• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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STAN PINES IS THE BEST! · 8:54pm Mar 11th, 2015

Warning some of this message has season 2 episode 11 so if you have not seen this yet and don't want spoilers, DONT TOUCH THE SPOILER TAG! DUH!

OH MY GOOOOOSSSHHH!!! Okay so I like Mabel, she is awesome adorable and funny.

This is how I grew to love Stan Pines more, it's a very complicated process but I think you'll understand.

Stan is so awesome.


Okay, not only is his character the most humorous and probably the character the writers like to have fun with the most, he also has a very interesting imagination for example: He can make things up that seems like: "What?" and then the other people are like: "Oh okay, that makes perfect sense.


I bet there is more but that's what I can think of at the moment.

Also when it's time to get serious he can deal with that. Like when Stan fights through the zombies and stuff.

Okay and I love Stan all over again because he was SOOOOOO awesome when he escaped the questioning guys the... special opps.... I forgot what they are called, anywho. Then he never loosed character in mid-air he steals a wallet and stuffs it in his jacket XD XD XD XD I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!

So yep, love stan he is da bomb peoples.

Best character.

(I don't have pics so deal with imagination.)

Shadow walks into room and out of the portal :rainbowderp:

A hand with six fingers mimics the hand on the book and the hand put's the book in his jacket :rainbowderp::rainbowderp:

Stan: "My Brother" Lightning flashes and reveals the unknown persons face. :rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp:!!!!!!!!!!!


Report Sea_Swirl · 141 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I wish I could read the spoilers because I saw it but my phone is like Noooo no reading for you!

2868022 lol I know how phones can be, I will send it to you in private chat

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