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Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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orz · 10:01pm Feb 26th, 2015

Okay, I get it. The epilogue was bad, and I feel bad. Okay, I'll flesh it out, rewrite, etc. I'm taking it down right now. Please stop expressing your discontent now...


Comments ( 44 )

It wasn't that bad. I just wish for more story from this one.


its not bad its just kinda well... short. just flesh it out a bit and i think people will stop twisting their panties about it.

As much as I'd like to say that the previous epilogue was fine, I really...can't. A story of this caliber of awesomeness, coolness, and radicalness deserves something 20% more epic.


...despite doing this for free and not owing us anything...


I didn't mind the end. It wasn't really bad at all. That said, I would LOVE to see it more fleshed out, though. Feels like you easily could get a whole chapter in-between the last two. I think it's always a good policy for stories to show, not tell. Sometimes telling works, but most of the time, showing is best.

None the less, I totally seemed to follow everything in the epiglob✶, but still, You totes missed an opportunity to have everypony and everybuggy gawk at his ponyfied form. You did skip out on the return of Tirek to his body. You didn't drop any of the juicy details that led to Ash and Leni and Sky and Conrad deciding to play musical mates. It just seemed so... After the fact-ish. Prolly cuz it was! :ajsmug:

What I'm saying, is I totally believe you have more in you, and that you have the awesomeness and potential to bring it out like the sun and to make it shine! :twilightsmile:
Hay, that's my job! :trollestia:

Also... Everybuggy is my favorite word of the day! :derpytongue2:

✶ Epiglob: noun
An epilogue that globs what could totally be two or more chapters together into a single ending chapter. :twilightsheepish:

Good pointy-hatted gnome. Cookie for you.

Don't take what we say as discontent, view it as 'constructive criticism':twilightsheepish:, sometimes people love what you do:yay:, sometimes they hate it:ajbemused: it's all a learning experience as my dad would say

just look at me: I'm current trying to write the first chapter of my story and it has taken me two months just to get through typing the first half of the chapter, don't I feel pathetic:pinkiesad2: having ADHD plus a writing disability really sucks

I would like to apologize if any of my comments came off as mean. Like a lot of folks, I became invested in this story of awesome hijinks and epic metal shenanigans... and expressed my disbelief at such a jarringly abrupt ending with the "twists" that didn't feel like it meshed with the rest of the wonderful tale you crafted that I probably should've had a buddy type out my response so it would've felt more like constructive critism instead of a put down. Please forgive my lack of manners.

I thought the epilogue was okay. I didn't get a chance to re-read it it see if you covered possibly Conrad leaving the body of Tirek before you pulled it. Please. Pleeeeease explain that more. It left me feeling like this: [youtube=youtube.com/watch?v=z1B0VVRMC_c]

It feels like I'm not in on some inside secret :applecry:
Edit: not to mention Conrad dosen't really know about it. Like, at all.

HAVE A FUCKING PIZZA ON DA HOUSE BRAH! As you said the epilogue isn't bad... it just needs more buildup. Split it into two if you wish.

I guess it just seemed a bit.. abrupt? Wasn't so much that it was over so much as it just felt... IDK. You don't HAVE to, but it is certainly going to be appreciated. I'm sorry that everyone else was so... liberal in expressing their dissatisfaction with the ending. ; ;

I'm glad you're rewriting it. Thanks.

It wasn't bad, really; but if you want to try again, then by all means ...

And honestly, wrapping a story THAT over the top is no mean feat.

Is it me, or does the Bagger have a similar tread layout for similar reasons, as a Bolo?

The whole story was crazy,

the only way you couldve bent peoples minds any more was writing it in 0th or 4th person. :pinkiecrazy:

I figured this was going to happen after reading so many comments about how bad the ending was. I have come across stories that were really great, only for it to get ruined by the ending. It doesn't matter if 99% of the story was extremely awesome if the ending is bad, it completely erases all that awesomeness and labels the whole story as a complete failure.

I didn't really think it was bad. But hey do what you gotta do man.

