• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
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I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP

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Grammarly; the Joke: (Hilarity Included) · 8:36am Feb 20th, 2015

Does any other Pony have problems with noncensical suggestions from the Grammarly spell check?

How about;

Its too double

Report Ponyess · 487 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Grammarly isn't free, though, right? You have to pay to use it?

2822849 I use the free test version. From what I have seen and heard, I will neverpay for it.

If I am to pay, I can as well have a live Editor instead. I would rather trust in you, or any other friendly Editor to do the work here.

They openly show enough faults to make this statement, without listening to others with bad experiences of them.
All the nonsense recomendations, for starters. This is part of why I use the Google tool as a second oppinion.

I run the story Editorial crew. This is made much easier since I have a second language, though.

2823159 Do you have to register for a free edition of Grammarly?

Do you have a link for Google tool?

What is Editorial crew? Why does the second language make it it easier?

2823920 To the first, no. I just paste the text and click, then the suggestions are marked onto the text, just like in Words.

For Goggle Tools, no.

On that note, how do you translate from English, to English?

I translate from English to Sweedish nd from [i]Sweedish to English, for the writing purposes.
If my German had been good enough, I could have used that as a second cross refference.
Although I sometimes amuse myself with using the version to see back and forth for Japanese. or on the rare occasion, some other language.

2823966 Do you have a link to Goggle Tools? Is that for translating? Why do you translate your stories? I'm not following.

2824077 I don't translate the Stories, per see. I use the translation to see more of the nounces of what I try to express.

Sometimes, I don't trust in Grammarly's spell check. besides, the trnslateion sometimes gives me much faster responces, and more to the point. Translation doesn't take a minute to get back, you know.

2824099 So, you translate back and forth to see more synonyms? I use WordWeb for that. I do also use translations when I can't remember what something is called in English.

2824110 Synonyms is just one part of it. I love using the nounces to a fault, as it were.
I choose to be exactly as presice as I need to be. This means that green eyes can me more to the point, than a page full of words to point out the colour of green.
On occasion, I like to consider rhymes or alliterations, or what ever other way to twist your tail until it breaks, without breaking the immersion. Even a very small section of words can express a very intrecate adventure.

2824146 What is nouncesto a fault?

Seems like writing is more like playing than work to you. I envy you. It feels like torture to me.

2824157 Sorry about that typo.

Not sure if game is the word, it is more of self-therapy.

if you have any ideas as you go to bed, write them down instead of allowing them ruin a perfectly good night's sleep.

Or atleast, it is where it all begun. Now I try to make the most fun out of it, along the way.

n the other hoof, I explore unseen vistas, of ponies at the time since we are in Equestria. I could explore Grifons, Gragons and Diamond Dogs too. Then we have the Equestrian borders and the lands wherre no Pony has set her hooves.

Hay, exploring is fun.

2824187 Yes, I also write down all my ideas. The bad thing about that is that that frees my brain to think of new ideas. I keep getting these ideas to write, and I'm not even a writer ...

Anyways, seems like you're a world-builder.

2824216 I love making some world building from time to time, I can admit as much.

The ideas you write down are the once you need to push into the stories, unless they are just stray garbage and nonsense.

Personally, new ideas are never a problem, backed up with the 100 stories on the FiM page alone. To me, it is more of aproblem to complete the stories, even if I have improved on this. I completed Two stories, this year. One of which is an One-Shot, but still.

There are several reasons why stories never get completed. The new and more fancy looking stories is just one. There is the negativity I get on occasion as well. Some stories are just painted into a corner, too.

2824292 I think my ideas are awesome. I want to see all of them written down.

I have problem finishing also. I get more and more projects. I'm 'writing' like 10 stories at the time.

Where does the negativity originate from?

How does a story get painted into a corner? In a way that you don't know how to continue it? Don't you plan your stories in advance?

2824368 I think the word I was using is nuances.

Since you see it as awsome, it is a green light to write it and make the story come true.

Maybe this isn't as unusual as we think it is, just because none told us of their problems?

Some comes from insensitive and outright rude comments. When itpiles up, it makes me feel even worse then I already did before.

Sometimes, you need to write a few chapters you may or may not really like, but without them the story sufferes more than if you miss a few beats.

Sorry, I don't plan that much, or deeply. Then again, I guess this is a Case by Case matter as well.

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