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Life is a Runway · 1:04am Apr 2nd, 2015

OK, so Hasbro has recently given us the gift of a few new Rainbow Rocks songs, including this one called Life is a Runway:

The video shows Rarity using Lyra and Bon Bon as models for a fashion show. Expect this to at least be mentioned in a future chapter of Lyra x Lyra!

Report VitalSpark · 241 views · Story: Lyra x Lyra · #rarity #nsfw #lyra #bon bon #shipping
Comments ( 6 )

Is it just me, or does Rarity look a little bit older?

Anyone else wishing that the major would enter EQG? I do.

2935209 I've always thought they've seemed to portray Rarity as the most mature and probably oldest in the group. Though this is probably more the case with the ponies rather than the humans.

Rarity runs her own business, is trusted with the responsibility of looking after her younger sister, and seems concerned about finding a stallion to settle down with. Much of the same can be applied to Applejack too, but she seems to have more of a playful side to her.

2935799 The major??

I know of Colonel Purple Dart, Commander Easyglider, Generals Firefly and Flash, and Admirals Fairweather and Fairy Flight, but no Majors.

2935825 Why yes. He would make an interesting teenager, though i do wonder what he would do in such a scenario.


While I agree with your statement whole heartily, I was actually saying that she physically looks older than from the last movie. It could just be the way she's drawn, or my eyes just playing tricks on me, but she looks like a year older.

2936966 Well, that would make sense. The actress who plays her would have aged since Rainbow Rocks. :raritywink:

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