• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2017


I have a simple dream: to make people laugh and gasp as they read my stories without fear of limits. Take that, censorship! MWAHAHAHA!

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  • 480 weeks
    Ideas For My Story

    Hello, everypony! I'm going to ask you all a question: what would you like to see happen in Avatar of Chaotic Power? If your idea(s) interest me, I'll incorporate it into my story as soon as I can. Do note that I will be following the general plotline based on some of the episodes arriving after Discord's defeat, so if you give me an episode-specific idea that I had already passed

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    39 comments · 783 views

Ideas For My Story · 5:08am Mar 27th, 2015

Hello, everypony! I'm going to ask you all a question: what would you like to see happen in Avatar of Chaotic Power? If your idea(s) interest me, I'll incorporate it into my story as soon as I can. Do note that I will be following the general plotline based on some of the episodes arriving after Discord's defeat, so if you give me an episode-specific idea that I had already passed by in the storyline, I'm afraid I cannot incorporate it into the story. If it's just a general concept of how you think certain things work in Equus, I'll consider it. Thanks for the future ideas, everypony!

Report Dragonok · 783 views · Story: The Avatar of Chaotic Power ·
Comments ( 39 )

Hi ^^

first of, would you kindly elaborate, how far you would deviate from Canon?

from <NON> too <mAdn1S i5_my N4Me, Ins4N1TY 5h3l bE My GgAMe!!!>(madness is my name, insanity shell be my game!)

If the first one: MEH!
if the Second one: how about the literal incarnation if madness, and I'm not speaking of "Discord mischief", I'm speaking of paralyzing, soul corruptive, mind decaying, liturgy meaning inverting (doing evil in the name of good and good in the name of evil), formless, infecting, consciousness overtaking, raging madness.
I speak not of something so puny like a God, I speak of the very principle of Madness given form.
In the form of: nothing, just the form of what it sees and likes bulging out of what ever it wants.
Main forms of '(Inter)action' subconcous, (altering) Memories, whispering (mentally), altering preferences, giving visions, using the faces of others, (creative) decaying of Memories(slowly morphing memories to something completely different.), overtaking Body parts of others, <anything you can come up with>.
Intentions: in fact non / spreading / existing / observing / playing / teaching / punishing / helping / etc.

If something between them:
how about: "a Demon of Earth"
Now to explain something like this is really not that easy.
The Shortest explanation for "A Demon of Earth" would be "A Human equipped with extremely over exaggerated and expanded native Human treats + some of 'all mythical attributes you can give one'."
Basis example: a Extremely resilient Being(drop a nuke on it and it will get really angry at best) that heals so fast that you can watch it heal within seconds, never tiering, never sleeping, never fearing, never resting, being able to see in absolute darkness and breathing Air,Water and living in absolute Vacuum, having burningly spicy blood filled to the rim with power, total immunity to all kinds of radiation.
With treats like rebirth/reincarnation, eating souls/dreams/power/life, spawning more of its kind/Corrupting other to become like it and so on. in effect insane Demon powers.
* Can become very loyal to one specific mortal which they will help and only this Mortal, also the Demon of Earth will accept this Mortals wishes, maybe very displeased but they will as long as it does not harm the Demon of Earth to much.
* Seeing Mortals mostly as nothing other than means of sustenance.
* extremely difficult to handle if they get friendly (rarity is the purest angle compared to them.)
**usual intention: becoming stronger / escaping from a other, stronger Demon of Earth / searching a place to rest.

I think:
Twilight would most likely be intrigued but could not handle one of them.
Rarity could handle one quite well,
RD would be an annoyance for one but in the end they would become actual friends.
Pinkie would be strongly irritating and I can seriously not see them become friends (Pinkie is far to happy for one of them).
Fluttershy could handle one IF she would prove she has a backbone (see a Dragon in tears) and has an opinion for her self, than maybe if she states her wishes clearly she would become friends with one.
AJ... Well, I honestly don't know, she is 'no fun' so to say, but still honest and will clearly state her wishes... really I don't know.

P.S. Rituals are for Demons of Earth quite important and sacred, misperforming one, or even far worth, disrupting or even disregarding one, are serious offenses for them.

A counterpart to an Demon of Earth:
A Anghusis. A Spirit of Fear, mostly misunderstood as a Demon or Proactive Ghost or something like that.
Born out of the Fears of someone strong or really strong fears and its only intention is to protect its 'Birth giver'.
Directly proportional strong to there Creator Multiplied with there fear, using all treats of fear and there creators nature as weapons.
Lets just say: if one of this has you as target, a Poltergeist is a mild annoyance compared to them, they let hell look like a valid option for retreat.

Additionally: Specify, what kind of Ideas you would like.

Also: I seriously don't like being ignored, my interest fades rather quickly if that happens.

Sorry about that. I've been a bit busy with work and all. As for the ideas, any would be satisfactory so long as they are creative, imaginative, and help develop an interesting world at large. By the way, thanks for the Incarnations and Demons of Earth idea:pinkiehappy:. It'll take some time but I know exactly what to do with them.

3020676 nice to hear ^^
Let see If I can come up with something different later today ^^.

New Idea:
Name Scription: Ansuria
Name Spoken: An-Szuriah
Ansuria is a Pan-dimensional collective of will and consciousness, a civilization without members, territory, opposition or desire for in anyway material intent.
It is a mind of many, speaking with one voice, valuing only knowledge and understanding.
Ansuria has no physical representation or manifestation.
For the fact that it is a construct with no energy composed only of data and so not bound to physics, only logic, it can exercise literally creator like abilities on things that are.
Now just because it can does not mean it will, it holds no value in material or even energetic things, only in data/information, knowledge.

Even so it has no Physical representation it can create physical avatars. like "made from dust and water and ash"

Ansuria would have a blast in Equestria with you, observing the concepts of physical and individual existents.
Ansuria is very settled, calm and collected, it will never express rage or fear or love or any other emotion.
It comes from the very Void it self there where the dream ends and beyond lay and lay no other dreams.
Ansuria is friendly but can easily be misunderstood to be your friend or on your side, such simple things harbor no interest for it.

(just for your information the meta-dimensional concept of 'The Void' is complex and easily underestimated. It follows one very forward concept; Nothing is but also it does, only that what prevents it own existence can exist, for the Void is void of all, it is not the existences negation it simply is the lack of all existence all together. )

3026742 It's not a bad idea. It certainly is food for thought. Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

How about two more insanities ^^

#1 The Demon God
#2 Alohim (spoken Ah-lo-him)

Both are Gods in there own right.

