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Infernity Zero

I'm Zero. I'm an author-in-training who's using this site as a way to improve his potential. My favorite characters are Rarity, Sunset, and Zecora.

More Blog Posts184

  • 72 weeks
    Farewell Everyone

    So this should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. But now that To Save a Life is complete, I'm leaving Fimfiction. The truth of the matter is that I've simply lost my passion for fanfiction in general now that I've started writing my own original content. It just doesn't compare. I still love the show, and I'll probably pop in from time to time, but my fanfic writing days are over. I regret

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  • 130 weeks
    One Important Question

    If I only manage to finish one story with my new full-time schedule and high list of priorities, which one should it be? From a Shimmer to a Shine or To Save a Life? And why?

    0 comments · 169 views
  • 201 weeks

    I feel so guilty right now. People keep favoriting my stories when I can barely have time to write them now that I have a full-time job. But at the same time, I haven't gotten disinterested in FiM or Equestria Girls either. So I can't officially declare myself dead either. I still pop in from time to time.

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  • 252 weeks
    Where is He Now?

    I just realized that looking back on these old blogs and author's notes that they basically represent snapshots of my life. From community college, to regular college, all the way to grad school. Such is life.

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  • 269 weeks
    From one Blog to Another

    So in the meantime, I've started another official blog; and now that it has a few posts under its belt, I thought I'd share it with you.


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Zero Blogs: Criticism · 2:16pm Apr 8th, 2015

Believe it or not, I originally wasn't to address this. Both because I initially didn't want to linger on this conflict any more than necessary, and because I couldn't think of what to say without sounding butthurt about it.

But I do feel that things like this should be addressed, lest they undermine my future efforts.

I admit that seeing Cryosite's "review" of my story irked me more than his flagging it for plagiarism. It was more than just him not liking it. It was more than him saying that the story offended him. It was even more than him trying to sound professional by nitpicking my author's notes.

Since his comment was about as long as one of Shine's chapters, I'll just mention his little sum-up at the end.

"A lot of that creative effort was spent taking something good and making it crap."

He also derided my previous mentions of Tv Tropes and Equestria Daily as signs that I had deluded myself into thinking my work was good when it wasn't.

Now, you guys have already seen that I have no problem with criticism, as shown by my comments in the other chapters. However, this is not constructive at all. This is downright insulting.

"But Zero," You tell me. "Why bother bringing this up at all? One contrary opinion doesn't change the 168 likes that the story DOES have."

That is true. But this has less to do with the story and more to do with its author.

"So you're lambasting someone for not liking your story?"

Of course not. If I did that every time someone complained, I probably would have rage-quit when CSquared, Knight of the Raven, and Admiral Ponyform left their similarity comments on chapters 3 and 4.

"So why him and not them?"

Because out of all the people who left comments on my story, he is the only one who thinks the work was almost completely worthless. Yes, he complimented my use of Sunset Shimmer as a character, and her interaction with Celestia. However, that doesn't hold a lot of water when he later called the work "sh**ty".

Yes, I admitted that some of his critiques had merit. That's not the problem.

Let me get to the point. You can point out flaws with my work. You can tell me that chapters need rewriting. You can even call it cliche.

But I refuse to believe that my work has no redeeming value whatsoever. If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine. But I will not be called worthless.

"So is this an issue of pride?"

In a sense, yes. I admit, I take pride in my writing. And I want to keep striving forward and get better. Which is why comments like this work me up more than most. Because he's not just saying that Shine is bad. That, I can handle. He's saying it's pure trash and that I was dumb to even think it was anything but. Along that same line, someone else said that if I can't write well, I shouldn't be writing at all. Both of these are unacceptable.

When it comes to writing or anything else, I have standards. Not just for myself, but for my followers as well. I want you guys to be supportive, honest, constructive, and not afraid to call me out if I do something stupid. Even something like this.

And on that note, I think I'll end it here before I start rambling. Thanks for sticking with me for so long, guys.


P.S. I hope I don't regret this.

Report Infernity Zero · 399 views · Story: From a Shimmer to a Shine ·
Comments ( 7 )

Well said.

That guy sounds like a dick.

You messaged me requesting a review after your story was complete. In your own story comment that I tagged in my review for extra clarity, you used large font with bold text asking for feedback.

You don't get to cry about the feedback you get.

