• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
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"If I had asked people what they wanted, They would have said faster horses." -Henry Ford The easiest way to tell a man's character is how well he treats the people he doesen't have to.

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    Mood music

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    Rest in peace, bro.

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Sweetie Belle's White Knight Recap · 4:30pm Feb 24th, 2015

First I’d like to thank RageLokiCat and Fillyphil for editing for me, although our schedules conflicted on this one I am glad they looked over this before publishing.
Now, I would like to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed this story, because it is probably the first thing I’ve written in a while that I’ve been proud of while still having a warm reception over. The basis of the story is 100% true and based off of experiences I have had with 1 customer in particular while working part time. Believe it or not, this experience took place a long time ago, and it came back to me about two weeks ago when I had actually had a nightmare about it and it came back to me. For some reason when I woke up I regathered my thoughts and decided to use this as motivation to write a story.

So this happened a few years ago, as some of you may already know, I worked part time at a Verizon store. Verizon has an MO that they hate their partners, because what they do is they find a prospective area that they want to have a store in and reach out to the community and find some poor businessman sap to start an agent location(The one I worked at was called “The Cellular Connection”) if the agent location is successful, Verizon thanks the businessman and bend him over and shoves a corporate store about half a mile away from the agent location to steal their business because of guaranteed products and better locations.

So to put this into perspective, I worked as a part time agent for a store that has the most expensive and best cellphone coverage (I would say the Cadillac to AT&T’s Lincoln and Sprint’s Buick) and have to sell phones to cheapasses and retards while at the same time competing with Big Verizon down the road and Walmart and their shitty customers, service, and phones. So yeah, great industry to be in.

Anyway, this story happened in October a few years ago. Apple always releases their phones in September, and after the Iphone 4, they started releasing their products in a tier system. One product would be free, Eample, The Iphone 4) One product would be 100$ (The 4s) and the latest and greatest phone would be 200$ (The 5). Now, my memory fails me, but I believe at the time the 4s 8 gigabyte was free, the 5c was 100 and the 5s was 200, but for some reason I think it could be the 5c 8 Gig was free, 5s was 100 and 6 was 200, but for all intents and purposes the specifics of the device don’t matter.

In October, a man and a woman come into the store. They say were sold a broken phone and want to exchange it. We look at the phone and see that it was a 4s (Or a 5c) with 8 gigabytes of memory. We look up the receipt and they did buy the phone from us, but the woman’s old phone was a vanilla 4 with 8 gigs of memory. She says that the phone has less memory because she was able to put more of her bullshit onto the phone and she says that she was lied to.

I have to take this and defend the store at the moment because the sales person who sold the phone to them (Lets call him Bob) wasn’t in, and for that matter, Bob was engaged to my sister at the time. Anyway, we challenge the customer to bring in the old Iphone 4 and we can see what the difference is, because the first thing we tell customers when selling the free iphone is that the come with half the memory of the old phones, and that she had an 8 gig phone. They make some smartass remark about having to talk to Mr. Bob about selling them a bad phone.

Now, fast forward 4 months to Late January and the same two people come in. This time, Mr. and Mrs. White Trash come back in and I didn’t recognize them at first, but I eventually do when their name comes up and I recall their bitchyness. They want to get out of their contract, which isn’t going to happen because the return period is 14 days and it has now been a half a year. My manager happens to be in and he tells them to go down to the corporate store half a mile away and the corporate store will swap out their phone. I didn’t know they could do that at the time, but my Manager has been working in phones for Verizon for 12 years. It is 4:30 when they leave and the store closes at 7:00.

At 6:25, a black man, his wife, and two kids come into the store, they want to get a new smartphone for his mother and since they are well off they have credit to buy an Iphone 5s on Edge, which although it takes some time, will actually cost them virtually nothing. I was all over this because when we sell things on Verizon Edge we get paid more and our conversion rate for contracts sold is much higher. So I start to work on this guy and he seem really cool. We actually talk about wrestling while I get the phone ready and sell them insurance and phone cases, so I am going to get paid big fucking money.