The Demon God is exactly what it sounds like.
A demonic God both a Demon and a God, a terrifying monster but non the less still reasonable.
In the physical world he is otherworldly strong but no match for Dragonok.
From his Character i would place him in the corner of a warriormage.
Is in tune with fear, darkness, terror, everything that can easily be seen as evil as well but not so much.
Controls shadows and blood, has literally a endloss amount of darkness manifestations.
He is equally terrifying in the dreamworld but less 'Physical', there he is a far more mental threat.
But do NOT think that is his true power, he can pull you in the Void and there he is literally a demonic tinted God... have fun...
He is a 'young' god, still far beyond mortals imagination old, but in the terms of a god still not even a real teenager.

Alohim is a fatherly or motherly god depending what suits the situation better.
Alohim will always refrain from using his/her divine powers unless it is necessary to protect 'Creation' from inappropriate divine or other intervention.
Alohim will non the less provide mortals with wisdom and help them to help them self.
Alohim is ancient even by divine standards and could be considered to be something like a "village elder" in terms of the Gods.
Alohim is understanding, sometimes so understanding that it is frustrating for 'young ones' (Gods and Mortals alike) and listens to you every time you want to speak with it.
Alohim and Celestia would go very well with each other as characters for both are quite equal in there being and understand that the other can and will not interfere. But both would differ in the regard that Alohim is always calm, friendly, well literally always godly (not just godlike) Imagen the literal god from the Bible but with nothing else than understanding, kindness, love and endless power to love you to death, if you can not play nice with the other kids in the <kindest swearword Fluttershy could cum up with> sandbox.

In general Gods do(should) not interfere in mortal affairs, unless it is necessary in order to protract creation it self.
Even Corruption would most likely be considered 'dealed-with' for there are the Chaos champions fighting it off.

3045013 The Demon God's not a bad idea! As a matter of fact, it would be an excellent candidate for Dragonok to defeat. By the way, if you've read Dragonok's origin story, you would know of the three evil individuals he absorbed into his being to become Dragonok and that this Demon God would be hard-pressed to beat him because of one in particular. As for Alohim, I'll think about it. It sound like a good idea but it'll take some time to incorporate it into Avatar of Chaotic Power.

PRE WARNING: I left the auto correct strangenesses in there to the general amusement... I laugh my self breathless rereading it.

And here we go again. ^^

This time a bundle of four composed of two groups.
Group 1: Sila and Szat Trans dimensional hunter twins, Szat the brother, Sila the sister, effective like a mix between mercenaries and Rangers.
Good in there fundamental core, ruthless, dedicated and effective in there hearts.
Shape shifting but more in a scene of physical morphing.
Szat might be intelligent and literally impossibly well educated but lacks Silas cunning and social brilliance.
Sila on the other hand might be a swift and silent child of the shadows but lacks Szats cold and precisely every probably iteration considering genius.
Both are something between a Bounty Hunter and a Spec Op.
There objective is to find, neutralize and or arrest or at least detain the both of the other Group for fleeing court and consummating a inappropriate bound.
Now, they both are not heartless nor do they like there mission for it self. In truth Sila had there targets get away on atleast one confirmed encounter and it stands to reason that Szat had his own share of 'tempering with the results' and strongly suggesting to the air that both simply should annul there bond, go separate ways and surrender them selfs to the 'law enforcement'.

Now the two other are
Irioth and Arila.
Irioth is a high standing demon of war a pure Armagidon, they are effectively in the demon society like the early Julian's of Rome. (one of the leading Clans in there council, legions and general society)
And here Irioth is somewhat around the lines of "the second born of the brother of the Clanleader." that might sound to some rather low, but in effect Irioth is somewhat of the number six too twelve in there heritance line, not in power but in entitlement.
<avoiding to use he or she> is, for a demon of war kind and sensual, still very protective and fears, and don't underestimate Irioth demons of War are nearly unmatchable fighters, resiliant like nothing that has any right to be and tactic geniuses, usual. Irioth isn't that genius of a Tactician, still under limited circumstances and option this one is pretty impossible to outsmart (don't try to play chess with this demon, its pointless.)
Irioth appears as a walking purple and dark green over exaggerated dark version of a fantasy knight.
Additionally, like all Armagidons, Irioth can use very powerful but not too much demonic might.
Still compared to a 'mere lesser demon' his demonic might seems like a endless ocean. (burning a entire vally with raw demonic might?; A bit exhausting but easily enough)

Now to Arila,
by demon society standards pretty much the bottom of the bottom in rank.
SHE is a half-succubus, for the fact that succubii are the lowest of the great clans and are only considered to be a Clan by the others for there still noticeable riches and there influence on the mortal worlds.
Now what i mean with half-succubus is the fact that a, even if so, quite power full mortal, but still a mortal, managed to capture her mother and well used her for his own fun, without her getting anything out of it. Even so managing to force her to baer his offspring, several to be exact.
It took her mother 'years' to come to terms with that humiliation and its social consequences, like loosing rank, name and 'job' as a real succubus, loosing her right to harvest souls, will and emotion in anything close to promising worlds.
(Silently supporting all of her five little girls where she still can.)
Any ways, as a half-succubus Arila can fly but barely use demonic might, something akin to magic but far more firm and less precise with the same effort.

Obviously, Arila and Irioth are in love, or rather something mortals can easily miss-assume too be like mortal love. In short if they would try to explain the difference between mortal love and this love it would be rather lost on most mortals; it is not so burning like 'true love' but rather a settled, grown and slightly dulled adoration for each other.
They met each other on the steps to the Throne of Legion (the arcdemon of Demophobie) and somewhat like one of the Lord-Imperatores or Godkings in demon society, she as a simple servant for a other higher demon and Irioth as a 'diplomatic ambassador, of his Clan.
Arilas master wanted to get in Irioths good graces and gave her to him as a slave / servant.
There is no difference between those two in demon society, it is a brutal system, in witch the strong rule and the week are property, thats the reason why so many weaker demons flee into the mortal worlds, to live there in freedom.
Others choose to serve a more powerful demon to stand under there protraction.
In short the both had a rough start where Arila spoke to her new master while Legion also started to speak to him, lets just say that a lowly servant cutting Legion off can be seen as somewhat similar like sneaking in the Popes mouth while he wants to say something.
But like a miracle Legion took no offense to that or did not care, for he gestured her to continue with just one light wink of his Hand, objecting all outcries with the words "go on, speak, we are surely all eager to hear the reason for gathering your masters attention."
Arila froze but managed in a trance to ask what her master wanted, <insert here things that make for mortals no sense but are considered somewhat like snakes to demons> and promptly collapsed under the pressure of the entire attention.
In order to save the situation Irioth answered offhandedly as Arila already was out like a light.
They had a couple of (thousands)years to grow on each other, she becoming Irioth closest servant and confidante.

In general in demon society there is no such thing as a law, it is rather a common understanding for them rules, traditions and morals that differ from those of mortals greatly.

Demons have no Money, that what comes closest too it are Souls, or rather there strength.
For a Soul might have a value of it own but demons and there entire society and technology run on soul power, you could understand Souls here like Uranium in a nuclear power plant.

