• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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Random Realization · 2:21am Mar 6th, 2015

If ponies don't know what hands are... Then what do they call the stick thingies on clocks?!

Report Sea_Swirl · 134 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

probably hooves. that or they call them hands, and Lyra is convinced they are secretly a gift from the other dimension, with HUMANS! BAM!

They call it Glacknack

I don't know what a Glacknack is, but the spirits of Equestria just said me that's the name.

G3 ponies! I was gong to create a blog of all the strange and unnatural ways they can distort their hooves. :raritywink:

but in all seriousness: this is a valid question I was looking at another author who asked a similar question and decided it was because Equestrias starting to go through a industrial revolution.

2853018 what an interest word...

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