• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 25th, 2015

Blue Robin

Wrok part time love to read play video games and daydream away very quiet but likes to listen to other storys.

More Blog Posts4

  • 488 weeks
    A little something for the fans Ch 4 tiny seek peak

    Here a tiny part of the next chapter for you reading as a sorry for making you wait.

    little did the princess know the small colt was under her own hoofs as the thief was in the dark sewer of the city, The sewer were as most pony would think of it a long tunnel of pipes routes leading to different parts of the city to take its waste away.

    0 comments · 102 views
  • 488 weeks
    Good news

    I fixed my laptop and I will get back to writing the next ch for Frost and the secret of the Rune Pony's thanks for being patient .

    0 comments · 130 views
  • 488 weeks
    Fixing PC laptop and lost ch

    I have some bad news my laptop needs a new hard drive and I will need to wait. The next is that my last 2 ch got delete on the laptop so I will need to redo them but I will get them out I will write the next ch on my ipad so hang in there I will get them out.

    0 comments · 93 views
  • 489 weeks
    Fix lap top sorry for the next chapter

    The next chapter for Frost and the secret of the Rune Pony's is on hold for the next 3 to 4 days I need to fix my lap top it got a virus. Chapter 4 is done but needs to be edit. I will post when I fix my lap top thank you.

    0 comments · 102 views

Fix lap top sorry for the next chapter · 7:04pm Feb 14th, 2015

The next chapter for Frost and the secret of the Rune Pony's is on hold for the next 3 to 4 days I need to fix my lap top it got a virus. Chapter 4 is done but needs to be edit. I will post when I fix my lap top thank you.

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