Demon might is akin to magic but vastly different, first and foremost it is insanely strong compared to magic but on the strong downside it becomes increasingly harder to sustain as longer as you use it for spells or such.
For conjuration it is a bit different, conjurations are far harder with demon might to start, but effectively run nearly on there own with nearly no sustenance what so ever.
But the most powerful version of demon might would amount to the 'demon line works' like magic circles but far more like actual wiring diagrams with impossibly many symbols and meanings and so on and so forth, I could go on here for literal hours.

Now I have the feeling I forgot something, most likely impotent but I can't remember...
anyways... here you go ^^

[EDIT]: I left the auto correct strangenesses in there to the general amusement... I laugh my self breathless rereading it.


3061047 sounds like names for worlds~

Anyways, here we go again.

#1 "The tired traveler Skandt"
Name: Skandt Lighter
Skandt is a everliving interdimensional traveling terran Human, of the long gone interdimensional Terran Empire.
The most of the Empire is nothing more than his or his fellow eternal Terran's memory, non the less are some parts still there, even if they are only by one of his kind as such recognizable.
Like ancient 'anchors of fade' that now look like sticks or maybe wands, the only thing distinguish them from such is the fact that they will not age and are nearly impossible to brake.
But in fact they are keys to anciant Terran 'Systems' like powerful machines hidden in the Void that can bring the death or live of worlds, or Constructs that can grant wishes and so on.
Skandt is brilliant, he is cunning, a ice cold shark, he deceives like others breath in order to accomplish his goals.
With his extremely sharp mind he has something akin to Pinkies pinky sence, but simply based on precognition and deception, he recognizes possible situations very quickly and steers that in such a way that he can change the outcome strongly in his favor.
He has no real primary goal, but two secondary goals: A- do something to chase his boredom off and B-recover any "Anchor of Fade" he comes across.
In general he comes across as quite tired and mostly in deep thought, in truth he has seen the Fade of an two and a half billion years old Empire first hand from beginning too end.
And yes he is insanely old, he knows Alohim personally and both respect each other but seriously can't stand the other.
He loves to eat Strawberries and has developed a mastery in cultivating them like no one else known.
The most of his Body is composed of quantum nanites, capable of altering subatomic particles if needed, usually laying pretty much dormant and only converting air or waste to needed substances, fueling them self with Materials found in his body or sometimes just running on solar power through his skin, BUT be warned the Grey Goo scenario applies here on an completely new level. (you could be converted by this nanites without noticing it continuing your live completely normal, your atoms now composed out of quantum machines)
His most obvious character treat is summed up by "I completely understand your distress and in your situation I would feel the same, I feel your pain/fun but ... Zero Fucks given."

2# "The Red Horse"
Well I give you 20s to thing about this name... ...did you get it?

If not:
The red Horse is the Horse WAR the apocalyptic rider rides... A Mastic powerful Hors that embodies the very Idea of the perfect Warhorse. Never tiering, never resting, flesh and soul eating, strong enough to cause earthquakes with its thundering hooves.
There is nothing much too say, He or She is pretty much like a Pony but far more serious, and powerful enough to be terrifying to nearly everyone, commanding all kinds of Destructive and manipulating forces. But mostly Fire.
Likes to eat the Hearts of its fallen enemies. 'its like chocolate' to this very reasonable monster.

soooo and now I'm tired like dead kittens... god I'm so completely spend...

3067371 [ADD]
#3 Harriot Schwert Ijjil "Hight Master, Great Ancestor, Lord and eternal Guardian"
A other eternal Terran, bringing pretty much his own empire with him, searching restlessly for any "Anchors of fade" to add to his Empires collection.
He named his own Empire "The New Terran Dominions", already spanning over a hundred worlds in four dimensions, ever expanding.
He made it his raison d'etre to rebuild the old Terran Empire, is allied with the one-galactical Maar Empire (composed of literally one galaxy; every single Planet, Moon, Asteroid, Sun, dustcorn...) a different iteration of the interdimensional Terran Empire, but fare more extreme, (lets just say Spacemarines on godblood)
The NTD is composed of normal Terrans (for there eternity was there downfall) and over twenty other, mostly 'lower' races... (have Fun)
The Normal Terran sees a Maari as something akin to a living god or mixture between a Wingless Angel and Hornless Demon, they are glorified and demonified.
Maarii [Plural.] are divided into three breed elite Castes, and the normal Maari,
The Elite Casts are
The Leaders: Cunning and wise, but there most prominent feature is there affinity to, partly very strong, Psyonics
They are the rarest with a ratio of 1/200 and are barely bigger than the normal Maari with 2,4m
The Next are the scholars (Man and Woman of Letter), extremely intelligent cunning and laborious, fragile but genius.
with a average hight of 2,1m and a ratio of 12/200.
The Last Elite Cast is the Warrior Cast, Idiotically resilient, able to LIFE in vacuum living off of Sunlight, Strong enough to throw a Sherman tank thy are giants with a minimum hight of 2,6m a average of 2,9m and in general very bulky (see the exaggerated Nordic man) having a ratio of 45/200
The Normal Maari is 2,3m hight, and in general looks like any other Human... but all Maari live at least 1200y, the elite Cast lives even longer, Leaders 2600 and Scholars 1900
The Maar Empire is composed of tenth of thousands of sub nations, mostly surrounding "The 'Old' Empire"(the Core of the Maar Empire) and the "Union of the Autonomous Worlds" The Most smaller nations sometimes are at war with a other nation but they always follow VERY strict rules for such wars: for Example 'Home' Worlds or Worlds with greater Populations are off limits, Civil Ships/Structures and Path are off Limits etc. its nearly like a bizarre game chess.

Anyway: back to Harriot.
Harriot is barely 500Mio Years old, He knows Skandt is on this world and knows that Skandt usually only visits worlds where there are interesting (mostly Terran) things to be found.
He wood at least consider Adding this world to his Empire or if not, allowing all that want to join his Empire, he would at least try to establish a 'Gateway' something akin to a Stable Portal to his Empire.
Home world of his Empire is the 'Holy Mars', The Ancient Earth is off limits too all except eternal Terrans and all that are akin (but they are there nothing more than guests).

[EDIT] Yeah I'm a 'Terran' bite me... ^^

3067371 Not quite... you'll find out what they mean later on in the storyline but what I can say is that they aren't worlds, that's for sure.

And here we go again.

