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Meta Four

I didn't write any of that.

  • EAlarm Clock
    Ditzy Doo sees things nopony else can see: higher-dimensional spatial anomalies, fae creatures, and eldritch abominations. She solves problems that other ponies don’t even know exist. But now, she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
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Thoughts on Alarm Clock: THIS IS WHAT THE REFRANCE · 2:56pm Feb 14th, 2015

I referenced/stole a lot of things in this story. Some of these were other ponyfics, so it’s my duty to come clean and/or share the love.

An Earth Pony’s Guide to Magic by Sereg. Without this story, Alarm Clock probably would never have happened. There’s a single, offhand reference to Ditzy Doo’s derped eyes being a superpower rather than a disability. (In this case, she got caught in an explosion of time magic, so one of her eyes can see into the future.) I loved that concept and wanted to read more along those lines. I asked my pals for recommendations, but they couldn’t think of any. So I decided to write my own.

(I had already published several chapters by the time I realized Elementals of Harmony actually fit my original criterion. WOOPS)

Also, this was the first fanfic I ever saw where Doctor Whooves (aka Time Turner aka that brown earth pony with the hourglass on his butt) was a time traveler without any reference to Doctor Who at all. You mean someone can time travel WITHOUT being a Time Lord? Blew my mind, it did.

Earth & Sky by Warren Hutch. The scene where Soarin gets in trouble for using an ornamental cloud (rather than a rain-bearing cloud) to put out a fire, was my inspiration for the cloud model numbers in my own story.

Trails and Trials by Mazzyrazzy. Ditzy keeps muffins in her mailbox in this story. That was so perfect that I had to use it in my own story, though I had to invent a different reason for it. Also I think this was my inspiration for making Ditzy a morning pony and obsessed with punctuality.

Constable Peeler is a shared OC, but to my knowledge Pipsqueak Plod and the Quest for Crackers (by Kegisak) is the only other published story he’s appeared in.

Report Meta Four · 477 views · Story: Alarm Clock · #alarmaverse
Comments ( 6 )

Convergent evolution is a fun phenomenon. Sometimes people take different paths to the same idea. It can be fascinating to see the resulting differences in execution.

And yeah, having Hooves just walk through time, no blue box necessary, is really fun.


And yeah, having Hooves just walk through time, no blue box necessary, is really fun.

Hooves can only teleport through time.
Ditzy was the one who walked through time, as well as 10 other dimensions of reality.

Stop giving me more things to read!

2796858 I'ma make Hooves walk in the sequel, just to make you look silly.

Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell.
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark.
The Laundry Files series by Charles Stross.
The Hellboy comicbook series and its spinoffs by Mike Mignola.
The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde.
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky (I prefer Pevear & Volokhonsky's translation).

Suggested listening while you're reading any of the above:
Pepe Deluxé: Queen of the Wave.
Orbital: In Sides.
Los Destellos: Los Destellos and Constelación.
A Hawk and a Hacksaw: Délivrance.
16 Horsepower: Folklore.
Burning Spear: Marcus Garvey.

Great now when I have spare monies I have to get more books. As if I dont already have a small library as it.
This all sound rather intriguing, so i'll give them a shot. Already slowly working through Hellboy, very slowly.
So are you British or just have a thing for British authors?

Pepe Deluxe... Loved that trailer video for the album. So retro and everything I love about classic sci-fi.
The album so far is pretty good.

2798969 Nah, I'm American. I just like to dabble in everything.

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