The epilogue was good in concept, it just happened way too abruptly after the climax. I feel like the story needs another chapter before the epilogue, where the immediate consequences and near future events can happen in the present instead of just being talked about in passing after the fact, and then it can jump to the "some time in the future" chapter.

It wasn't bad so much as it was abrupt. It's still ok, but if you want to redo it, go on ahead.

oh hay, I just got ᴼrz! :twilightblush:
Despite the picture... :facehoof:

I personally think it's fine the way it is. People need to learn to live with the fact that everyone has different tastes in writing.

They didn't write the story, you did. You have every right to do what you want with the story.

I'm too invested in hating how OP Sombra was to hate the ending. It just doesn't rate in comparison.

Aww man, I didn't get to read it. :applecry: can someone explain what happened?

2833507 O_O . . . :ajbemused: says the guy who was hating on a perfectly good story 2 weeks ago.

I like the ending.

Bro, it wasn't that bad, I didn't realize my bit of criticism would be followed up with a tidal wave...please don't feel bad :(

They better still get turbo married.

2833989 Not ringing any bells, mate.


Conrad better damn well be Tirek's parole officer.

Comment posted by Kazuma Michishige deleted Mar 1st, 2015

Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad of an ending. It probably could have used a bit more showing than telling, as there were a couple subjects that you skimmed over (I.E. Conrad becoming an alicorn and the marriage musical chairs stuff.) but all in all, I thought it was a good attempt to end such an insane story.

2834467 Ugh, that, er, thing. It was anything but 'perfectly good'.

Rabble rabble! Harrumph harrumph! Ok I'm done... :rainbowkiss:


Nou! Bad epilogue! Bad author! Rewrite! AGH!

I think the the discontent that people had with the epilogue can be summed up in thee major issues;

The first was the style that it was in. Most people, me included, we're no doubt expecting something in Conrad's signature Emperor Kickass McAwesometown-style (you should get this trademarked, seriously, do it noa!:pinkiecrazy:). To suddenly jump from escaping Tambelon at the end of the last chapter to him recounting to Spike at a play in the epilogue left us feeling like this:

The second issue was the data dump, a lot of people mentioned that there was enough there to make one more chapter before the epilogue. And there were still questions that you had left unanswered, ones that I wanted answered were where: what did Conrad's alicorn form look like? What were the reactions of his parents and siblings? How exactly was celestia able to cover up the whole thing and explain the Alicorn Of construction's appearence :trollestia:(I think that either Master Builder Alicorn or Alicorn of Creation sounds better in my option, 'alicorn of Construction' sounds kinda awkward) there was also the fact that you had the changelings and oz becoming a part of Equesrtia bugged a lot of people ( pun NOT intended:derpytongue2:)

The final issue was no doubt the hottest of them all: pairings
We all know how passionate people can get about their parings, and a lot of people (me included) thought that Conrad and Skyflower we're going to stay together ( I cite the fact that to me Skyflower seemed to change as the story progressed and the heart-to-heart she and Conrad had on top of the hive) to sudden have it not work out seemed like the excuse that they used in transformers 3 to explain why Megan Fox's character wasn't there (what a cop-out that was, nearly ruined the whole movie for me, I mean seriously after two movies of mechanical mayhem they say she just dumped him? Really?)
No offense to the whole ConradxLeni ship but beyond Leni havering some hero worship for Conrad, and him being loyal to his subjects I just can't see that boat floating.
I'm not trying to start a shipping war that is just how I saw it.

Aaand I think I'll end my little analyst here and let you judge it for your self.

Comment posted by Mr mustash deleted Feb 27th, 2015

2834780 look at what you said look here 2833507 well look at this

I don't even know where to begin explaining how many things are wrong with this, dude. Either you have jack shit experience when it comes to writing, or this is a trollfic.

you see that, that is your comment on that story

I seem to remember you saying this

People need to learn to live with the fact that everyone has different tastes in writing.

you look like a Hippocratic

2835466 I think the term you're looking for is 'hypocrite'.

And learn proper English, for frak's sake.

I actually liked the epilogue. Felt like closure.

Please upload both editions, I want the old one back (Although I wouldn't cry if you manage a better one)

why not make a sequel, one where you cover all the side stories and quests? :twilightsmile:

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