#1 the Black Tomcat "The Voice" Baddros
In appearance nothing more than a Black Tomcat, completely black.
But with a booming voice, appearing to be intelligent enough to easily rival ponies, but not surpassing them.
Now what is so interesting about him?
His two abilities, the Power of the Voice and the Power of Command.
The Power of the Voice allows him to use every voice he ever heard, not copy it, seriously simply use it.
The Power of Command now is terrifying, If he seriously means it, what he commands will happen, but if he don't really mean his command or is not convinced of it, it will have no effect what so ever.
Now what do i mean, if he command it to rain, it will rain, if possible Reality will try to fulfill his commands by abusing the sh*t out of logic and nature, if not, it will happen with no flashy tricks of nature.
Character?: he is a Cat, a cunning and pranking intelligent troll on four paws, but with a seemingly endless supply of lives.
But he has standards, he will not abuse his powers... too much... if he could be caught.

#2 The Slirran Brood Lord Slirax
Race: Singular Slir; Plural Slir;
Now this one is a bit difficult to describe in appearance;
He basses on a completely white very highly developed Arachnids with a interior skeleton, and looks like a Arachnid centaur, with a somewhat humanoid upper centaur body.
He has Hands but with razor sharp claws instead of fingers, he has no eyes but does not need them for he is Psyonic and can see your existents and thought before him 360°.
Slirax is from bottom too back three meters high and on top comes 1,6m Upper Torso.
His Eight Legs are long and very strong and have a couple of blade like sharp spikes on there downside that are black in coloring.
His Fourward Lags have also one of this blades formed in that way that it can clamp shot giving him here a pincer.
Now the tip of each lag is a long and sharp blade more akin to a very big kitchen knife instead of a sword.
Now just because he has a inner skeleton does not mean he has no exterior Chitin armor , but it is more detached from his body like old skin, easily sledded if necessary.
He as a Brood Lord is akin to a forward spearhead Operation, carrying a couple hundred unfertilized eggs with him, which he will fertilize if needed.
Objective: establishing a Cluster of Colonies and than expanding
Primary Mission: rescuing the royal larva(his new queen) his captors/summoners(have fun) have abducted from him with his queen has given in his aegis, and he will carrying out this mission with absolute prejudice.
He will act extremely brutal if it concerns the welfare of his new Queen.

In the Slir Race there are from Top to bottom.
The Queens(!) each Main Colony has at least one. (with a hight of 3->4m laying Egg sacks and leading there people)
- As there Right Hand The Brood Lords (the biggest of the Slir with a total Hight of 4->5,5m)
followed by the Hight Bloods beeing able to lay eggs and have offspring of there own (2->2,5m)
And than as the last the Drones, the only persistent thing is that they are never bigger as there Brood Lord, but they can specialize in everything, but aren't the brightest, now this does not mean thy are dumb but simply have more trouble understanding difficult things.
But under the Drones there are two special versions of them, the first being you could say a Standard Drone, there hight varies from 1,5m up to 2,2m. And the other one the Standard Warrior Drone, heavy armored and equipped with very big front legs with terrifying lances of pointy ends, usually being only a head short of there respective Brood Lord.
All drones are rather strong compared to the Hight Bloods.
They are Omnivores but prefer Insects, Fish, there own grown Mushrooms in this order.
In order to sustain there growing population they grow Mushrooms under all conditions possible. Why? because Mushrooms don't run away. They love mushroom soup, they even developed a idiotic amount of Mushroom recipes , reaching from the most mondaine Mushroom oatcake over Mushroom soup and drinks to illustrious Mushroom Cakes. They also grow most other Crops as long as they are jouncy or can be used in powder form to bake something.
They Build Cities, akin to hives but will change there layout in the moment they become safe.
But they do not live underground unless it is needed for protection.

k done for today ^^

Aaaand once again~~~

The Harbinger of the Black Sun aka The Black Sun
The Black Sun is a immaterial being that is most known for appearing as a Black Sun one day by dawn on the Opposite side to the actual Sun, rising in sync with the Sun.
But when both meet, the Flow of time and Space will disrupt and a practical eternal moment will take place.
In this eternity the big Races of the World will be tested, and there true nature will take place.
Thus who are natively angry will loose them selfs to anger, thus who are strong in there deepest depth will be strong etc.
The Black Sun is eternal, was always and will always be for all eternity.
It can not be destroyed or harmed it is literally eternal, you can try to speak with it and argue but you can not hurt.
Its intention is to reveal the truth behind all masks and show everyone what was hidden from them, even by them self.

Now this does not sound so bad, BUT: as example: a World build on mere superficial tolerance instead of harmonious coexistence will collapse violently.

The Lost Man Ludwig van Stahl aka Lu (Ohratak calls him that)
The Last Human of the Fallen Alvian Empire wanting revenge on the Black sun, not knowing any longer what he truly wants, insanely powerful, using the 'Godspark' the final Artifact of the Alvian Empire, Allyed with Ohratak. He is 6000~ years old.
Ludwig is a cultivated man of high birth, he studied 40years under the Elder Albin Sallios a 900Years old Albian Arcmage of change and demonology and learned various partly nearly impossible to explain 'spells' but in this case they are more like principles he uses to form more complex spells.
As the Black Sun Reached his home world its cataclysmic effect caused a apocalyptic world war that had more akin to a complete Global blood rage. In barely 8h the entirety of all Civilization was wiped out on his world by it self.
Only he, as one of the already few humans do to a deep racial depression, survived.
The Human Republic of Loria joined the Albian Alvian Empire do to there numbers dwindling down to barely 12000 compared to there big but younger neighbour the Alvian Empire that already numbered in the two Billion.
In ancient times The Mighty Mages and Legions of the Lorian Republic taught the world what power and dominance meant, they felt the ancient Lizard Theocracy of Gruho and reclaimed the lost Planes of insanety, Mountens of the dead and Ocean of the Lost, reestablished the Route to the Dragon lands and freed the chained Gods and by the Moleman Clans of Turan enslaved Orcs and Goblins.
For over three millennial they ruled the world mostly unchallenged only a couple of times had extra dimensional invaders tried there luck and failed each time miserably.
After 2400Years of the Humans unchallenged rule a new race rosed to power The Albians more slender than the Humans but far more in tune with Nature and even more dexterous than humanity there primitive clans struggled and fought in the jungles and planes for there survival to the far western south at the borders of the mighty Lorian Republic.
From now and than there clans strolled near the border and even traded with the mighty empire.
One fade full day a Inspection Cohort of the Republic was far beyond there borders to investigate the rumours of a Vanished Orc Clan that lived there.
They barely survived do the the help of a Albian Clan fighting side by side repelling the undead Hords a insane Lich had send.
(now in this World Lichs are highly respected members of society handling the matters of all thous who died and guiding them and there relatives to peace)
For the Fact that this Lich was far too powerful the Cohort and the Clan together retreated behind the Border, the Chef of the Albian Clan send runners to the other Clans in the Region and the Centurion send his Griffin and Griffin riders to get the help of the nearest forts and bastions.
Together they massed a Army of 800 Albian Warriors and 2100 Legionaries even including two Lichs and five dragons together they faced the insane Lich and in short won, in fact the battles took over four month and only as two entire Legions composed of each more than 26000 Legionaries arrived the Battles finally ended.
For there Help the Albian Clans where officially welcomed to settle in the borders of the Lorian Republic and build there first town quickly growing to a City and after merely 80 Years becoming the main Hub for the entire region, so the Lorian Republic declared them there own administrative District, the Alvian Reach.
They grow and declared after six hounded years independence, completely piece full with minor disputes the two nations existed side by side, more or less one Nation under two Administrations managing there own respective territories.
But after over 2000 more years and massive progress the Humans felt lost and obsolete, there entire nature was unneeded there massive advance dwindled and they become lost in by every iteration becoming more and more abstract arts and deep and heavy thoughts. Even the Youngest humans had developed a deep thoughted depression that nearly nothing could keep them focused on the hear and now... and so they dwindled down over one thousand years to near extinction.

