• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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I need help... Again. · 12:39am Mar 22nd, 2015

Well this is more as an opinion than advice that I need but... I am 15... I've always made my OC a filly because I like them and they are SOOOOOOO cute!~♥ Anyway, it's time for the to make my OC real. Where do you think my age would fall? A filly or a mare?


P.s. Filly picture is the first picture I have is the first time I drew her so she is probably pretty not very well done as the rest I have done.

Thanks!! Hope to hear your opinions!

Report Sea_Swirl · 258 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

You know this effects me so what ever happens I will make Pluto the same age

2898288 lol, thanks, I forgot it affected you, I would have told you in advanced :twilightsheepish:

It's fine now I need to make a cutie mark for him

2898312 Okay, sorry if I troubled you with anything...

2898358 hey it's no problem let me just make him

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