• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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MLP PRINCESSES (I'm writing this because it will bug me until I do...) · 3:40am Feb 24th, 2015

Hello Ponies of Equestria!

No pictures for this blog because I didn't make any and I might and repost. ANYWHO, I want to discuss who relates most to the Disney Princesses, (or at least some of them) no I will not make them up so that I'm not just copying people. I'm putting in my opinion and agreeing with people, NOT COPYING!!!!

Rarity- I would say that Rarity would be most like Princess Jasmine I don't even know the reason. I guess maybe because she would look like somepony who would be cooped up by her father and being his 'precious flower'. Once Jasmine is out and about with Aladdin, she has great skill and though she doesn't mind getting too dirty, she still cares for being proper. And I think we have all see some Rarity skill.

Rainbow Dash- She reminds me of one of my favorite princesses: Pocahontas. She like nature, sure that sounds more like fluttershy but what changes my mind to RD is because of Pocahontas's talent to speak to the wind. Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus so it would make sense if she was flying through the air all the time, she also like adventures and so does Pocahontas. She may be a princess but it doesn't bother her, also the name Princess Pocahontas doesn't seem right to me and neither does Princess Rainbow Dash... Crazy right?

Fluttershy- Sweet, sweet Fluttershy. Just as sweet and caring as Snow White. It is most obvious she would relate to this kind princess. They both love animals, they love to sing, and care for anyone/anypony no matter what their difference. When fluttershy was singing and washing with the animals in Twilights house in: Ticket Master, Snow White was the first thing that popped in my mind. That scene and the one where Snow White is cleaning with her animal friends in the dwarfs home and then the owners on the house stumbling on them? THAT IS TOTALLY SNOW WHITE! HOW COULD IT NOT BE!

Pinkie Pie- PRINCESS ARIEL IS BEST PRINCESS! The most bubbly princess I could think of would be Ariel, my fave princess if you haven't caught the hint already -wink- -wink- They are both fun, curious about almost everything, ready to try something new, loves everything, and adventurous. Not much more can be said except for the flash back of Pinkie Pie and the reality for Ariel. They both got their worlds completely turned around, Ariel out of the water and Pinkie Pie into the world of... not gloom?

Twilight Sparkle- I think it is as easy to tell with her as it is with Fluttershy, besides nopony/ or person loves books more than her and Princess Belle I think the only reason I chose her though is because they both like their fathers and they both like books! And because (I'm not saying spike is a monster, I would never EVER say that to my second fave character) they live with (I can't say beasts) animals that aren't their kind and would grow up to be ferocious? BUT YEAH!

Applejack- and last but not least, the one who inspired me of writing this. So let me start with this: When people write about Princess Applejack others ask: Why her? It is also very rare when someone wrights AJ as a Princess. Probably because she is ill mannered, uncouth, adventurous, hard working, and doesn't care at all about royalty but guess who else is like that? Princess Merida If you don't know who I am talking about I don't blame you because she is new (somewhat) she is from the movie 'Brave'. They are both like what I just listed Applejack. Plus I would think the crusaders as the three boys (OH MY GOSH HOW I LOVE THOES BOYS THEY ARE THE CUTEST OF THE CUTE AND I LOVE HOW THEY ACT AND THEIR SHINANIGANS I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A MOVIE OF JUST THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE SO AWESOME AND ADORIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbowkiss: oh... uhh... I mean -clears throat- They are cute) because they are so mischievous. But Merida would be the kind of Princess that people would think: Why?! And also I would think growing up on a farm you would hear a lot of fairy tails so I think the tails of a willow wisp would be what she believed in. AND LASTLY I like to think that AJ's mom came from manehattan so it would make sense if she expected a lot from her eldest daughter and her father being the farmer and all, he wouldn't be as expecting as his wife and would get into almost as much trouble as she would.



Princess Skyla.

Report Sea_Swirl · 110 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I think Applejack would actually be a good fit for Pocahontas, since she's deeply in tune with nature, strong, independent, generally uninterested in romance, and unafraid to do what she deems necessary no matter what that might be.

Rainbow Dash would be more in line with Mulan, she wouldn't be interested in romance or an arranged marriage, she would take the place of a loved one in a heartbeat, and would be willing to risk her life for her country.

2825784 Grah! How can you change my mind so quickly?! I may change it but not tonight, thanks for your input lol

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