• Member Since 10th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2015

Creative angel94

Sweet girl that loves my little pony

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  • 485 weeks
    A backstory on my MLP OC character/avatar

    This is Creative Angel, a young unicorn who lives in Ponyville in a small hut near the library. She has brown hair, tannish colored fur, and deep brown eyes that seem to look into another creature's soul/personality. She's also very kind and gentle to everypony she meets but she's also very sensitive especially to her own emotions, which can sometimes hinder her ability to make new friends, that

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  • 485 weeks
    Hello everypony!

    Greetings everypony, my name is Creative angel94 and I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful site; however, there is one little thing that you need to know about me which is although I love MLP (My Little Pony) with all of my heart, I also love animes, video games, and many other things as well like books and poetry so just to be clear, my page will not only consist of my little pony fanfics

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A backstory on my MLP OC character/avatar · 7:44pm Mar 13th, 2015

This is Creative Angel, a young unicorn who lives in Ponyville in a small hut near the library. She has brown hair, tannish colored fur, and deep brown eyes that seem to look into another creature's soul/personality. She's also very kind and gentle to everypony she meets but she's also very sensitive especially to her own emotions, which can sometimes hinder her ability to make new friends, that ultimately leads to her being alone most of the time. On the bright the side, with her kind and gentle spirit, Creative Angel can always make anypony feel better about themselves by just being herself and being there for them. However, there is one down side to this young unicorn's life which is that unlike the ponies around her, she doesn't have her Cutie Mark yet; in fact, most of the ponies in Ponyville find it hard to believe that such a kind spirited mare hasn't gotten her Cutie Mark yet especially since she has a talent for writing stories and/or poems that makes others happy and content.

Now don't go thinking that this young unicorn mare is living all on her own in Ponyville because she's not; in fact, there are two other ponies living with her and their names are Gentle Star and Strong Heart. Gentle Star is Creative Angel's mother and just as her name depicts, Gentle Star is a gentle, loving, and independent unicorn mare that works at the Ponyville hospital. Throughout most of her days, Gentle Star is either doing paperwork or taking care of patients all over the hospital but even with her busy schedule, Gentle Star always has time for her family at the end of the day. As for Strong Heart (Creative Angel's father), he is VERY different from Gentle Star because he is a strong minded and hard working unicorn colt that works as a Palace Guard in Canterlot which unfortunately means that he can't spend as much time with his daughter and wife as much as he wants to. Overall, both parents love their little angel with all their hearts and fully believe in her abilities to one day earn her cutie mark.

Now that you know little bit more about Creative Angel, here's a question for you: Do you think she will earn Cutie Mark someday or do you thinking she'll have to wait a few more years for it to happen?

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