The Artefact The Godspark; is a new and very powerful artifact that consumes a Mortal and converts Him or Her into a living God, (insanely powerful in theory able to force there will upon matter but will is beyond them, they can not change will nor can they intrude into once mind unless invited)

Ohratak aka Ohra (Ludwig calls her that)
a ancient Female Dragon of the Fallen Empire of Arotia, the Dragon Lands I just spoke off, The Black Sun forced it to crumble to dust for its inhabitants in truth where brutal monsters only restraining theme self thou a mutual agreement, she is Now (when Ludwig is 6092) 49999y old and seriously do not mention her age unless you want to suffer
Now Ohratak is a giant of a Dragon, in her complete and unsuppressed form she has a span whits of over three Kilometers and Body Length without Tail and Neck of 900m, with Tail and Neck +1100m and +550m (total Length: 2550m)
At the first glance it is impossible to tell that she is female she looks like pretty much all dragons her age, F*ckMothering awesome and terrifying at the same time.
Main Color white and ice blue. Breath limited to fire but non the less a pretty much godlike magician, still beneath Discord or anything alike him but idiotically powerful non the less.

Ludwig and Ohra love each other and hunt after Black Sun for 5822y together.
Both would give up there hunt if Black Sun would stop destroying civilizations just because there true nature is or could be monstrous. (even so they do anything to refrain there true nature.)

How did they fall in love, in short: a slowly grown adoration over time.
Both are Powerful magicians who can change there form at will but prefer there natural forms.

So done for today. ^^

Opinion? ^^

Ow i completely forgot:
Ohratak is in form a rather slender western European dragon

3078679 The Black Sun sounds pretty good. I'll see what I can do to incorporate some aspect of it into the story. Thanks for all the ideas!

now, today we have four Characters

#1 The blind Witcher
#2 The Raven King
#3 The Bioformer Cluster 77271
#4 The 'Quantum singular personal Commando Defense and Guidance Unit' Qusip-Codgu spoken: Q-Zip-Coach; short Q-Zip or Coach

The Blind Witcher
is a ancient blind witcher who specialised in the art of enchanting and creation of Objects.
Now that might not sound so impressive, but he/she is so very skilled and talented and gifted in the magical arts of Enchanting and creation that he could with, some, effort create Artifacts that rival the power of the Elements of Harmony.
His primary manko, hi is completely blind.
His biggest Master peace is his Armor, a Set of very intricat and graziel looking ritual armor that grants its wearer the ability to live for ever, as long as the Wearer wares the armor, makes him immune to cold, and heat, grants resistance to pressure and nullifies all biological needs. (including eating, sleeping drinking and so on..)
His goal is to refine his /her Enchantment abilities even further, having no real regard for live.
Attention this Witcher is able to place enchantments on literally anything. But in his opinion the best material for that is "pure iron" now that in not just 100% iron it is iron that was cleaned of all powers, magic, live, dark, light and so on, that is a VERY difficult task and can easily go wrong, but He knows how to, and would need the help of a Demon to produce some, for only demons are able to tint something completely with there power.
With Pure Iron he could even create a living being, as long as he has the Soul to his disposal and the soul does not oppose him too much.
Form: have fun.

The Raven King
is a Shape shifter, he mostly appears as a giant raven with a golden circlet(crown thing) of light on his head.
Now, what is so terrible about him?
He is a dream eater, brings nightmares and day-terrors, plants thoughts in his victims heads and dark wishes in there hearts, sucking the vitality out of everyone and forming them into ravens that do the same.
Now this one is not a 'gray character' he is pitch black. absolutely evil and grows in power with every single of his pitch black ravens.
He is called 'The harbinger of Death' and also known as 'Wings of the Apocalypse'
His goal is the complete submission of all live to his darkness.

The Bioformer Cluster 77271
Short History; The Maari(mentioned in a other Post) created in there times of expansion thousands of AGI Ships tasked with Converting EVERY single planetoid into Habitat able worlds.
Now after they where finished (quite a number of minder apocalyptic scenarios later) most of them where already out of commission or lost.
Now 77271 is one of the lost ones, a 2km long ship that lands on a planet and starts converting it to a living and breathing environment... that is exactly what 77271 will do to the moon, and it will repair every dead region of any planet.
Now what is so interesting: it is sentient beyond Organic understanding, it is a entire "Hive" of minds coexisting without own bodies if necessary.
But now after over 6Million years of activeness this incorporeal Nation wants to settle down and live in peace.
They would create synthetic bodies able to sustain them self through light and water like plants, shedding them from time too time, if the body begins to age beyond the limit of self healing and repair (takes 1-4years) replacing them with bodies of quantum mimetic biomorphing metal, (walking armors with illogical resistance), if needed.
They simply want to live in peace, even so they are easily frightening to others.

The 'Quantum singular personal Commando Defense and Guidance Unit' Qusip-Codgu spoken: Q-Zip-Coach; short Q-Zip or Coach
Qusip-Codgu is a immaterial intention less military being of immense power, it is more or less a Cortana with the extreme magical powers, able to manifest summoning planes in thin air and providing the performance of multiple dozens of spells at the same time.
Being able to see where no Eye can reach or performing Spells, where you would need entire magic academies, just by your self.
the Limit, it drains you... but if you are 'evil' it can drain anything you can reach with your imagination of its magic.
It searches for a new host, but you need to go through its initiation, it will take the form of that what you fear the most and will force you to overcome this, if you manage this it will claim you and use you and your body as it pleases, and do everything you would never do, if you can get control back over your body it will claim your mind and send you into absolute madness, and only if you survive that you will be able to coexist with it in your own body.
It makes your powerful, but you will be never alone inside your mind.
if it is displeased with you... I only say Pinkie in your head...

so thats it for today~~~ ^^

#5 'Decay'
A superior coherence, the Embodiment of Decay and Deterioration.
Neither immortal nor mortal, neither god nor devil, a principle, a force akin to the Grim Reaper or The Angel of Justice, on par with Azrael he angle of death and Lucifer the Lightbringer, so to say.