At 6:40, Mr. and Mrs. White Trash come back in. I was busy, but I look over and recognize them and ask them is they had any luck at the other store. They say no, so I get out a sticky note and a pen and ask them to write down their name and number and we would help them in the morning because the other representative and I were busy and we would be closing by the time we were done.

At this point, Mr. White Trash freaks out and goes ape shit on me, and many of the things he says were taken into the Story, including that we knew the phone was a piece of garbage (which it wasn’t, I have a nagging suspicion that it was the 5c Free, which is 100 times better than the 4). We were just trying to get a quick sale out of it (which is retarded because why would we try to fuck our customers, the only thing we have over other stores is Customer Service). They know a guy who owns a cellphone store so he gave them the inside scoop on how we work off commission (I would never deny that I worked off commission, but why would I or my Sister’s fiancée try to fuck ourselves by selling a piece of shit?). The corporate store told them that the phone was a piece of trash (why would a Verizon store try to talk shit about our bestselling product at the time other than to shift blame?). And he ends it all with wanting to talk to the manager, and he wants to call the owner.

Our manager left at 6, and lived about 30 minutes away, which given that it was a blizzard outside he wasn’t coming in and was going to tell me to let them come back tomorrow. Our owner had a rule that we weren’t supposed to give out his contact information to customers, but the owner and his wife were good people and always brought food to the late shift, so we knew that they were out of town trying to sell their cabin. So I knew that neither of the two things were going to happen. This guy freaks the fuck out again, after I explain the situation, and proceeds to go on an angry rant, I try to interject and talk to him because the black lady who I was selling the phone to grabbed her kids at this point and got them out of the store. Another guy walks in and is just trying to buy a case, and I am stuck with the human representation of a jackass.

He says his classic line “I can tell you’re just yupp’n me to get me out of here.” That I was feeling that I was about to knock this guy the fuck out. I could understand his frustration, but if he wasn’t half as much of a dickwad I would have been more inclined to help him. But, like a fucking guardian angel, the black guy from before walk over and just as calm as can be politely asks Mr. White Trash to leave the store because now he was wasting his family’s time. Mr. White Trash is wanting to take the black guy outside and fight him in the street, but then the third guy got between the two and got the black guy to not get him riled up. Now noticing that a fight was about to happen and I had the cops at the ready, Mrs. White trash who was sobbing in the corner grabs her husband and leaves.
I thank the black guy and I notice my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Later, I sell the black guy all of his accessories at cost for what he did.

So, that was the real story behind Sweetie Belle’s White Knight. I originally was going to name it Spike’s White Knight because I felt that I could use Spike dealing with an unruly patron at the Library as a premise and Big Mac helping him, but I felt that someone freaking out about a library book is unreasonable and bizarre.

Also, “White Knighting” is a term that is often used by a guy who pretends to be chivalrous to a girl in order to get laid, so I decided to use that idea except with the Idea that Big Mac knew right from wrong and wasn’t going to let his sister’s best friend deal with this stuff.

Big Mack was going to go Big Show and WMD the unruly customer, but I decided to keep it vague and not show what Big Mac did beside showing the guy faceplanted in a snowbank.

Anyway, that’s my story, thanks for Reading.

Before I forget, In the end, the my manager and owner did call Mrs. White Trash. I never heard the resolution of the conflict, so I called my old manager after my nightmare this year and he said that when they called her, Mr. White Trash was cussing up a storm in the background, and she said that she would, and I quote, “Settle for a 5s/6.”

When my ex-manager told me this, I laughed so hard that I dropped the phone.

Comments ( 2 )

As someone who used to be a manager at a Wendy's, I can empathize.

2826947 I hope I never have to work in the food business... ugh.

Anyway, to everyone feel free to share your own experiences as well.

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