• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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I need advice · 6:35pm Mar 1st, 2015

Hello Ponies/Peoples!

So... There is another Princess Skyla who PMed me and asked if I was a troll account. When I said 'no' she said she was the real Skyla, which would be totally awesome if she was but... I don't know... But what do I do?

Thanks guys!!!
Princess Skyla
-Still working on new stamp-

Report Sea_Swirl · 131 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

just ignore it and report it

2840562 I'm not going to report her, she didn't really do anything wrong or against the rules, thanks though!

you are best Skyla!:heart::pinkiehappy::heart::rainbowkiss::heart::ajsmug::heart::raritywink::heart::twilightsmile::heart::yay::heart:

2840575 Sorry, I don't know how to edit the name out of the conversation because I don't want people to be mean to her, It doesn't really bug me anymore but I just want to know what you guys think.

2840586 Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me! :pinkiesad2: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

2840634 ... I'm sure I don't have that 'kind of program' lol

2841072 I can't download anything without my dad. I'm not going to post the conversation.

Just ignore it. There's nothing wrong with two Skyla's. It just doubles the fun!!!:pinkiehappy:

2847387 XD I guess your right!

2847957 See! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It just doubles more Skyla's, which doubles the cuteness too.:rainbowkiss:

2848048 So just respond that if there's two Skyla's, it will double the fun and cuteness! I mean seriously, who can stand the cuteness from Skyla? :trixieshiftright:

2848110 OMG I KNOW I CAN'T!! XD Also I love how that Trixie face goes perfect with what you just said.

2848126 Did you mean I can't or I can?:twilightsheepish:

2849785 I can't I can't resist the urge to love her!

2849901 Oh, that's what you meant. :scootangel:

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