Decay is a principle a Force so insanely strong and fundamental that to oppose it is simply impossible.

Why is it in this world; the mortals naively thought they had captured a demonic being, they could enslave, but instead they captured Decay, the concept of decay and deterioration.
Decay is completely neutral, it is fair and just, it comes to all and spares no one.
But it is rather angered that it is kept by mortals from its eternal task beside death, life, time, room and its other fellow concepts.
Its primary objective is to find those who are responsible for its existential presents in this world and give them the chance to redeem them selves.
Its secondary objective is to find a way for its existential present out of this world without ending this world in an cataclysmic collapse of logic and structure or calling for its fellow principles help.(fore most likely death would come and consume everything that is with its mere presents in this world, and I seriously speak here of death, not some reaper of souls)

3081256 Hmm... It's not a bad idea. I'll see what I can do to incorporate this into the story at a later time. As always, thanks for the ideas! :pinkiehappy:

Corner attributes <established>
Preferred characteristics <confirmed>
>>Extreme and terrifyingly powerful Characters with terrifying sub tones that can be easily be mistaken for evil but are in truth just and simply misled or misunderstood in there objective.
Prime Example "The Black Sun"

Continue? <Y/N>


For Today we have only one.

The Steel Knight,
a marvelous machine, that is five meters tall and 3t heavy normally, it wiles a giant 7m long, 900kg heavy ax like halberd in its physical appearance.
It is a magical machine, task with guarding The Gates of reality against the Void and its inhabitants, utilizing everything possible to fulfill its task.
It is relentless, and rest less, it has a Cristal clear mind and a clear just attitude toward all that are.

Primarily it is a immaterial machine, that can materialize if needed.

Its primary forms of intervention are mind manipulation, mind control, mind reading, possession, mind shattering and destruction powers that let even a God of War reevaluate its position.

Primary Objective: find, subdue and repatriate all that left the Prisons of the Void.
Secondary Objective: terminate all threats to the safety of the Prisons of the Void.
Tertiary Objective: subdue and convict all that actively endanger the safety of all of existence, too the Prisons of the Void.

(terminate simply means to bring something to its end, in this case it means to do anything that the threat stops being a threat, no matter what is necessary. Following the path of the least Resistance.)

OPERATION FREE WILL COMPLETED <confirmed and finalized>


Both are maar in origin, but there fades followed vastly different paths leading too the same outcome, demonification by there own kind.
Both where experiments in order to achieve further forms of power and nonbiological evolution.

Lumina was a Psyonic experiment, a Psyonic being of before unparalleled powers, bending the laws of reality to its will like they are more suggestion than principle.
She values life, free will and brotherhood over everything, in this order.
Lumina is anarchic, now anarchic does not mean she will work against order, established systems or governments, this is not Anarchy this is childish idiotism.
She simply sees all as equals and rulers, at best, as first among equals.

Crosis on the other Hand, a machine of organic origin, a volunteer, merged and converted with a powerful AGI, its intelligence absolute superior to all living things, a Quantum mimetic nanite being, by effect a Changeling with such endless intellect that it seems to be all knowing and omnipresent.
And as if such a unparalleled mind wouldn't be enough, it is _-Quantum Mimetic-_ means, if it morphs, it actually becomes this form, or rather its parts form the needed Atoms that than in result form the actual being, so fore harming this entity with in any way physical means is literally meaningless.
Even if you would vaporise it, even if you would atomize it, even if you would desolve its atoms, you would simply harm its representation not it self, it would be as if you would stab the shadow instead of the shadows caster.
Crosis has little love for those who hunger for knowledge without regards for there study objects.

Now both simply want to be free and undisturbed.
They are somewhat akin to friends or rather 'together traveling acquaintances on the path of fade'.
Crosis long ago forgot its mortal life and now only remembers fractures of it being unaware of its original sex, name or reasons to volunteer.
On the other Hand Lumina can not, no... rather is unable to forget, she can actually remember every single second of her seven hundred thousand year long life and run from the maar Empire, every encounter with the Psyonic legions, the billions of deaths she caused direct or indirect, the by now millions she fought and murdered just to survive, the Armies she needed to annihilate because they simply wouldn't leave her alone, in peace, resting and hiding in the depth between the Galaxies or in the heart of Quasars, every single death waying heavy on her.
Crosis with its also unique sarcastic humor, mostly toward the hardships of there insanity of existences helps her to continue, but often enough she wishes that there places where swapped, that It would be unable to forget and she would not remember her past, even if just for a day.

Now there biggest powers are:
Lumina: forcing her will appon(how do you write this word???) the Principles of reality, altering Laws of Physics constantly, changing, making and undoing Principles of nature, including the realms of the mind as well.
Crosis: the ability to become anything, not just one thing, no even being able to become billions of things at the same time, this alone is already terrifyingly powerful, but Crosis intelligence overshadows that with such ease that even just to speak with it is like speaking to Fade it self.

Lumina is like the Guardian of free spirits and life and Crosis is like the embodiment of wisdome and Omniszienz (the all knowing).

well, that's it for today ^^.

3086788 ow no wait, I totally forgot!!!

or rather Ell(L) and Seven(7)

Ell L my 'shining good, orderly and gallant Side' Cold and calculating, always calm and collected a thinker, a planner, a creator, absolute hunger for knowledge and power, no regards for life in general, magic is a tool, on the other hand; knowledge and technology are his Sign, his true power and passion, able too understand everything, even if it seems to be impossible to understand he will, even if it takes some time.
Seven 7 my 'cruel hotblooded, sovereignly Warrior Blood inherent and God of War descendant Side' A literally by heritage, blood and Wargod descendant Warrior, lewd if not objected, loud when amused, cruel to all that oppose him and to a degree perverted sensual and sensual philosopher.

Both with there fair share of insanity and madness, loyal to those they consider close friends.

Ell sees intelligence and knowledge as the most appealing/attractive characteristics that can be.
Seven on the other hand sees power and strength to be the most attractive characteristics.

Attention: Seven is aggressive (war is in his blood), and Ell is 'genius cruel' (that what matters most is knowledge, technology and expansion)

so, but now that's it for today ^^

3086864 ok... what up with today???



Titania; The Gryphon God Princess,
Commanding the storm, empress of all Spirits of Nature, friends with Gods and Demons, Spirits and Creaters alike.
Titania was what Celestia is for the Ponies, just for the gryphons.
In the ancient times she ruled over the old gryphon Empire of 'Syllia' spanning far beyond the see and covering wast parts of the eastern sea, its coast and the lands beyond it, a beacon of civilization, cultivation, knowledge and philosophy.
For over six thousand years she lead the races of the world in harmonious union, and only the oldest of ancient Dragon elders can even remember the legends of her.
Back in the ancient times gryphons where giants compared to griffins today, extremely powerful mages living for centuries, on par and respected by the Dragons.
Ancient gryphons where from claws to head feathers 1,8m and from beak to tail ~5m
Titanias feathers are White fading out in gold near there tips.
Her Wings have feathers that reach from purest white over Gold fading out of existence in a shimmering golden glimmer.
Her mighty fur reaching from black Paw fading out into pure radiant white, her longer Hairs sparkling like the purest Palladium.
Her Feathers floating in a unseen breeze.

