• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


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Thank You For the Support Concerning My Loss · 4:45am Mar 2nd, 2015

While still distraught over the loss of someone close to me, I am thankful for the kind words of everyone and your prayers (for even if I am not religious, my friend was very much a faithful man). Attending a service dedicated to them today and seeing so many people come to share stories about him today also has helped, and if I got anything from those speaking it was the idea that he would want us to go on and accomplish everything we can instead of wallow away at his loss.

As such, I will be resuming updates this coming week with renewed fervor as I try to capture some of the passion he lived with in his life every day and apply it to my own life. Thank you all again, and I will see you on Wednesday when I update "Equestria Was Merely a Setback" as well as "Nothing Lasts Forever", and Sunday for "We Remember Everything". As I need to apply a good deal of time to ensuring my studies recover from this recent week of grief, I will sadly have to finish the updates for "Meet the Family" and "Winging It" next week.

I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to hear from you in the coming updates.

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