• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2023


Yo! Ello people! Let's get right to the point. My favorite pony is: Applejack! Favorite Princess: Princess Skyla or Princess Luna f your talking the show -.- and Favorite CMC: Sweetie belle/Scootaloo!

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I don't know what to name this · 3:13am Mar 29th, 2015

Hello guys! I will also, not only do requests for stories, but I'm going to try out, requests for OC's. What I'm going to copy and paste is from my deviantart.

Apple Skies
Age: 12
Mother: Applejack
Father: Soarin
Gender: Filly
Race: Earth Pony


Alright, not my best OC but it's an okay start for what I want to do. I'm going to do OC children. You send me a note PM with the two ponies you want to have a foal together and I'll make the foal. Just give me the parents and tell me which gender you want to foal to be, either boy, girl, or random. You can request either a pony already in the show or two of your OC's and I'll try my best!

The base was from Applejaz by the way.

Report Sea_Swirl · 229 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

2920443 It's the best I can come up with, seeing as she's Applejack and Soarin's kid. It's got to have some kind of name that matches that heritage.

2920777 Her name is Apple Skies :fluttershysad:

2921449 That's a much better name if you ask me.

2921465 Apple Skies or Zap Apple? :applejackconfused:

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