Luna explains about the role of the subconscious mind and the symbolic nature of dreams. This causes RD to take stock of her life in order to figure out what exactly her subconscious is trying to tell her.

Then shipping happens proceed in whatever direction you want the story to take.

Rainbow Dash gets a collar stuck on her neck (insert backstory here) and to her embarrassment, she can't get it off. Now she must deal with the town's reactions as she tries and fails to get the thing off. (End with whatever.)

Cute wittle pony pic. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, here's my fic idea!

Title: Goddess Rainbow
Rating: Everyone
Tags: Comedy, Alternative Universe

The crystal ponies are a pretty superstious lot. They workship precious minerals, consider caves sacred, and make a sacrifice to the Shining One every second Tuesday.

But to them, the rainbow is sacred, with their historical texts claiming that a wave of bright rainbow light transformed them from ordinary ponies to the gorgeous crystal equines they are today.

So what do they do when their population sees Rainbow Dash perform a Sonic Rainboom for the first time?

Simple! Hail her as the Rainbow Goddess. Right before putting the ceremonial Rainbow Goddess relic (i.e. collar) on her.

They probably should thought through the whole "chaining-up-a-Element-bearer thing".

Actually, in all seriousness. After trade ya, we have found out that ponies can apparently sell their friends into indentured servitude. Perhaps Fluttershy teaches rainbow a lesson, by paying off a debt to someone with rainbow dash for a day.


RD decides that she can outdo the likes of Trixie in magic acts. Her first trick? Escaping from an ordinary dog collar! However, she didn't test it first and just assumed it would be easy. She refuses to take off the collar the normal way because "it would be cheating," and spends the majority of the story trying out increasingly cartoony and complicated means of removing it, eventually forgetting why she even put it on in the first place. Somebody takes it off when she finally collapses from exhaustion and she wakes up confused and angry.

Title: Test Subjects
Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy
Synopsis: Twilight discovers some more mind control and behavior manipulating magic; in this case the ability to copy ingrained behavior into another being's mind. The new behavior will completely override their normal reactions when applicable, though it doesn't effect the mind. As such, the subject is completely aware of the change in behavior, but helpless to stop it most of the time. Her friends volunteer, not knowing the full extend of what is to come since that would sully the rest results.

Rainbow Dash gets Winona's behavior transplanted onto her. No matter how much she tries to fight it her tail wags when she's happy, when she sees a doggy treat she becomes desperate to have it, she loves being petted, she obeys most of Winona's commands, and she gets a burst of joy whenever someone calls her a good girl.

It also has Rarity acting like a cat, Applejack acting like a girly fashionista, Fluttershy acting like a rockstar, and Pinkie acting like a great personal assistant.

That's pretty much the story idea that picture gives me. Possible twist ending, Twilight was away and it was Discord all along.

Rainbow's head comes off.

Her blood and guts turn into a semi-sentient being that proceeds to eat everything in sight, absorbing all other genetic code within itself.

It crawls into Celestia and melts her kidneys, causing her to require a donation by her sister, Luna, which strengthens their relationship.

It is now the size of a mountain, having engulfed all cities and hundreds of screaming children. It likes the screaming ones the best and leaves the quiet ones alone, thereby inadvertently causing the natural selection of a very smart, calm, collected future of ponies.

The destruction of the cities also causes a need for all current ponies to come together and a great reform necessary where they question and approach the egocentric nature of themselves, since they now have to work with and rely on outside help to get back on their feet. They must now work and live with gryphons, diamond dogs and donkehs.

It goes into hiding.

Equestria enters a new golden age, flourishing with true racial harmony and with really good city planning, and one mega city combining the best of all cultures in the site where Canterlot was. There are no more poor. There are no more elite. Everyone is equal, and everyone is happy.

The blob finds a time machine and goes far far back in time.

It forms into an egg and gestates for 500 years.

Queen Chrysalis is born, and decides to wage war on Canterlot to make sure she is, in the future, the leader of this new city of paradise.

After being rejected following a drunken pass, Rainbow Dash makes a wish on a star that she could sleep in Applejack's bed. Her wish is granted, but now poor Winona has to deal with being in the body of a lazy pegasus who is so far behind on her housecleaning and workload that she may as well be a pig.

The rest of the story involves Rainbow getting repeated smacked in the nose with a newspaper and Winona being an infinitely better weatherpony and confidant to Scootaloo than Dash could ever be.


I was gonna say something similar. Dash's mind is accidentally turned into that of a dog with a magic mishap. Fluttershy takes care of her while the others try to solve the problem.

Thing is, Dash is the dumbest fucking dog anyone has ever seen. Even Shy admits it at some point.

Author Interviewer

This is one of the funniest images ever drawn by the fandom, and I think it says all it needs to.

My first thought is of the AU of the infamous blog "Futashy," where ponies have the same role and intelligence as dogs in 101 Dalamatians. That is, they're humans' pets, but they still talk to one another. Of course, that setting comes with a fsair amount of baggage, not least of which Dash's usual species therein.

My second involves Twilight Sparkle. She'll never be Dash's pet, but the converse may be true.

No help to you there. I can't ever really picture myself writing a story based off a picture. I think I told you about how I look for inspirational bases, and pictures don't give you much to go on.


"With all due respect, Rainbow is the dumbest bitch I've ever known," Fluttershy muttered.

There. Took me two days to sit down and write that. I'm the fastest man in the world. But yeah, you get a fic tagged [everyone] with a swear word that's not a swear. That'd be so cool.

I ain't even touchin' this bullshit. Y'all nigga's needs Jesus.

Last I checked I was a white man.

Short and sweet, what do you know? I liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Or worst yet, what if she needs to take a shit! Or take care of any other personal problems of this sort that may arise?

Those three are so ridiculous and amusing. Points from me for imagination.
Man I love reading most anything out of the ordinary. :rainbowkiss:


Self-loathing Negro detected. There's no reason to shame your heritage. Be proud of who you are.

If you say so. Far be it for me to try and sway you from such a delusion. If it dose truly work for you to think that way, and it set's your mind at ease to think every one as a nigga, then just roll with it brother. My white ass will not know the difference, for it's all in your head.


A contusion birthed this delusion. Now soothe my confusion with a chocolate illusion.

Now you are talking! I like chocolate! And that's no illusion. :pinkiehappy:

Not exactly what I was thinking, but I am sure he would fit the bill for someone's dream dessert.
You shouldn't be showing such pictures anyways, it is bound to make someone jealous. :trixieshiftright:

Maybe this will help.

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