• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words writing prose. Anything goes. :raritywink:

More Blog Posts4030

  • 193 weeks
    Act 1 is done.

    Act 2 might take a couple of weeks, but for now, new Chapter.

    0 comments · 407 views
  • 194 weeks
    New chapter is out!

    Sorry for the long delay, but here it is! The last of the main characters, and one of my favorite new creations! Diamond Tiara's little sister, Creme Rich!

    0 comments · 333 views
  • 195 weeks
    Sorry about the lack of chapter this week!

    I've written up through chapter 7, but I haven't edited. Been a busy week. Next chapter next Sunday!

    0 comments · 323 views
  • 196 weeks
    New Chapter out!

    And this one is dedicated to tha people who taught me that shipping could be an absolute blast! Down Beat made it, yall!

    0 comments · 313 views
  • 197 weeks
    Next Chapter is out. Meet Pumpkin Cake!

    Yep! Pumpkin Cake shows up and introduces herself this chapter! And moreover, the creeping feeling continues to crawl up the spines of our heroes.

    1 comments · 272 views

Because baby Cheetah's are cute... · 12:43pm Mar 7th, 2015

I is the fastest Land mamman! The fastest land nammal... mamma.... lamamman... RAAAAWR!:yay:

I'm a hat.:twilightsmile:

That's very nice honey, but mommy needs to hunt antelope for dinner.:pinkiesad2:

Nope! Hat!:rainbowkiss:

Report LightOfTriumph · 731 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I love it when you do these, and Cheetah cubs are adorable.

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