Spiritu; The 'master spirit' of the Heavens, Spiritu was practically for the gryphons what Luna is for the Ponies. The Spirit of Weather and living nature.
Spiritu is a green tinted gostly gryphon.

Borrias: The True Human, by effect a Fatherly, in his actions, inverted version of Discord. He freed Titania and Spiritu. with where imprisoned by 'The nameless darkness of Corruptions' over ten millennia ago, as both fought together to close the rift that was tared open by greater Forces.
Something akin to the First Creation, in fact Genderless, endless understanding and wisdom, 'your best friend and Guardian and Father all at once'.
"Borrias" is the Name Titania give him, a old gryphon term for "Glories! What/who by the gods are you?"

Est: 'The nameless Darkness of Corruption' (seriously there is nothing more too say here...)

( gryphons: Ancient griffins )

Opinion? :duck:

*Relatively uninterested add*

Black Gold
Assasin of the Abyss, God Slayer, World Breaker, Shadow Walker, Ice Blade.
A Profesional devine Assasin, His toll is enormous and to hire him might be a sure way to get rid of someone but will also be very pricy.
Black Gold only takes things as payment that make him even more powerful.
He has no loyalty, he simply fulfills his contract and that's it, he don't even cares if he is asked by one of his targets to kill the one who send him, as long as his Target can pay, beforehand or afterwards he does it.

He is Armed with the longsword "World breaker", the shortsword "black Gold" and the shortspear "wolfs fang".
Now his Longsword is a Mighty tool, zapping the spirit away of all that are hit with it, can unleash the coldness of the grave and the fire of Hell.

The Spear is a mighty gift, in it self, nearly indestructible but its true powers is to summon out of Iron a demonic Iron Wolf somewhat akin to timber wolfs but mad out of iron and otherworldly strong for a Wolf, and if he concentrates and the wolf consules steel the Iron Wolf becomes a Steel Wolf, growing with each consumed bit of steel, beginning to be molten inside and even becoming able to consume nearly everything and incorporating it into it self.
If the Iron Wolf instead consumes precious metals it will morph into a Cat, for how more precious the metal is the Cat becomes generally superior in relation to its size.
Now that does not mean he can only have one of this.

His shortsword "black Gold" is special it simply can not be taken from him, if someone tries, they will always fail to grip it.
And to top it off if ignores all sorts of powers, it nullifies them.

His appearance is usually covered by a dirty red, tattered cloak that always looks like it was recently colored with fresh Blood.
He him self holds demonic forces in him, has divine powers 'borrowed' from one of his former Targets that was equally one of his clients. He can vanish into the void in absolute darkness, can step through mirrors and enter so the world behind the world, can jump from shadow to shadow and consume light.
He learned from an ancient Terror the way of the words of power, (if he speaks a word with this force, it will be like a command, like a very powerful spell version of the meaning of this word.)
He can draw upon his blood to 'infect' things or beings with it and control that what came in contact with it but he only uses this as a last resort.


3096651 Not bad, mate. I really have to thank you for all the character profiles you've given me throughout all this time. To be frank, I'm surprised you haven't used any of these for a story of your own design based on the precise details you've given me. Again, thank!

To be honest, some are in use, there stories are just not published jet, others aren't.
And as a side node, I did stuff like that already for a couple of years, coming up with stuff, stories, systems, characters and so on. ^^

I'm a member of a small group of authors witch came up with there own world, we made a couple stories till now but we are rather unsatisfied with them at the moment.
And to top that all off, we are developing a couple of games right now. ^^"

Anyways, nice to hear that you like that stuff. ^^

3101847 What kinds of games are you producing? I would like to see them sometime!

right now The Game that has the highest priority is a simple economy simulation(somewhat akin to Anno but on an Nation level), that will get a PostApokalyps Scenario 'DLC' afterwards.
The Focus of this little EcoSim is System and not Graphic, even so I will go on town with the particle effects and lighting.
If that is out and running, we will concentrate on a little horror game in our World, and parallel I will develop a little Survival game, after that, it is most likely that we will publish a "Full cosmos - open world - 'breathing' system - RPG based MagicFiction - combined with MagiPunk and SteamPunk elements Surrounding a Airship as the primary means of travel and letting the story resolve around." And by the all mighty Notch, the Gamers will Love and Hate me at the same time SO much. ^^

The Working title for the EcoSim is WiSi (WiSi is the short version of the German Term for economy simulation 'Wirtschaftssimulation')
DLC name 'Z' *smirk* get what will most likely be part of the 'DLC'?

I despise DLC's, the "DLC's" will be more like the nice and money worth old Add-ons back in the day when Games sill where about game fun and re playability, it will not just be such a bullsh*t like "NOW FOR JUST 199999999.95$ ONE COMPLETELY USELESS NEW WEAPON SKIN OF A WEAPON THAT NON THE LESS IS TOTAL CRAP AND NOT EVEN NOOBS WOULD USE THIS SH*T, OUT NOW FOR JUST 10SOULS!!!1oneoneeleven"

how about:

Animus Angelus
The Animus, also known as Angelus, is a being of pure incomprehension, having no clear form, but usually equipping its chosen form with impractical giant wings fading out into insubstantially, a very friendly being, helpful, kind and considerate in nature.
Its origin are the most terrifying shards of madness between Chaos and the Void, regions of existence not even the most daring of demons or heroic of war gods would travel.
A place where Malus it self reigns supreme, and only the most powerful and dangerous monsters can survive, and Angelus there carved out a world for him and his followers, still made out of raging madness, but a place where others can be.
Angelus is one of the beings of the purest Corruption, he literally represents corruptive perversion.
For him, Logic is no principle of existence, it is a mere suggestion.
Think of him like Sheogorath but kind and understanding, friendly and good, with powers that defy logic and reason.
Depending on how you welcome him, he will either become a unparalleled force for good or all four riders of the Apocalypse of your world at once.
He is very easily misunderstood, and even in his most good mood insanely dangerous to be around.
Do not fight him, that would be like signing your own commitment to a afterlife in Hells most mind decaying madhouse.
He speaks to all but different to different types of persons, for instance, he will never lie to children that does not mean he will be brutally honest to them, he will simply never speak a lie to them, he tempts all that are corruptible and no matter if you fall for it or not he will not think less of you because of it,
He likes innocence and goodness, he highly values life, and love and understanding for each other.

