• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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Q#1 · 5:10am Mar 7th, 2015


Yeah! I used to go on adventures with them!!!! That is... Until we crashed a wagon into my moms roof...

Report Sea_Swirl · 112 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Yeah, that was me. :scootangel: I have a tumbler too. But I haven't started with anything yet. Too busy.:ajsleepy:

2857472 THANKS! can you send me the link to your tumblr page?

2857472 Oh wait, I got it!

2857472 Jes' lettin' ya'll know, you don' have an ask thingymajig up yet.

2857539 I know, It's kinda confusing. I don't know how to use a Tumbler. Or how to make my own customized page. I just changed the color.

2857554 I know right! My Sea Swirl page used to be an Ask Skyla but I could do it and I tried to make a whole new page for Sea Swirl but I don't even know how I got the ask button in! So I just changed a few things on the Skyla page, I wanted to use the same type of page you have so people could see it better, but I'm afraid I will lose that Ask button...

2857591 I'm trying to change the layout thing. I want my layouts to look like this tumbler.


But how do I get a layout like that?

2857611 I don't know but if you go alllllllllll the way down it says :"get waaaay more themes" check there.

2857629 But it says money prices. I can't pay.

2857630 there is a free sign. Or search one.

2857634 Oh and where or how can I get a ask button?

2857689 How am I supposed to find that theme? There's too much! Urgh, this is exhausting.

2857706 I don't know, sorry I don't think I can help you further.

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