I cited your behavior, including tvtropes and eqd things as obvious evidence that you're convinced you've created something especially good. By all means, be proud of your work.

I'm entitled to my own opinion. That you didn't like it because I disagree with you on how good your story is just makes you petty. There are no limits on how much or how little I will like a story. If I think it is trash, I think it is trash. You pointed out in this blog how I had valid criticisms. I pointed out why it is trash.

This isn't just pride "in a sense." This is entirely a pride issue. You're convinced you've written gold. I pointed out how you did not, and hoenstly it baffles me why anyone thinks this is even remotely good.

Whoever told you to stop writing is wrong. You need to do a lot more writing to be as good as you think you are currently.

First off, Cryosite is a she, not a he, so you can go ahead and fix that.

Secondly, getting 168 upvotes on a story really doesn't mean anything. This site has thousands of users who will lap up any piece of drek they come across and hit the green thumb just because you saved them from an hour or two of boredom.

What really counts is the people who care enough to tell you what they think about a story, especially those who leave more than just a single line like 'I loved this' or 'Great story'. Those kind of comments are about as useless as a handful of upvotes.

Now, if you look around, pretty much all of the people who have left you reasonably sized comments have noted that your story could use a lot of work. Maybe instead of grasping for an echo chamber in your blog or on TV Tropes for the momentary high of having people you don't even know praising your name for something you didn't earn, you should look at the criticism you asked for and figure out how you could make this story or the next better.

2962571 I'm not gonna drag this thing out. You made your points clear, and so did I.

We're done here.

"Worthless". There are very few things in this world that are truly worthless. To be worthless is to have no positive effect whatsoever. In fact, I can't think of a single thing without at least some tiny redeeming value. Even that moron who DDoSed fimfiction yesterday at least got Knighty to improve security. Even if your story were worthless to readers, it would still at least be valuable to you as a learning experience. You've got the right idea saying that you won't accept that. Never let anyone tell you your work is worthless. Never let them tell you to give up because you're not good enough. You seem to understand this, so more power to you.

2962580 Well lets fix that then. Why did I love Shine? I loved Shine for its villains. Through the whole thing Adagio was completely in control and executed her plan perfectly. She never slipped up doing what she meant to do, even if outside factors forced her to adjust the plan occasionally. From the beginning the Rainbooms didn't stand a chance. They should have been dead at the final performance.
Adagio had it in the bag, she won! But then at the last second she didn't. Not because the magic of friendship fixed everything with Deus Ex Machina, but because Sunset Shimmer grew as a character and changed the game. So often in fiction when the heroes have lost they come back and win by appealing to some higher power that smites the bad guy for them. They may walk away with a few scars, but overall they're still the same person they were before the final battle. Whether its luck, the Elements of Harmony, or the nebulous forces of Preservation, the hero didn't win themselves. I love Shine because it doesn't do that. Instead, throughout the story Sunset Shimmer overcomes the guilt of her past and her old habits. This builds up until it's all over and she realizes just how much her friends mean to her. Right there she takes a bullet meant for Twilight and finally finds the strength inside herself to ascend. I love Shine because the heroes won by their own merit and not just because heroes always win.
In other stories--especially pony fic--everything usually ends up in sunshine and rainbows. Everybody is fine, the world goes back to normal, Discord is reformed, Luna is saved, and the lonely bookworm finally gets some friends. Not so with this wonderful story. Instead, the villains die, Sunset has to deal with the guilt of that, and Twilight is stranded on earth with a broken horn. The conflict ends, but the repercussions stick around. Life doesn't just return to normal, it changes irrevocably and not necessarily for the better. I love Shine because the scars are more than just skin deep. Nobody walks away from that fight the same way they walked in.
Is Shine a bit rough around the edges? Yeah, you could say that. Some of the dialogue comes off wonkey, the pacing is all over the place, and some characters don't get the development they deserve, but in the end despite all that it's still a great story, and one that I would happily read again. It's certainly nothing resembling "shitty" or "worthless" as Miss Cryosite has said. She's entitled to her opinion, but I couldn't disagree with it more. I'd give Shine a 7/10 for a great story that stumbles just a bit on execution.

Keep at it Zero, I hope to see great things from you someday.

Hope this keeps you motivated to keep doing what you love despite what naysayers say:

I also have a few choice words for Cryosite:

*phew* Sorry, had to get that out of my system.:twilightsheepish:

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