Now what is so terrifying about him?
That he is not evil at all, quite the opposite, he is most likely one of the most good willed beings that exit.
But; he follows the concept of: Corruption is the forcefully forced evolution of others.
He corrupts minds and bodies and systems in order to force there development, in order to make them to more than they are now.
He is surrounded by a Religion that centered around him, that is akin to Buddhism. And this religion usually grows very fast in followers.

Now his flaw is: he can only enter a World is he is asked by someone innocent for innocent reasons to enter, and he can only become corporeal if enough believe in his existence. else he is just a Voice.

Malus: the "bad/evil intent"(sometimes in corporeal form displayed and incarnated as a young male with no mouth and red glowing eyes, one of the most terrifying monsters I ever came up with, lets just say, Malus lets Satan look like your run of the mill nice old granny from next doors that had a bad day.)

3128537 Not bad, mate. Sorry about the lack of updates lately. :fluttershysad: I've been a bit busy at my part-time job but I will be finished with the new chapter soon. It'll just take a bit more time before it's ready. As always, thanks for the contributions, mate.:pinkiehappy:

3129062 No problem

How about:
"Fffaqua" 'The Cursed'
A evil spirit that literally does only what it pleases.
It does not care for rules or law, it only follows its own agenda.
If it likes you it will help you, if it really likes you it will maybe even consider your will.
Fffaqua is truly evil, it is dark, evil, vulgar and mean, it possesses and rapes your mind.
It is a torturer, slaughterer, it enjoys your suffering, has no fear, is brutal, backs off of nothing.
Fffaqua brings violence and hardship, it has only one Enemy(!) 'Joy and goodness' Fffaqua is a minder evil intend.
This ancient darkness is deviously sly, betrays your trust and brings you anger.
Imprisoned in a Mortal mind, for this is the only way to hold it, was it thrown into the abyss of the Void by Humanity as they conquered Heaven and destroyed Hell.
But be warned, Fffaqua gains strength through everything evil, including eating(!) thous that bring joy and represent goodness.

Only other Evils can fight it and have actual a realistic chance to bind Fffaqua again after it is freed from its mortal prison.
The last that accomplished that where 'The chained Angles' and 'the broken Devils' together with the Legions of Mankind.

The Chained Angles where chained to the walls of eternity by the risen and victorious Terrans the broken Devils on the other hand where allowed by Mankind to leave there new worlds freely as payment for there aid in binding the darkness Fffaqua.

The Chained Angles are to be found at the borders of the Abyss, the Broken Devils on the other hand can be called by speaking there names in order and than calling them fourth four times and promising them something very valuable for you to them, usually your virginity or soul or sometimes giving birth to them in this world, and recalling there names again in order and now asking them to if they would come forth if they accept your offer. (P.S. there is no going back on this deal... there are no forces strong enough that are dumb enough to help you here.)
There Names are in order:

Zark / Zahratahrk Miortath the Voice, Hell Voice, Speaker of Terror, shattered of Faith, key holder to the darkest corners of the Lands of Terror. a Insanely powerful devil, still not on par with the Beelzebub or Mephistopheles but terrible enough to seriously not pick a quarrel with.

Hefp / Hefpart Argaph the Blade, ninth Hell Imperator (General), Leader of Demons and Devils, crusher of Worlds, Sword wielder of Zark, banner holder and First Warrior of The Legions of the Eternal Cold of Betrayal. Summoner and Lord of devils and demons alike.

Onrk / Onrakiroth Mankar the Hammer, hight Hell smith and earth breaker, Frost-fire-bringer and fear former. Smith to millions of Hells Artifacts. Former of the Ice Lances, Frost Armors and Rife swords of the Eternal Cold of Betrayal.

Irtu / Irtuph Ahna Hrak The Lance, Hell terror Lancer, impaltress of Light and Lie, Wings of Ice, rifes kiss of death, Fallen Light, wildress of the icy Lance of Betrayal.

Hak / Haka Indarak The Chains, Hell Judge, seer of deeds, Punishment speaker, Might taker, impaler of the Fallen, holder of the scepter of betrayal.

Palt / Palatrak Hrak The Guard, Darkness Watch, shield of Balance, wielder of darkness. Lost Devil, slave to Skorn the Ender.

Skorn The Ender, Harbinger of destruction, True Armageddon, hated chosen by the arcforce of Change. Alpha and Omega, Destroyer of worlds, eater of Gods, drinker of devils, voice of the End.

Zark is the leader of this group.
Hefp and Skorn have issues with each other, or rather Hefp has issues with Skorn but Skorn don't sees him as the slightest hint of an threat.
Onrk only follows his lord Zark and likes to speak of his professions, smithing and creating powerful artifacts (no its not enchanting) and don't cares for the shenanigans of the others.
Irtu serves her Lord Zark loyally and lets Skorn hit on her, for she knows its out of boredom.
Hak is the Oldest of the Devils, he is very serious and quite disgruntled, he likes order, peace and calm, seriously he is by devil standards so old that as a human it would already count as a miracle that he still lives.(beside the fact that devils don't die of old age)
Palt is, more or less, one of Irtu's younger Brothers and did something rather stupid, he ventured into the Void there where the Demons are born and found him self in one of the deepest depth of the Void and there he found Skand the Ender... it was no fight, nor was it a hunt, it was equally a fight like an ant against Cthulhu... any further questions?
Skand is an ancient Terror from before anything was, is a remnant of the endless iterations of Madness from before time, he follows Zark because, why not, and hits on Irtu because his LITERAL inability to stop existing already drove him mad with boredom before time and he gained a eternal clearance also before the first second happened.
Skand is like the Evil grin in the dark right in your visions outline, like the whisper that you can't hear but promise you anything if you just let him in.

So that for today~~~ for Terra! now I'm good... ^^

[P.S.] More?
[P.P.S.] More Story... please?
[P.P.P.S.] If you would like more background on anything; just scream like a little girl and than say what you would like more off. ^^

3146113 As always, thanks for the ideas. As for the story, work at my part-time job has been strenuous on my brain but I'm almost complete with the last part of the latest chapter. It'll just take some time to finish it unless something comes up at work. I just hope I can finish it on a good note.

here, I am, still waiting for the next chapter ~

Sorry about that. I'm having a hard time writing the next chapter since I have so much on my plate right now in regards to my part-time job.:fluttercry: But don't worry, I'm still writing every chance I get!:rainbowdetermined2:

I like the story cant wait for him to tell of his past in equis and rub it in the princesses face that hes not evil intentionally anyway

3318012 Promises ~
Still alive? ^^

I have a theory:
If someone asks for suggestions for there story, they don't want any 'Glory work' they want small amounts of inspirations.
And I over did it here I quite literally scared Dragonok off of writing, and I'm sorry for doing so.~

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