• Member Since 14th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen February 16th

Krazy Stargazer

My body maybe on Earth but my heart is among the stars

More Blog Posts14

  • 457 weeks
    "Them's Fighting Heards"

    From the creators of "Fighting is Friendship" comes this new game!

    Personally i'd love to get my hands on both games :)

    0 comments · 553 views
  • 457 weeks
    MLP Doodlebob

    Oh I kinda wanna see this recreated in the MLP world LOL

    1 comments · 444 views
  • 459 weeks
    100 things you didn't know...or did :3

    0 comments · 358 views
  • 472 weeks
    100th Episode!

    Wow what a love letter to the fandom! Yea the story was lacking somewhat...but damn was it worth it!
    We got Doctor Whooves! With Derpy!
    We got Vinel and Octavia! And they even did a collab!
    Button Mash showed up (lol)
    Lyra and Bonbon were amazing too.
    And we cant forget Gummy! I mean if you weren't laughing by then you were laughing after!!!

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    0 comments · 299 views
  • 486 weeks
    A Year''s Time!

    Hello Stargazers

    Wow it's been WILD. The stories on this site never cease to impress, theirs always something new to satisfy whatever mood im in. So thanks to all the awesome writers for keeping the hype and heart of the show alive and kicking.

    Speaking of which i got a couple things to say about my own stories.
    Summoning the King of Monsters

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    0 comments · 357 views

A Year''s Time! · 2:17am Mar 9th, 2015

Hello Stargazers

Wow it's been WILD. The stories on this site never cease to impress, theirs always something new to satisfy whatever mood im in. So thanks to all the awesome writers for keeping the hype and heart of the show alive and kicking.

Speaking of which i got a couple things to say about my own stories.
Summoning the King of Monsters
It's no surprise that throughout his long career Godzilla has amassed quite the rogues gallery. I know quite a few, King Ghedoria, Mechagodzilla. But i also plan to insert A LOT of my own enemies into the story, to really showcase some of Equestria's baddies. I'd love to hear your imput guys and see where this series takes us.

My Little Tony
Well things have been cute but our little Tony's got big shoes to fill. Now i'm gonna try and transition us out of the "baby arc" and into the childhood arc. This will probably mean a slight time skip so forgive me :twilightblush: and it should feature alot more of Tony and Friends. Tony's also gonna have to come across pony society eventually, how do you think they'll react to him?

I don't wanna let you guys down here, and im gonna try and make sure these stories wrap up nicely.

So thank you to all my readers! and as always

Stay Gold!

Report Krazy Stargazer · 357 views ·
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